~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, September 22, 2008

It Was A Beautiful Fire

The fire was great. We burnt all the branches from the tree that were not suitable for the fireplace. Nothing smells like birch burning, it's a very pleasant aroma. It sure seemed like a lot more wood when I was hauling it all down to the back of the yard. Our friends came over for a little while, unfortunately they couldn't stay long. Mr. Man and I had a great time by ourselves and ended up staying out there until 4 a.m. At one point a neighbour came over, he actually snuck up on us and startled the shit out of me. He was drunk. He proceeded to tell us that he can't sell his house because some houses on the street aren't kept up. His house has been for sale for months. We knew he was referring to us. We were kind of flabbergasted. Personally I think he can't sell his house because he's asking too much for it. They did a lot of work to it and made it a show piece, they sank a lot of money into it. But the houses here just don't sell for as much as he's asking. It was foolish to put so much money into it. Anyways, he just stayed and stayed, it seemed like he was here for hours. We just wanted him to leave. The conversation wasn't very pleasant. Talk about a buzz kill. We were letting the fire die so he would leave and he got up and threw more wood on. The guy had a lot of nerve. Eventually he staggered on home. I admit we have been really slacking this year with cutting the grass and stuff. The place is looking a little rundown. But I find it hard to believe that would stop anyone from buying his house. The market isn't good for selling right now. SW has been trying to sell her place for months as well. Interestingly this guy has never come over here before, this was a first. We just didn't know what to say. We wanted to just tell him to fuck off. But we were polite lol. Ah the nerve when one has liquid courage.

Before our friends got here, I had let Bear out and then promptly forgot he was out. Mr. Man asked "What's Bear doing?" Then I realized he was gone. So Mr. Man went one way and I went the other way, the long way, looking for him. I walked all the way to the end of the street and back through the field, hollering and calling him. When I finally came back home, our friends were here and Bear was in the house. Little R had let him in and he was in the house the whole time!

Sunday, hung over and all, we had to run an errand down to the city. A bad part of the city. An area known for shootings etc. It was a nerve racking drive. While stopped at a red light Little R says "Is that a person laying on the ground over there?" Sure enough it was, and he looked dead. It was at a bus stop and there was a bus driver kicking the guys foot to see if he was dead. That freaked me right out. It was quite creepy and not something you see around here. On the way back we looked again and he was still there, but he was moving, so he wasn't dead. People were walking by just ignoring him. It was so weird. It was a long drive too. It took a few hours to go there and back.

So it turns out Little R has not been going to school. Here I thought she was going every day and things were getting better. Wrong. She's been skipping like mad. Whole days even. It's not looking good. And as for this business of her staying in town after school and us picking her up, no more. We told her we won't be picking her up any more. She must take the school bus home or get stuck in town on her own. It's gotta be this way, hopefully she will just listen and we won't have to actually leave her in town. If not, hopefully she will learn a lesson and just take the bus home. Tough love. Ugh. I'm dreading it. Leaving her stranded in town will be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Why do I have the feeling she will test us too? I know it's going to come to that. She just doesn't listen to reason. I only hope this is the one time she does listen.

Is it any wonder I'm depressed? Life is just not going well lately. Things need to change. Meanwhile I think I'll go lay down now. I was up too early again this morning. Have a great day.


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