I Had A Happy Day!
Little R was off early in the morning for another 4-H show. I didn't have to look very hard for that elusive photo after all. I went into my archives, the very first post I looked at was the one with the picture. With the date from that entry I looked in my pictures at the same date and there it was! Quite painless. While I was there I read all the entries for that month. It was just after the holidays and we had just got Eddie. I was HAPPY. Reading about how happy I was made me feel happy again. It set a good tone for my day.

Later in the morning Bear started bugging me to go out. When I opened the door for him, Edwad snuck out too. Then they both just bolted. There I was going up and down the street calling them. I knew they were out in the field. A lady at the other end of the street called out to me "they're over here, behind my house" and then she drove away. I thought "omg, she's pissed, I hope she doesn't complain to council on me". When I got down to that end of the street another lady came out and told me they were behind her house and I could cut through her garage and yard to go get them. She was very friendly and nice about it all. These are people on my street who I don't know. So there they were, romping through the field together like best buds. They both came right to me without incident, I picked Eddie up and Bear followed and we went home. They were soaking wet from the heavy dew in the field. Man, we need a fence.
I laid down to read and maybe have a nap. Just to pass the time. Didn't get a wink because they are repaving the main road, making a ton of noise, and I wasn't really sleepy. That killed an hour of my day. Just after I got up S.W came to the door. She was going to the 4-H show and invited me along. Sure! So I had a quick shower and she came back to pick me up and off we went. This one was held in town at the Agricultural Center/Fairgrounds. It was an actual fair, though we didn't see much of it beyond the barns. One thing I did see that I don't think I've ever seen before was an ATM trailer. I took a picture of it. None of the pictures I took of the kids in the ring showing turned out. They're all dark and blurry. Little R didn't win again, niether did S.Ws son and daughter. There was a lot of friskyness with many of the calves. The ring was very crowded for the showmanship round, which makes it difficult, and add to that one very stubborn calf, and a bunch of frisky calves, and it was almost chaos. Eventually D.W showed up with a round of Timmys coffee for us, that was much appreciated. Mr. Man never did make it as the show was held earlier than we thought it was going to be. He called just as we were leaving for home, he was locked out of the house. He can't find his house keys. When we got home he showed us the local paper and there was S.Ws kids on the front page! The picture was taken at the barn at the Agricultural Center Thursday night. I was reminded of the time, last year I think it was, when Little R was on the front page. Our kids are all stars now.
Then Mr. Man, Little R and myself headed back to town to do a little back to school shopping. Came home and crashed. All that fresh air in one day just knocked me out.
This morning, Mr. Man has already left to go get smokes at the reserve. When he gets back we are going to town to the Farmers Market. Then we'll probably head over to the Trike-In hoping to catch the rodeo games which we seem to miss every year. Later we'll be going to a pig roast nextdoor. Have a great day, I will.
Heres the picture of the ATM trailer. Imagine hooking up to that puppy and driving away lol. I'm sure its loaded with security features and GPS though. Just, what will they think of next?
And the front page of the local paper...
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