~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, October 05, 2007


Wednesday evening Mr. Man comes in from work and says "Ok get dressed, let's go".
Me: "Where are we going?"
MM: "We're going to drive to the health card place so you know where you're going".
Me: "But I thought you were driving me there. What are you talking about?"
MM: " (Insert coworkers name here) is picking me up in the morning so you can have the car. Isn't that great?"
Me: "Waaaa waaaaa waaaa".
MM: "Why are you acting like that?"
Me: "Acting like what?"
MM: Like that, crying."
Me: "I'm crying that's all. I don't feel well for one thing. Why are you doing this to me? You said you were driving me there."
MM: "Well (insert coworkers name here) is picking me up at 6:30."
Me: " And who the hell am I supposed to call when the car breaks down? Eh? Who the fuck will I call? You know if anything is going to go wrong with the car that's when it will happen! I haven't driven in two years, the car is making a funny noise and I don't know where the hell I'm going, except that it's in the middle of nowhere! I specifically got my doctor appointment the same day so you would only miss one day of work. Why are you pulling this on me the day before?"
MM: "Ok nevermind. I'll call (coworker). Sorry. Sorry for upsetting you. Sorry for being an ass."
Me: "No problem, I'm used to it."

So I went to see the nurse practitioner at my doctors office. It's not bronchitis, which I kind of figured out because it started getting better and I felt a little silly once I got there because it was clearing up. She told me it was just a virus that will likely clear up in a couple of weeks. But if it gets worse or I start to feel really ill by all means come back. Drink lots of fluids. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Lots of vitamin C. Avoid cheese. Get some otc cough syrup. And I am feeling a little better, the congestion is mellowing out.

In the afternoon we went to get my health card renewed. It was weird because it was at the Agricultural Society building at the Fairgrounds. Just seemed like a really odd and out of the way place to go for this. But sure enough they had a room set up. Not sure if it's there all the time, though it was listed on the directory sign. It seemed like a travelling set up. I was surprised at the number of people there renewing their health cards, it was packed. I guess because I actually had an appointment I was in and out in a couple of minutes. I had to have a new photo taken with the bad haircut and all. All in all it was pretty painless. From there we went to Staples to get printer ink and printer paper. Grabbed Timmys coffee and came home. The car never broke down.

After dropping me off at home Mr. Man headed over to D.Ws to work on the truck. He was gone for hours. The good news is, the truck is ready to be painted. Finally it really will be ready soon. Once he gets the truck back on the road I can have the car. Then I can get used to driving again, gradually, at my own pace.

I got a "Certificate of Appreciation" in the mail from the place I donated my hair to. That was nice. I got a birthday card from my oldest sister last week. Slightly early, like 2 weeks early, but it's the thought that counts. At least she sends me a card, unlike my other siblings. I called my sister, the one my dad lives with, while I was home alone yesterday afternoon. Got the latest news on various family members. We really don't have much to talk about. I didn't even talk to my father. It was like "ok, tell dad I called, tell him I say HI". I'm thinking of going down to see him this holiday Monday. We have a 4-H show on Saturday, then Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. He must be really missing Big R, but he's not letting on. So yeah, I think we'll head down there early on Monday. I don't know when my sister is planning to have her Thanksgiving dinner, so we don't want to crash that. With all her kids and their girlfriends the house will be crowded. Going early in the day should be safe. I miss my dad. Don't see nearly enough of him. He can't drive up here on his own any more. Yup sounds like a plan.

So have a happy Friday.


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