A Stressful Week
Good morning.
I am supposed to go see an oral surgeon this morning. His office is down in the city but he comes up here once or twice a month and works out of my dentists office. I had an appointment with him up here on the 30th, but there was some mistake and it turns out he won't be here on the 30th. I honestly don't feel up to it today. I have had a very rough week. I've already had one IV this week, don't want another one just yet. I don't know...I think I'm going to call and have it put off. I'm too stressed out today.
Yesterday, as I was walking around the yard looking at my gardens, which have been neglected the last couple of weeks, I noticed I have one Gladiola blooming. I planted some 2 years ago but they never came up. Those are another flower which you have to dig up the bulbs in the fall, which I never did. So its odd that one would have survived and come up. It is a dark pink colour with white on the inside. I also found an Impatien blooming, also a dark pink colour, which I never planted. Strange. Today looks dark and rainy, so I will take more pictures when it gets sunny out again. Another Dahlia bloomed and this one is a deep, dark red colour, very nice colour I think. My pink rose is continuing to grow and bloom. It has gotten very tall. This is the tallest I've seen it get, so I guess moving it last year was a good thing to do. My Clematis got broken (sigh) so it hasn't done anything more. The Sedums (Autumn Joy or Autumn Glory) are starting to turn purple which is a sure sign of autumn. All of my hanging baskets are completely dead from lack of water oops. The hummingbird feeders need to be filled weekly. I just read somewhere that its the time of year that they start migrating and will eat a lot more, and this is when they need it most. Also you will see a lot more of them and this is true. I know there is still a good month left of summer weather, but it sure feels like fall.
We got an email from the bike shop, the bike won't be ready today, or even this weekend. So we won't be able to go on the Poker Run. There is a Show & Shine on Sunday at the shop, we may go to that. We could always roll the bike out and enter it LOL. Its too bad, Hubby was hoping to get some riding in while he was off work all this week. As for Little R's mini bike, she is banned from riding it for a few days as punishment for doing something she wasn't supposed to and then denying it. She rode it so much that first day, her wrist has been sore ever since lol.
There was a 4-H meeting last night. There is another show tomorrow at the Palmerston Fall Fair. Look forward to that. In fact it should be pretty steady now. Fall Fairs every weekend. This is what they practise for all summer. They can win lots of money at it. And they get into all the fairs for free. And its just good clean fun.
Big R got a puppy! A Peekapoo. Half Pekinese, half Poodle. I've just seen pictures, she just got her recently. Her name is Penelope. Haven't heard much from Big R at all lately. I miss her.

So there it is. Pretty cool eh? Well, I'm off to start my day. Keep changing my mind about the oral surgeon. Part of me wants to go and get it over with, part of me wants to take a day off from stress and just stay home today. I'll make up my mind at the last minute.
Have a great day!
I am supposed to go see an oral surgeon this morning. His office is down in the city but he comes up here once or twice a month and works out of my dentists office. I had an appointment with him up here on the 30th, but there was some mistake and it turns out he won't be here on the 30th. I honestly don't feel up to it today. I have had a very rough week. I've already had one IV this week, don't want another one just yet. I don't know...I think I'm going to call and have it put off. I'm too stressed out today.
Yesterday, as I was walking around the yard looking at my gardens, which have been neglected the last couple of weeks, I noticed I have one Gladiola blooming. I planted some 2 years ago but they never came up. Those are another flower which you have to dig up the bulbs in the fall, which I never did. So its odd that one would have survived and come up. It is a dark pink colour with white on the inside. I also found an Impatien blooming, also a dark pink colour, which I never planted. Strange. Today looks dark and rainy, so I will take more pictures when it gets sunny out again. Another Dahlia bloomed and this one is a deep, dark red colour, very nice colour I think. My pink rose is continuing to grow and bloom. It has gotten very tall. This is the tallest I've seen it get, so I guess moving it last year was a good thing to do. My Clematis got broken (sigh) so it hasn't done anything more. The Sedums (Autumn Joy or Autumn Glory) are starting to turn purple which is a sure sign of autumn. All of my hanging baskets are completely dead from lack of water oops. The hummingbird feeders need to be filled weekly. I just read somewhere that its the time of year that they start migrating and will eat a lot more, and this is when they need it most. Also you will see a lot more of them and this is true. I know there is still a good month left of summer weather, but it sure feels like fall.
We got an email from the bike shop, the bike won't be ready today, or even this weekend. So we won't be able to go on the Poker Run. There is a Show & Shine on Sunday at the shop, we may go to that. We could always roll the bike out and enter it LOL. Its too bad, Hubby was hoping to get some riding in while he was off work all this week. As for Little R's mini bike, she is banned from riding it for a few days as punishment for doing something she wasn't supposed to and then denying it. She rode it so much that first day, her wrist has been sore ever since lol.
There was a 4-H meeting last night. There is another show tomorrow at the Palmerston Fall Fair. Look forward to that. In fact it should be pretty steady now. Fall Fairs every weekend. This is what they practise for all summer. They can win lots of money at it. And they get into all the fairs for free. And its just good clean fun.
Big R got a puppy! A Peekapoo. Half Pekinese, half Poodle. I've just seen pictures, she just got her recently. Her name is Penelope. Haven't heard much from Big R at all lately. I miss her.

So there it is. Pretty cool eh? Well, I'm off to start my day. Keep changing my mind about the oral surgeon. Part of me wants to go and get it over with, part of me wants to take a day off from stress and just stay home today. I'll make up my mind at the last minute.
Have a great day!
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