~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It Is What It Is

When I woke up this morning at 11, hey it was a late night, Little R was already outside. I don't know where exactly she is, she left me a note saying she was outside, so that's all I know. It struck me that I am really going to miss her when she goes back to school. It's going to be very lonely around here. With Mr. Man still not living here, it's going to be unbearable. Normally I would be looking forward to back to school. Not so much this year. I'm not the only one not looking forward to it. Little R anticipates problems with the girl who started this whole thing with Mr. Man by telling the counsellor at school that he hit Little R. She's been harassing Little R throughout the summer and accusing Little R of harassing her. I've told Little R to just stay away from her and ignore her. What else can I do? The girl has caused us so much grief already, hopefully she'll just leave Little R alone. Other than that I think Little R is looking forward to getting back to school. It's a shame this girl was ever a part of her life. We tried telling her for years that this girl is bad news. But she wouldn't listen and insisted on hanging around with her. Now she knows. She's seen her true colours and what she is capable of. I am hoping that if Little R ignores her, she will go away.

Yesterday was spent picking up the piles of cut grass and doing some laundry. We have too much grass and we have too many clothes. The laundry is never ending and I don't think I'll ever be caught up. On the other hand Mr. Man doesn't have enough clothes so I am constantly doing his laundry. Little R just throws everything on her floor so I never know what is clean and what is actually worn. She gets hand-me-downs from her sister and I've picked up a few things for her from Freecycle. Not to mention all the new clothes we buy her. I buy clothes for myself at the thrift store, at yard sales and of course I buy new stuff, plus I've gotten some things for myself from Freecycle as well. It's time to go through it all and weed out what we don't really wear to donate to the thrift store. The thing is, I do wear most of my stuff. I just didn't do laundry all summer. I plan on doing some every day until I'm caught up, that's the plan.

SW is on her way home. She should be back Thursday sometime. That's a hell of a long drive, I hope her car makes it. She sends me updates on where she is.

Well the days sure have cooled down. Even when it's sunny there's a cool breeze. Nights are downright chilly. I'm still having trouble believing summer is at an end. I'm just starting to get outside enjoying the lack of snow. Before I know it the snow will be flying again. I'm already looking forward to next summer, it has to be better than this one was. I'm still hoping to have another bonfire before the season is over. We never did get all that barn board cut up. Oh well maybe this weekend. It's the last long weekend of the summer. Normally we would be doing the 4H thing and going to all the Fall Fairs on the weekends. But Little R decided she didn't want to do it this year. I think she missed doing it and may get back into it next year.

So our life is still pretty much hell. Things are looking up though. I feel a little less depressed. I can't wait for this court case to be over and done with and to have Mr. Man back home. I know I do repeat myself, but such is the blog when you have no life. It is what it is. Have a great day.


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