Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday To Me!
Today is my birthday. I'm 47 years old. To be honest, I never expected to live this long lol. I've abused myself over the years. We celebrated yesterday. Mr. Man baked me a cake. We had a turkey dinner because it is Thanksgiving too.

And here's me blowing out the candles and opening gifts.

Saturday was spent in town. We expected to only be a couple of hours but ended up spending the whole day in town. We actually made 2 trips. We forgot some stuff and went back. Mr. Man replaced the washroom door because it was trashed. He didn't have the proper tools so had to make do with what he did have, and it took him hours. But he did it and a good job too. I got a couple of pumpkins, but I couldn't find any reasonably priced small ones, so I only got 2 big ones.
Sunday was spent cleaning up the house. I swept up a TON of dog hair. I found the dogs brush the other day, it was hiding in the spare bedroom, and I took him outside and gave him a good brushing. Hopefully that will help cut down on his shedding all over the house in the future. Mr. Man baked my cake and got the turkey in the oven. Then our guests arrived early in the afternoon. It was so bizarre to see CC after so many years, over 20 years it's been. I was a little freaked out the whole time because she just seemed so different than I remembered her. Even her voice was different. She said the same about me. She was very vibrant and outgoing, and talkative, and that's just not how I remember her. She gave me a birthday gift, a cute card and a bag of her own homegrown. Of course we sampled it right away. I must say I hardly smoke any more, rarely, but I used to be chronic. So that had me feeling a little off too. Then our other guests arrived. CM and her husband. They had been here a couple of months ago, and we went to their picnic in the city this summer, but previous to that I also hadn't seen them in years. CM spoiled me with gifts. She had asked me what I wanted and all I could think of was a new "Ove Glove". My old one wore out and caught fire. I used it all the time for rearranging the logs in the fireplace. Rather than just one, I wanted a pair. Sure enough that was one of things she gave me, a new pair of Ove Gloves! Awesome. She also gave me a beautiful, warm, furry blanket to wrap around myself while sitting at the computer freezing to death. AND she gave me a very pretty towel set. AND she framed a picture she had taken at her picnic of me and Mr. Man. How thoughtful is that? I love this picture and I immediately put it on our mantle. I am so blessed to have such dear old friends, who know me so well, and gave me perfect gifts for my birthday.
CM also brought a fruit bouquet from Edible Arrangements. Not only did it look great but it was yummy too. All kinds of fruit including chocolate covered strawberries. It was sort of a potluck deal, everyone brought something. Including lots of wine. CC brought a green bean casserole which was scrumptious, and squash, which I've never tried before and was good, and some sort of dessert, peanut butter/marshmellow squares that we never actually got around to eating because there was just so much food.
I was just kind of in a daze the whole time. It's all a blur. I wish there wasn't so much going on so we could have just sat and talked. Lots of wine was drank, lots of food was eaten, lots of laughs, a good time was had by all. It ended too early for my likings, but they all had a long drive home. And from reports today, it was a foggy drive.
We prepared to have a nice blazing fire in the fireplace. It's usually freezing in the familyroom, as you well know. What we weren't prepared for was the summer weather. We would have been better off planning a bonfire, but we didn't, and we didn't have any wood cut up for it. So at one point, after dinner, we were all sitting outside on the front deck just getting some air.
CC has been selling on Ebay for 10 years. It was part of the plan for her to teach me while she was here. We eventually got around to it. So I now have my very first listing on Ebay! I'm pretty nervous because I really don't know what I'm doing. There was a lot of horsing around to get my listing posted. You don't really catch on when you have someone telling you where to click and what to do. So, we'll see how this goes. I think I may be better off using Cheapcycle to sell stuff. It certainly is a lot less complicated than Ebay.
So it was a very busy day. I got tipsy and had to stop drinking. I couldn't smile comfortably for any photos, due to my ill fitting dentures. I look like a total dweeb in most of them. I'll post a couple of them here. I just want to say thank you to everyone for making my birthday special and helping me to celebrate getting old.
Here's some pics. First is Mr. Man and Little R.

Next is me and CM.
Me, CM and CC.
The fruit bouquet and the cake. I think Mr. Man was a little rushed with the decorating, but it was done with love.
And here's me blowing out the candles and opening gifts.
I'm a wee bit hungover today, so this post took some effort. Sorry it's so bland and disjointed. I feel like I didn't really get to visit with my friends. There was just too much going on. There were a heck of a lot of pictures taken, but I look so ridiculous in most of them I can't post them. We'll have to do this again sometime, when we can just sit and chat, more relaxed.
Happy Thanksgiving! And Happy Birthday to me! Have a great day.
It was a GREAT day and loads of fun and if you can't be spoiled on your birthday, when can ya be?? I adore that pic of you and me and I'll be getting enlargements made of it!
Glad we could make your birthday special!!
Love ya!
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