Show And Tell # 8

Well it's Friday, that means it's Show and Tell Friday. Click on the link above to go to Kelli's There Is No Place Like Home to participate and enjoy all the other Show and Tells.
I am not a tea drinker, I prefer coffee, but my mother was. She collected tea cups. I have inherited her collection and added to it. Today I'm going to show you my two favourite tea cups out of the collection.
The first one is the pattern "Broadway" by Foley.
The second one has no pattern name and is by Royal Albert.
I have a china cabinet full of tea cups and saucers, but they are so crammed in there you can't really see any of them. I'd love to find a different way of displaying them. I'll never use them, they are just for show. I don't think my mother used these ones, they were just for show.
Hope you enjoyed my little show and tell. I've missed doing it these past couple of months. Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.
very pretty!
I can vouch for the huge amount of "For Show" Tea cups and saucers and I am the tea drinker in this Family.I love your little collections although not nearly as much as I love you. :)>
Oh, they are so beautiful! No wonder they are your favorite! I thought one time about hanging my collection from the walls, but haven't found anything that would work yet.
I found some cups at an auction. They where from WW11 vets when they came home.
How wonderful to have your mom's china and add to it. Its so lovely. The pattern is a old one, but not recalling the name of it. Tea Time magazine had an article on the cups and I believe it was in around April & May 2008
I am always amazed at the artwork on china! These are almost to pretty TOO use!
What beautiful tea cups - I LOVE the pink and green. By the way, sweet, sweet comment from your husband!
I really dislike tea, but I love the cups and saucers. So elegant!
The White House
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