~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Sunday, August 24, 2008


I always thought crickets were an all summer thing. Apparently I was wrong. I was told that they don't come out until August. Since being told that, I notice that it's true. I also mistakenly thought they come out at night. Apparently not, as I listened to a chorus of crickets this afternoon while I sat taking a break from raking. Oh the raking. Remind me again of why I needed a half an acre for a yard. As I'm nursing blisters on my tender under-worked hands from mowing yesterday, they were again irritated today by raking. I was alone in my work today. Little R did a couple of piles but other than that I was on my own. Tomorrows work will be hauling all the piles back to the ditch. The ditch is full from the last time we mowed. We really need to stop letting the grass get so long. My gardens are pitiful. The Phlox are just finishing. I'm surprised they bloomed at all with all the weeds. Everything else is finished, all that's left is the Autumn Joy.

Today was kind of treacherous. Everyone was in a bitchy mood. It came to a crashing hieght when Little R smashed the remote for the tv and Mr. Man told me he wants a divorce. All I did was rake the yard, jeez. They were not getting along today. Somehow it all landed on my head. Eventually we all calmed down and Mr. Man barbecued our dinner and everything mellowed out. He doesn't really want a divorce. My day was going fine until he said that. I was pretty heartbroken once again. But I think I'm ok now. Amazing what a few vodka coolers can do. And an off hand apology.

Oh how I wish we were riding. Mr. Man needs an outlet for his stress and riding is just the thing. He hasn't even tinkered with the bike this year. It's barely visible in the garage. Like I've said this summer was a write off.

I've been talking to an old friend on Facebook. It's been a pleasure. She started a blog and is a very talented writer. You can read it here . It's been great catching up after not seeing each other for about 20 years.

Last week the CAS worker finally returned Little Rs documents and an empty jewelry box. I don't think we'll be hearing so much from her in the future. She said she'd be back in a month. So no longer every couple of weeks. Yay.

I think SW will be heading back home soon. I miss her. This town just isn't the same without her.

Well I'm all out of coolers. Time to head off to bed. Have a great night.


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