~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Happy Tuesday

Since Monday was a holiday, Canadian Thanksgiving, there was no garbage collection this week. Next Monday we're allowed to put out twice as much. It is also the monthly large item pick up date. Our trash is starting to pile up, by that I mean we're up to two bags now. We plan on putting out some of the useless old furniture we have cluttering up the place. I've posted some of it on Freecycle but had no takers, so out it goes.

Speaking of Freecycle, we got patio doors from a Freecycler. The patio doors we have are in pretty bad condition. The dogs have shredded the screen and scratched the glass. Plus they're really heavy and sticky, they don't open and close very easily. The ones we got are newer and in excellent condition. They're vinyl so they're lighter. I can't wait til Mr. Man finds the time to change them. But then we'll be stuck with getting rid of the old doors. Sigh.

In another attempt to get rid of some of my clutter I answered a "wanted" post on Freecycle. Someone was looking for certain things, and I have them to give away. I didn't get any response back. Stuff like lamps. Because we finally got some new lamps, so I can Freecycle the old ones. But I can't seem to win. I keep getting stuff, but can't get rid of anything. Freecycle is backfiring on me big time.
Well yesterday was a beautiful day, it was a shame for me to spend the whole day inside the house. Now it looks like they're calling for rain for today, and cooler temperatures. I still have plants sitting in pots I need to get planted in the ground. I've lost several already by not watering them enough. What a waste of money. So I am determined to get the remainder of stuff planted this week. Unfortunately my wheelbarrow is still full of shingles and water. I can't use it until Mr. Man dumps the shingles.

I notice a lot of people have decorated for Halloween already. I usually do it the day of and take it down the next day. I think I may start early this year. I've really been neglecting the yard. I'd like to spend some time on it this week. Now if the weather will just cooperate.

I think I feel better today. Maybe I did have a bit of a hangover yesterday. I did drink a whole bottle of wine. It was a small bottle. It looks like I may be getting rid of a load of books I had posted on Freecycle. That would be nice. But sometimes even when people say they are coming to pick something up they don't show up. So we'll see. I have 3 small boxes of books to get rid of. Someone emailed me about them late last night. They are coming today after dinner to pick them up. I hope they show up. Wish me luck.


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