It's Bitter Cold And A Few Pictures
I woke up this morning crying. I'm so sad and I don't know why. Well, I was thinking about moving from paradise. I can't make up my mind if I want to stay or move. It is a bitter cold morning. We're supposed to be in a deep freeze for a couple of days and then get some more snow.
I kept busy yesterday. I had my shower and actually got dressed. I undecorated the tree down to the lights. Mr. Man or T have to remove the lights. So there it sits, waiting. Meanwhile I have 3 large boxes of decorations waiting to be taken down to the basement. Again I need one of the guys to do it. I did a load of dishes. I puttered. I kept a roaring fire going all day. Today we really need the fire. When I first woke up I couldn't be bothered getting one going. But when I got up the second time I started one. It takes a while to get it going well enough to really put out heat. By this evening it will be blazing.
I managed to convince Mr. Man to play the video game last night. I had tried it during the day with no success. He gets so into it he doesn't like to play during the week, it cuts into his sleep time. But the satelite wasn't working so he did play and he made some success. Weird as it is, I do enjoy just watching him play and helping him with hints along the way. We like the Zelda games which are adventures. There's all kinds of hints and clues and missions.
So it is bitter cold. I refuse to think about spring. Doing that drove me crazy last year. I'm taking it one day at a time. Trying to enjoy each and every day. That way spring will be here before we know it. I'm not looking at the long cold winter ahead. I'm just getting through each day.
I'm thinking about Mr. Mans birthday. It is fast approaching. I want to do something special. I want to have a party for him. It's been a couple of years since we had a party for it. It's been a while since I even baked a cake. Since I don't think a party is really going to happen I think I'll get him a nice bottle of whiskey and a stack of movies, bake him a cake and make a nice dinner. Then play some darts and try really hard to beat him so he doesn't get bored with winning. Once again, can't make up my mind, I'd like to have people over and have a little party for him. Oh well it's something to think about. It usually serves to break up the winter blahs.
I'm trying really hard to not think about spring. Instead I'm trying to think up ways to break up the winter. We used to do jigsaw puzzles in the winter. But we have nowhere with adequate lighting to do them here. Since we switched the diningroom and livingroom there is no overhead light in the diningroom. I still haven't learned how to do cross stitch. But I'm thinking of family activities anyway. We aren't the outdoorsy, sporty types. We did have a snowmobile but found it too expensive for insurance and a trail pass, so we sold it. None of us has ice skates any more. I don't know, we need a pool table. Hey, that's an idea for Mr. Mans birthday, we could go out to a bar and shoot pool. We haven't done that in a while. I'll end up discussing it with him and he'll shoot me down on everything. He doesn't like a fuss over his birthday, but when I do make a fuss he enjoys it.
Well the fire is coming along nicely, it'll be toasty in here soon. I'm bored out of my mind. I have nothing left to do on the computer and frankly I'm getting tired of sitting here in front of this thing all day, every day. I still have some clean laundry to put away, I think I'll do that today. It's just so cold in the basement, I hate going down there, especially when it's bitter outside, it's that much colder down there then. But that's where all the clean clothes are. I have to fold them and then bring them upstairs to put away. I don't know where I'll put my clothes though, my drawers are packed, can't squeeze another thing in. I really should weed out my clothes. I should also get a bin and pack away my summer clothes making room for the winter stuff. I used to do that, years and years ago. I used to be so organized and I was a neat freak too. Whatever has happened to me?
Sorry for the lack of pictures lately. All through the holidays I didn't post any pictures. I haven't been taking as many as I usually do, but I did take some. Any time we went anywhere I forgot my camera so we ended up using Mr. Mans phone. Now I feel that I should post a few from over the holidays. Here we go...
Here's S & D at Jakes Boathouse a couple of weeks before Christmas, we were celebrating D's birthday and we were there to see the band...

Here's me at a Christmas get together a few days before Christmas, looking happy...

Here's me and my old friend C at the same get together...

Here's Cathy and C, same get together, preparing the munchies...

