The New Guy...Progress Report
Good evening.

I suppose Jack Russells are known to be hyper and spazzy. I must say, everything he does, is done quickly lol. He can literally bounce himself up in the air. But from what I've seen, for a Jack Russell, he is pretty mellow. Except for the quarrelling with Bear, he doesn't bark excessively. He does lay down and relax and even sleeps ocassionally. Just like his big brother, he wants nothing to do with his own bed. We've had to put all toys away, for now, as they were nothing but fuel for the fire, the root of most of their scraps.
Well, I too am tuckered out and my bed is calling my name.
Have a great night.
Well, the food in Bears bowl still tastes better, apparently. The number of confrontations today was down significantly, they only had 2 or 3 outbursts. Bears nose is out of joint and Edible just wants to play, I think. He sure doesn't like the outdoors as much as Bear does. Every time we took him out, he just wanted to come right back in. Even with his nice new coat on he was shivering. It would appear that they are gradually becoming more tolerant of each other. I still don't know who the dominant one is though. I wonder if they know yet. Any time they do get into it, it's always in the kitchen, and takes place under the table and usually with a chair between them. Their hearts aren't in it. They don't really want to kill each other, it just sounds that way. We learned from "The Dog Whisperer", the most important thing is for us to stay calm and assertive. We just pretend to not notice, and eventually they tucker themselves out and go their seperate ways. I am very much looking forward to the day that they become BFFs.
We are finally getting the snow that was promised by the weather network. It's coming down pretty good out there now. We have several inches on the ground now, which has accumulated over the past week or two. That could be one reason Edible isn't thrilled about being outside, he's so tiny, it must be quite deep for him.
Heres a couple of quickly taken shots of him in his new coat lol...
I suppose Jack Russells are known to be hyper and spazzy. I must say, everything he does, is done quickly lol. He can literally bounce himself up in the air. But from what I've seen, for a Jack Russell, he is pretty mellow. Except for the quarrelling with Bear, he doesn't bark excessively. He does lay down and relax and even sleeps ocassionally. Just like his big brother, he wants nothing to do with his own bed. We've had to put all toys away, for now, as they were nothing but fuel for the fire, the root of most of their scraps.
Well, I too am tuckered out and my bed is calling my name.
Have a great night.
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