It's Been A Long Week
Man this seemed like a long week. It snowed almost every day this week. Even when it's not really snowing there is light flurries swirling around. Since the snowblower needs a new petcock (I don't know what that is) it hasn't been working, so our driveway hasn't really been cleared. It's an icy mess. I think it was last Sunday, it was pouring rain but it was freezing as soon as it hit the ground. So all the snow, all two feet of it, is coated in ice. I went out one day to check the level on the propane tank, which was frozen shut, and I wiped out when my foot didn't sink into the snow, I just slid on the ice. Attempting to clear the driveway is on our list of things to do today.

We've been lucky that Eddie hasn't bothered with the Christmas tree. This is our first Christmas with him here and we didn't know what to expect. Thought for sure he would be peeing all over it, but so far, I don't think he has. There's even a few gifts under the tree and he hasn't touched them. Today we are going to get the real tree for down in the familyroom. Hopefully he won't bother with it either. We're debating buying gifts for the dogs. Normally we spoil Bear at Christmas and I swear he's just like a little kid, he knows what's going on, somewhat. He's already tried to snag a couple of gifts, he knows there's goodies in them. But Mr. Man thinks they will just fight over everything. His solution is to not get them anything. I'm sorry, I can't do that. Eddie might not know the difference, but Bear will and he'll feel left out. So today I plan on getting them some gifts.
I'm pretty much done my shopping, yay me. My friend Jade picked me up and drove me to town the other day. I got a lot of shopping done then. That was so nice of her since she lives in town, so quite a bit of driving back and forth for her. All that's left is the dogs and little things here and there. It's going to be tricky getting the tree home today without a truck. Another to do for today, get the truck on the road for once and for all. Don't know if it's reasonable to expect that, but it would be nice.
Tonight we are going out to shoot some pool and have some drinks. The bar we were originally planning to go to burnt down this week so we had to pick another bar to go to. Well it didn't actually burn down, but it did have a fire and won't be open. I'm looking forward to getting out tonight.
I've been staying up til 1 am every night watching sappy Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel, trying to get the Christmas spirit. It isn't working. Every night this month, starting at 9, they show 2 movies back to back. They're all of the "made for tv" variety. I'm thinking Christmas spirit cannot be forced. Either you feel it or you don't. Sadly I don't. But I still have hope that it will come.
So that's it, it's been a long, boring week. I'm glad the weekend is finally here. Hopefully we'll get some stuff accomplished today. Have a great day.
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