~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

eBay...It's My New Obsession

Well eBay has become my new obsession. I now have 7 auctions listed. One of them ends in a couple of hours. I have 5 watchers on this item but no bids yet. I sold my first item this week. There was only one bid. I was disappointed that there wasn't a bidding war and the price didn't go up. I felt the item was worth more than it sold for. But oh well. I learned something from that auction too. Don't list things in the middle of the night because then the auction will be ending in the middle of the night. Timing is important. People tend to wait until the last minute to bid and no one is going to stay up half the night to bid on eBay. I'm really enjoying doing this. Soon I will run out of things around the house to sell. This will forever change yard sales for me. I'll now be looking for things to sell. I find I'm looking at everything differently now, like could I sell that on eBay? Mr. Man is being very supportive, he wants me to keep at it, and he has brought me home packing materials, like bubble wrap, boxes, packing tape and shipping labels. All I really need now is a scale. Potential buyers ask for shipping cost quotes. There is a postal website where you can get quotes, but you need to know the weight of the parcel. I've wanted to do this for a long time. In fact I had created an account on eBay in 2007. It was great to finally come across someone who does it and could show me the ropes and help me get started. It's really going to help with decluttering as well. I'm still posting stuff on Freecycle too. I have someone coming this afternoon to pick something up.

That's about all the excitement around here lately. Didn't do much last weekend. Went grocery shopping. Chopped some firewood. Played some darts. Mr. Man beat me 6-1 games. He bought some heaters for around the house. I don't know why we didn't think of this sooner. They work great. He got ones that oscillate. They really take the chill out of the house. I'm no longer freezing all the time. He got 3 of them. It's quite comfortable in here now.

We're invited to an annual Halloween party tonight. I can't believe Halloween is only a week away. We still haven't bought any candy for it. Haven't even thought about doing the decorating. This is very unusual. I usually have the candy weeks in advance. I usually do the decorating the day of Halloween, but I don't feel like doing it this year. We may just have jack-o-lanterns this year. I'm not sure if we're going to the party tonight or not. We went last year but we didn't dress up. If we do go I'd like to dress up for it this time. It's such a long drive. That's the only reason I hem and haw about going. I think Mr. Man wants to go, so we probably will. Last year I bought a few costumes because they were on sale after Halloween. They were really cheap. Now that I look at them I can't see me wearing any of them. They're all pretty flimsy. I may end up wearing my old tried and true witch outfit.

Really I'm just killing time waiting for my auction to end. An hour and a half left to go and still no bids. I'll probably list a couple more things tonight. I still have a lot to learn about it. I'm still a newbie. But I'm having fun, making a little money and decluttering the house. Nothing wrong with that. Wish me luck. Tune in again for pictures from the Halloween party. Have a great day.


Blogger ? said...

just how would you like your coffee if I may ask? I am curious and hope I can find my way back here

1:04 PM  

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