~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Thursday, November 06, 2008

That Family Feeling

The weather has been just fantastic the last couple of days. Sunny and mild. It should end this weekend, getting colder and rain. I've actually been turning the heaters off.

The Yes concert was last night. I'm not a big fan. It was a night out. If you are a fan it would have been a great show. Our seats were excellent. I love the Massey Hall. It was my first time there. It's a beautiful old building. I would love to go there to see a band I really like. I only recognized a couple of the songs they played. The songs seemed to go on too long. They are a very instrumental type band. It was ok, I wouldn't have paid to go see them. We had fun. Mr. Man took some pictures but he hasn't loaded them onto the computer yet. On our way home we saw 2 big deers at the side of the road. Mr. Man almost stopped the car and they ran back into the bush. If he had just kept going I think they would have ran out in front of us.

Q107 has a contest going to win tickets to see AC/DC. You enter online giving them your phone number. If they call you just have to answer your phone SINGING "Q shook me all night long". I made Mr. Man and his brother both sign up lol. We saw AC/DC back in 2000, I'd love to see them again any time. The Toronto shows sold right out. Big R is going to see them in Boston, lucky duck.

I have a day trip planned with a friend for next week to get started on Christmas shopping. We got a flyer in the mail today for a Christmas concert at the Town Hall. We might go to that. It was pretty good the one year that we did go. Christmas has a way of sneaking up on me. I know it's time to get started if I hope to get all my shopping done. The last couple of years I really didn't have the spirit. I'm feeling it starting this year already. I'm really feeling my depression lifting. I think part of it is the reunion with T. We have that sense of family back again. And hopefully he will still be staying with us at Christmas. It's been great having him around. Mr. Man is thrilled to have his brother back. I think the feeling is mutual. Having a house guest is helping with my little issues of not getting dressed all day, now I have to get dressed. Yes I think this reunion was a good thing all around. It didn't play out the way it was supposed to with us going to his place for dinner, instead he moved in with us, but that's ok. It'll work out. I'm sure it's only temporary. Well I guess I should get started on cleaning out that spare bedroom. That will be a chore and a half. I have a ton of laundry to do too. Have a great day.


Blogger Cathy said...

YES!! Isn't Massey Hall amazing?? I loved it when we went to see Kids in the Hall, such history and the acooustics in that building absolutely rock...very cool, glad you had a good time!

5:14 PM  

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