~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm An Ebayer!

I now have my second listing up on Ebay. I'm still a little nervous, just not knowing what to expect. It's been fun tracking my items, no bids yet, but I do have a watcher on one item. It will be a learning experience that's for sure.

The other day when I was opening my birthday presents, Bear was right in there. It was so cute. He thought it was Christmas. He was trying to help me open them. He kept grabbing at the bows. Once one was opened and the box and wrappings were discarded on the floor, he was rooting through it, pulled all the tissue out, looking for a present for him. Little R got a short video of him trying to get one of my presents. Yup the poor guy thought it was Christmas.

Bear is adorable at Christmas. He gets just as much stuff as we do. He opens all his own gifts. Last year we had Eddie too. I don't think he knew what to do with the gifts. We had to help him open his. They each got a bag of Snausages and at some point before Christmas, they opened a bag. It was done so neatly you would never guess it was done by dogs. They ate the whole bag. Well we're not sure who did it and if they shared. Bear actually loves Christmas. We usually get him some treats, a few toys, individually wrapped tennis balls. One year he got a bed, another year he got boots, stuff like that. That reminds me, I need to wash his bed.

I haven't posted anything on Freecycle yet this week. I've been too busy with Ebay. And I'm still reeling from the weekend. It was the best birthday I've had in a few years. And just seeing my old friend really blew me away. I hope to get some more stuff posted today. The decluttering continues. I got rid of so much last week. I'm not sure where to begin this week. Now I have to look at things like they may sell on Ebay. I think I already know what my next listing will be. Freecycle and Cheapcycle are just much more convenient and less complicated. But there's a lot more people viewing your items on Ebay. I don't know, we'll see.
We did our civic duty and voted. I don't get any Canadian television so I'll have to wait to see the results online. After going to vote, Mr. Man went over to help SW move some of her furniture out of the house. Her house finally sold and she has to be out by the end of the month. She is looking to rent a place in town. It was actually her brother and Mr. Man doing the moving. I guess she is storing her stuff at her brothers place until she finds a new place to live. I'm going to miss having her just around the corner.

Yesterday was a lazy day. It was much chillier than it had been on the weekend. I had a fire blazing all day. We're getting low on firewood again. I went out back and took a couple of pictures. We have one tree that turns a nice colour. And I have a burning bush, which I don't think is really a burning bush, or it's a different species than I had before. I swear I'm not letting my gardens go next year the way I did this year. I didn't do any weeding and the gardens just look horrible. Well it's 7 a.m and it's still dark out, sigh. Winter is just around the corner. I wanted to post some photos from our drive on Monday, but they are huge and would require resizing and that's just too much work. So I'll leave you with a couple of pictures I took yesterday. Have a great day.


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