~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Birthday Dinner

The place I bought my mums was this farmer dude with a set up in the parking lot of a Canadian Tire store. He also sells lilies. So I took my friend there, she drove down to pick me up then all the way to Fergus, only to discover he was no longer there. I don't know if he's gone for good or if he's only there on weekends. It was pretty disappointing. So we drove around a bit and then I remembered there was a garden center just outside of town. We found it and it was open and my friend bought some mums and stuff. They weren't as nice as the ones the farmer dude had. The prices were about the same. We had a nice little chat and it was oh so good to get out of the house for a couple of hours.

Last night my father took us out for dinner for my birthday. My sister was with him as she had to do the driving, and my brother and his wife met us at the restaurant. It was good to see the family. My sister and father came to our house to pick up me and Little R as Mr. Man was meeting us at the restaurant also. It was perfect timing, we all showed up at the same time. At dinner Little R was a little grossed out since old people tend to talk about their health and ailments. My father is 93. He still drives, just not long distances. He has some health issues these days. I always get a little upset after I see him, because I don't see him very often, and every time I do, I can see him getting older and more frail. His hearing is gone now. He's deaf in one ear and has a hearing aid in the other. So we were often repeating ourselves, or just seemingly being ignored. Oh well, it was just nice to have my family together and that they remembered my birthday. I'm glad they didn't center me out with cake and singing and all that jazz.

My brother took some pictures which I will snag off of Facebook if he ever posts them. Mr. Man took some pictures with his phone but he hasn't loaded them onto the computer yet. My brother just joined Facebook. He has posted tons of photos. He has pictures of my dad when he was a little kid and of his parents and grandparents. We're talking OLD pictures here. Unfortunately he doesn't have them labeled as "these are my great-grandparents" and such, he just has the names and dates of birth and death, so I don't really know who's who. Ever notice people just didn't look happy back in those days?

All week I've been burning that wood from the driveway. It should be seasoned. It's not burning well at all, almost like it's wet. I can't wait to get a load of burnable wood. I've also burned a couple of pieces from the tree we cut down. They too burn really slow. It's funny because it burned fine on the bonfire. I was talking to my nephews wife on messenger this morning and they were getting snow down there in Newfoundland! Thank heavens it hasn't started snowing here yet. I'm not ready for it.

Well that's about it. My counsellor tells me I have to start getting dressed every morning. Apparently I need routine and structure to my days. This is supposed to alleviate my depression. I will admit I do get more done on the days I get dressed. It has just become such a nasty little habit to lounge around in my jammies all day. I just don't see the point of getting dressed if I'm not going anywhere. But I will make my best effort to take the counsellors advice. It can't hurt and it may help. So I'm off to get dressed. Have a great day.


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