~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

My Photo
Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Unproductive Weekend

Yippee, I got the garbage put out before the truck came.

On Saturday Hubby was heading into town and he said he was going shopping for Mothers Day. I told him not to worry about that since I just got a new diamond ring and a car. I'm good, really, I don't need anything else. Apparently he listened to me for once and I didn't even get a card. I thought he would at least pick up a card.

But it's all good, we did spend the day together. We drove to the reserve for smokes and on the way back we stopped at an antique barn flea market thing and a yard sale. And we did buy stuff. I got ripped off buying some Christmas tree ornaments, which is about the last thing in the world I need, more ornaments. We got some bling for Hubby, which was a good deal. We got books. I got a cool old angel garden ornament. We got some more coloured glass. It was fun. Even Hubby enjoys rooting through old crap.

So next weekend is supposed to be my home yard sale. I don't know why I'm out there buying other peoples crap when I already have so much to get rid of myself. I haven't been thinking much about it since the community garage sale a couple of weeks ago. I suppose I could do what I have to do this week and be ready for the weekend.

All in all it was a nice but unproductive weekend. My Hubby rocks, he's really a nice guy. It's the little things.

Have a lovely day today.

Edited to add...

Our adventures this morning...
Yesterday in our travels we saw a patch of Trilliums, right at the side of the road, a small, one lane, back road. There were no homes or farms nearby, it was fairly secluded. Trilliums are our Provincial Flower. It is illegal to remove them. I'm not sure about the law at all. Is it illegal just to pick them? Or is it illegal to dig them up and plant them somewhere else? How illegal is it? Is it just a ticket and a fine? Or do you get hauled off to jail? I don't know.
Anyhow, because the one and only Trillium I have in my garden, which I BOUGHT 2 years ago, got eaten or snapped, Hubby pulled over to dig some up for me. We weren't prepared for this, so we didn't happen to have a shovel or even a trowel in the car. He tried using an ice scraper. It didn't work, the ground was too hard.
Since it wasn't too far away from home, we decided to go back this morning with the proper equipment. We took 3 of them, big root balls and all. As we were pulled over on this little back road which doesn't even have a shoulder to pull over onto, and Hubby was there digging up Trilliums with a shovel, several cars went past. I got out to take a couple of pictures of the flowers, other than that sat in the car. I got to feeling quite paranoid. What if someone stops to yell at us? What if someone gets on their cell phone and calls the cops? What would happen? Finally we were on our way back home, Trilliums safely placed in a plastic bin in the trunk of the car. Didn't we pass a cop on his way to where we were just coming from! Then the paranoia really set in. By the time we got home we were half expecting the O.P.P to be sitting in our driveway waiting to confiscate our illegal gains, as well as our car and home as profits of crime!
Too fuckin funny.
The flowers are now safely planted in my garden and looking gorgeous.

Well then I went to get the mail. Sure enough there was the expected letter from the Township. They have received complaints repeatedly about our dog, namely a Rottwieller, being allowed to run at large. Blah blah blah.
Give me a break. This will be our final written warning to rectify the situation. Any more complaints and we will be fined and charged. Sonofabitch. We so need a fence.
I have a good feeling I know who it is complaining. I have a feeling it is no more than a grudge. It is so infrequent that he actually takes off on me, that they must sit there waiting for it. Why not send in the dog catcher then? Oh, because he's not out there long enough for them to get here and catch him? Like what kind of proof are we talking about here? Doesn't there need to be some kind of proof?
I think it's the guy with the psycho dog named Bear. The 2 Bears got into a fight one time. It was in the ditch in our front yard. That's because our Bear was in our yard and the other Bear came over for a scrap, and he got it. Then there was the time Little R was walking our Bear past their house, on his leash, when the psycho Bear came flying out to the street for another scrap. The guy came out and yelled at Little R, verbally abused her and then kicked our Bear. We called the O.P.P. This dude was out of line, he assaulted our dog, who was on a leash, and verbally assaulted our daughter. This is not cool, hello? So, the cops went and talked to him. I'll bet my boots it's him complaining. He truly believes our dog is the problem. Walk by their house and see what happens. That phsycho dog is going to come through that window one of these days. You can see the glass shaking and wobbling as he goes ballistic any time anyone walks by. Even worse if you have a dog with you.
So, we're going to reply to this letter. We're going to explain our side, that it is just a nieghbour with a grudge. In the future, send out the dog catcher like any normal township. You are being used to harass us. The letter mentions they fear for their safety and that of their children and pets. Hmmmm. That's what makes it sound like him. Everyone else knows damn well, a) Bear will not jump up on people b) Bear loves kids and just wants to play c) all you have to do is say "Bear, go home" and he will. Piss me off.
Edwad, or as he has come to be called lately, Wadly, hehe, is the one to fear people.
I understand it is our responsibility to keep these dogs on our property and under control. I know we need a fence. That will be our next major purchase. I just can't help but wonder what people will come up with to complain about then.


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