~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Investigation Continues

Here's a picture of my cake. Mr. Man baked it himself and Little R helped him decorate it.

I was up pretty late last night so I slept pretty late today. S.W had invited me out for breakfast this morning but I got up too late. I wasn't up long before the cops were back at the door. They never did come back yesterday so we figured they were done their shift and would come back today. Sure enough, they did. Again Mr. Man stood outside talking to them. I think it was only one cop this time. So now he is doing an investigation, which consisted of going door to door asking all our nieghbours how they feel about our dog. Do you believe that? While he was busy investigating, we jumped in the car and went to town. One of the things we picked up in town was a length of chain to tether Bear up by the back door. We were gone for about an hour, when we got back the cop was gone. There was no ticket or anything in our door. So does that mean he'll be back yet again? Or that he completed his investigation and nothing is going to happen yet again? When we left, the cop was across the street having a lengthy conversation with the nieghbour who we had dog problems with before. You know the guy who verbally attacked our daughter and then assaulted our dog because our daughter walked our dog on a leash in front of their house and their dog came tearing out looking for a scrap? Yeah, that nieghbour. Guess what we saw when we came back home? Their dog out roaming loose in the middle of the street! Just the other day I saw another dog taking a dump in our front yard. What did I do? I ran and got my camera and took pictures of course. Unfortunately they didn't turn out very good, but good enough. It just kills me. All the dogs on this street get loose. But everyone blames the dog shit in their yards on our dog. And everyone freaks out when they see Bear loose because of his breed. Well not even everyone, just a couple of bitches with bad attitudes.
Little R just came in and told me she overheard part of the conversation the cop had with the complainant after doing his investigation. She's good like that, hanging around on the street eavesdropping, to get the scoop, that's my girl. Anyways, she heard something about "lets be realistic" and "there aren't enough complaints". Whew. So maybe they won't be back afterall. Most people on the street know Bear is harmless. He's very people friendly. He is well behaved too. You can just tell him to go home and he will. But there's a couple of folks who just want to BE RIGHT. Most people are aware that Bear isn't the ONLY dog getting loose too. So it seems the cop talked to enough reasonable people to be reasonable about the situation.
Mr. Man has hooked up the chain and we've tested it out. There shouldn't be any more situations. Bear will be tethered just like Eddie and we can live in peace with no loose dogs. Bet your boots I will continue to take pictures of other loose dogs though. Because someone is still dumping dog shit in our yard. Like the last time quite the pile of it right beside the drivers door of the car in the driveway. Nice. Funny thing is, it was too small to be from Bear and too big to be from Eddie. Speaking of Eddie...we took the boys for a walk late last night. Mr. Man had Bear and I had Eddie. Well Eddie started pulling to the left and then to the right, sniffing, and finally he stopped right in the middle of the road, like dead center, and stooped and pooped! I thought it was a great statement. Like take that you street of whiners. Who needs your lawns anyways.
Hopefully this is the end of it all. It's pretty stressful having the cops at your house continually. Knowing you can't quite afford a fence right now, but knowing you should have one. So hopefully the chain will do the trick and we can live in peace. I'm going to go scratch my lottery tickets now and maybe, just maybe I can win something. Wish me luck.


Blogger Susan said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I am always delighted to "meet" new people.

Your BD cake is precious!!! That is so wonderful they made it themselves and together. You are blessed. Happy Birthday!!!

8:08 AM  

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