I'm pretty sure I posted pictures of the company Christmas party already. In the next post I'll have pictures of Christmas.
Have a great day.
I kept busy yesterday. I had my shower and actually got dressed. I undecorated the tree down to the lights. Mr. Man or T have to remove the lights. So there it sits, waiting. Meanwhile I have 3 large boxes of decorations waiting to be taken down to the basement. Again I need one of the guys to do it. I did a load of dishes. I puttered. I kept a roaring fire going all day. Today we really need the fire. When I first woke up I couldn't be bothered getting one going. But when I got up the second time I started one. It takes a while to get it going well enough to really put out heat. By this evening it will be blazing.
I managed to convince Mr. Man to play the video game last night. I had tried it during the day with no success. He gets so into it he doesn't like to play during the week, it cuts into his sleep time. But the satelite wasn't working so he did play and he made some success. Weird as it is, I do enjoy just watching him play and helping him with hints along the way. We like the Zelda games which are adventures. There's all kinds of hints and clues and missions.
So it is bitter cold. I refuse to think about spring. Doing that drove me crazy last year. I'm taking it one day at a time. Trying to enjoy each and every day. That way spring will be here before we know it. I'm not looking at the long cold winter ahead. I'm just getting through each day.
I'm thinking about Mr. Mans birthday. It is fast approaching. I want to do something special. I want to have a party for him. It's been a couple of years since we had a party for it. It's been a while since I even baked a cake. Since I don't think a party is really going to happen I think I'll get him a nice bottle of whiskey and a stack of movies, bake him a cake and make a nice dinner. Then play some darts and try really hard to beat him so he doesn't get bored with winning. Once again, can't make up my mind, I'd like to have people over and have a little party for him. Oh well it's something to think about. It usually serves to break up the winter blahs.
I'm trying really hard to not think about spring. Instead I'm trying to think up ways to break up the winter. We used to do jigsaw puzzles in the winter. But we have nowhere with adequate lighting to do them here. Since we switched the diningroom and livingroom there is no overhead light in the diningroom. I still haven't learned how to do cross stitch. But I'm thinking of family activities anyway. We aren't the outdoorsy, sporty types. We did have a snowmobile but found it too expensive for insurance and a trail pass, so we sold it. None of us has ice skates any more. I don't know, we need a pool table. Hey, that's an idea for Mr. Mans birthday, we could go out to a bar and shoot pool. We haven't done that in a while. I'll end up discussing it with him and he'll shoot me down on everything. He doesn't like a fuss over his birthday, but when I do make a fuss he enjoys it.
Well the fire is coming along nicely, it'll be toasty in here soon. I'm bored out of my mind. I have nothing left to do on the computer and frankly I'm getting tired of sitting here in front of this thing all day, every day. I still have some clean laundry to put away, I think I'll do that today. It's just so cold in the basement, I hate going down there, especially when it's bitter outside, it's that much colder down there then. But that's where all the clean clothes are. I have to fold them and then bring them upstairs to put away. I don't know where I'll put my clothes though, my drawers are packed, can't squeeze another thing in. I really should weed out my clothes. I should also get a bin and pack away my summer clothes making room for the winter stuff. I used to do that, years and years ago. I used to be so organized and I was a neat freak too. Whatever has happened to me?
Sorry for the lack of pictures lately. All through the holidays I didn't post any pictures. I haven't been taking as many as I usually do, but I did take some. Any time we went anywhere I forgot my camera so we ended up using Mr. Mans phone. Now I feel that I should post a few from over the holidays. Here we go...
Here's S & D at Jakes Boathouse a couple of weeks before Christmas, we were celebrating D's birthday and we were there to see the band...

Here's me at a Christmas get together a few days before Christmas, looking happy...

Here's me and my old friend C at the same get together...

Here's Cathy and C, same get together, preparing the munchies...

I'm pretty sure I posted pictures of the company Christmas party already. In the next post I'll have pictures of Christmas.
Have a great day.
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