~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Candy Apples

Even with the heaters it's chilly in here this morning. At least the sun is shining, and it is supposed to warm up a bit. If it doesn't warm up soon I may be forced to make a fire. We still don't have propane for the furnace, sigh. With these heaters we should be able to cut down our propane consumption this winter. It must be really cold out for it to be this chilly inside.

I sold another item on eBay last night. However I only got 1 bid again. It's so much more fun, exciting and interesting when you get multiple bids. I've been fortunate that Mr. Man has been able to provide me with shipping materials. I think I am going to look for a scale this weekend though. It would make quoting shipping costs so much easier. Currently I have to run over to the post office to get quotes, it's a pain.

I made candy apples for the first time ever last night. Too bad I can't even eat them. I used to love candy apples. But with dentures it's just not possible. Well, I don't know if it would be possible if the dentures fit properly. We bought the kits for candy and caramel apples a couple of weeks ago and Little R and Mr. Man decided they had to have them last night. We'll save the caramel for another time. They ate half of them before I thought of taking a picture. They were eating them when they were still gooey. Mr. Man had a glob of red candy hanging on his nose ring, charming.

Too bad, so sad, it sucks to be me.

Mr. Man plays the lottery religiously. We are both convinced that one day he will win. He also thinks we'll find a million dollar painting at a yard sale. One of the things I've been trying to sell off on eBay is a bunch of costume jewelry I inherited from my aunt. Amongst the jewelry was some stamps. Mr. Man was sure they were a gold mine. I looked them up on Google this morning and it turns out they are worth 20 cents each. Sorry Honey, no gold mine there. Not everything I'm listing is selling, but a lot of it is. I'm really having fun doing this. And I'm thrilled to be getting rid of this stuff that has been cluttering up my house and my mind. If I make a few bucks in the process, nothing wrong with that. I am running out of things around the house though. Some of my clutter I will not part with. I'm looking forward to going out searching for little treasures to sell. I'm learning a lot from my friend C. She has really helped me with what to look for. And I couldn't have made it through the maze that is eBay without her help. Speaking of C, it has been fabulous reconnecting with her. We talk via computer every day. I look forward to going to visit her hopefully in the near future. I can't wait to see her "shipping shelf" and all her boxes of treasures lol.

I bought something on eBay. Well I won the auction actually. I bought a Harley Davidson Christmas tree ornament. Mainly I was trying to build feedback so people would buy from me. So I bought something inexpensive and figured it was something I could give to Mr. Man for Christmas. Well last night while he was looking over my shoulder he noticed that I bought something. I got a mini lecture about spending the money as fast as I was getting it. At some point, I figure this morning before I got up, he went in and had a look at what I bought. So once I got up we were talking and the subject came up. I told him what I bought was cheap and I'm making more than I'm spending. He said "yeah, the ornament?" I said "YOU LOOKED???" He said "yeah and that's equivelant to you looking in the bank account last Christmas and seeing that I bought you a laptop. Now we're even." LOL.

Well time to start my day. I got a bit of cleaning done yesterday, but of course there is still plenty to do. Have a great day.


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