~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, September 03, 2007

Lazy Days

As I said, we were up bright and early on Saturday. We never did go to the Farmers Market. But Mr. Man got an early start on the cigarette run. When he got back we went over to S.W & D.Ws place to a) work on our truck and b) feed their dogs. They are away for the weekend, so we're feeding the dogs. I got to help Mr. Man with the truck, lucky me. I did the masking tape around the windows and whatnot in preperation of painting. It was tricky, can't imagine doing that for a living.

Sunday was a very lazy day. We were both feeling the effects of drinking the night before. The most we did all day was go over to feed the dogs. We went to bed way too early so I'm up way too early this morning. Today is another 4-H show, this time in Mount Forest. We have to be there for 8 a.m. Don't know what time the show is but I imagine there will be lots of waiting around. I guess she'll be wearing my belt again. This year the W kids are showing Jersey calves. Those are the brown ones that I think look more like deer than cows. Little R is showing a Holstein again. We'll have to remember to go feed the dogs before we head up there. The W clan will be going directly from the cottage they're visiting to the fair, we'll meet up with them there.

Hard to believe summer is over. Tomorrow is back to school. There's even leaves turning colour already. It's been cool. Hot when the sun is shining on you but cool when it goes behind a cloud or anything. The nights have been chilly. I am not looking forward to the winter. Also tomorrow I have to go for another biopsy. I'm not looking forward to that either.

Oh well, its time to start getting ready to go. Have a great day.

Edited to add:

As we were leaving the house, S.W pulled up. It turns out they came back late the night before. So we didn't need to go feed the dogs. She was low on gas. We took the route we thought she was taking, but she disappeared. We even backtracked in case she had run out of gas and was stuck somewhere. Nothing. When we got there she was already there.

As expected there was a lot of waiting around. The kids are kept busy with washing and fluffing their calves. There is nothing for us to do but sit around and drink our coffee. Very boring. The day turned out to be very sunny and hot. I'm pretty sure I got too much sun. The ring was outdoors. There was some confusion, the computer crashed or something. So it took even longer than usual to get the show going. At one point Little R was in third place, but then they did another round and she was bumped down, way down. We didn't stick around for the second round. I had too much sun. Those poor kids and calves out in that sun all day. For whatever reason I thought it was going to be a cool, cloudy day, so I wore jeans, duh. We got there just after 8 a.m and it was after 3 p.m when we finally left. We had to get home to let the boys out.

Speaking of the boys. They woke me up at 4 this morning and I've been up ever since. They're both snoozing like babies now, ugh. I'm dreading today. Litte Rs first day of high school. She doesn't want to take the bus, she's getting a ride with S.W. That was a last minute decision last night. Something about getting "nined". I have to be in Palmerston at 9:30 for my biopsy. Fun wow. Then Big R is coming up for a visit and bringing her little dog. Eddie hasn't met Penelope yet. I know he's going to attack her. He's a vicious little shit hyper spaz. It's going to be a hectic day. And I didn't get enough sleep. And the house is a write off. I won't have time to do anything to clean it up.

I tried uploading a little video of Little R in the ring, but I don't think it worked. Have a great day.


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