Not Another Weather Warning, Sigh
We went to my brothers for Christmas dinner. I'm so glad we went. It was very nice to see the family. It was a traditional turkey dinner after all. We had gone to town and it was such a zoo, what should have taken 10 minutes took an hour. So that set us behind schedule, we arrived later than we were supposed to. I forgot my camera, but by the time I realized it, there was no turning back. My brother is quite the little photographer, he took some pictures. And before I knew it he was handing me a CD he burned. I just thought that was the sweetest thing.
He was showing me his iPod, one thing I don't have, and I told him I don't have one, he misunderstood and thought I said I didn't have a digital camera, so he tried to give me one! Like I said he's into photography so I guess he upgrades his cameras and he had an old one laying around. Again I thought that was just so sweet of him.
My brother lives in a condo on the 15th floor. It was quite the todo every time Mr. Man and I wanted to go out for a smoke. We had to put on our coats and boots and travel down in the elevator. I felt guilty every time we went, but what can I say, we're addicts.
As my brother was showing me stuff on his computer, and I am just so glad someone in the family has a computer, what did I do? I punched in the address for this here blog. So now my brother has access to my ramblings. He didn't seem very enthusiastic, I don't think he's into reading. But if you do happen to read this brother, thank you again for having us, we needed a family Christmas dinner, it's been too long.
When I opened the pictures, they were huge, so once again I had to resize them in order to post them here. Hopefully it worked and they are an uploadable size.
First we have my most handsome husband, Mr. Man...

Then, my most beautiful daughter, Little R...

Now here's where it gets tricky. The rest of the pictures aren't as small because it messed them up, so hopefully this will work. Here is me, my father, my sister and my brother...

Yay! Next is my brother and his wife...

And finally we have my brothers step-daughter and her boyfriend. These are amazing people. They are blind and it just never ceases to amaze me how well they function and adapt.

Sadly, as nice as it was to see the family again, and to enjoy a lovely dinner, I still don't have the Christmas spirit. I have a feeling it just isn't going to happen for me this year. I think maybe I'm trying too hard. I want it so badly, no matter what, it eludes me.
We arrived home around 10 pm and decided to play some darts. SW had invited us out to the bar after but it was too much of a drive so we just stayed home. Mr. Man kicked my butt, then so did Little R. I didn't win a single game.
Today we are just hanging out together at home, and later in the day we're going over to SWs for a little visit. I see there's a weather warning in effect, but I didn't read it to see what it's about. They were calling for rain, maybe it's changed to snow, ugh. I'm gonna go read that now. Have a great day.
He was showing me his iPod, one thing I don't have, and I told him I don't have one, he misunderstood and thought I said I didn't have a digital camera, so he tried to give me one! Like I said he's into photography so I guess he upgrades his cameras and he had an old one laying around. Again I thought that was just so sweet of him.
My brother lives in a condo on the 15th floor. It was quite the todo every time Mr. Man and I wanted to go out for a smoke. We had to put on our coats and boots and travel down in the elevator. I felt guilty every time we went, but what can I say, we're addicts.
As my brother was showing me stuff on his computer, and I am just so glad someone in the family has a computer, what did I do? I punched in the address for this here blog. So now my brother has access to my ramblings. He didn't seem very enthusiastic, I don't think he's into reading. But if you do happen to read this brother, thank you again for having us, we needed a family Christmas dinner, it's been too long.
When I opened the pictures, they were huge, so once again I had to resize them in order to post them here. Hopefully it worked and they are an uploadable size.
First we have my most handsome husband, Mr. Man...
Then, my most beautiful daughter, Little R...
Now here's where it gets tricky. The rest of the pictures aren't as small because it messed them up, so hopefully this will work. Here is me, my father, my sister and my brother...
Yay! Next is my brother and his wife...
And finally we have my brothers step-daughter and her boyfriend. These are amazing people. They are blind and it just never ceases to amaze me how well they function and adapt.
Sadly, as nice as it was to see the family again, and to enjoy a lovely dinner, I still don't have the Christmas spirit. I have a feeling it just isn't going to happen for me this year. I think maybe I'm trying too hard. I want it so badly, no matter what, it eludes me.
We arrived home around 10 pm and decided to play some darts. SW had invited us out to the bar after but it was too much of a drive so we just stayed home. Mr. Man kicked my butt, then so did Little R. I didn't win a single game.
Today we are just hanging out together at home, and later in the day we're going over to SWs for a little visit. I see there's a weather warning in effect, but I didn't read it to see what it's about. They were calling for rain, maybe it's changed to snow, ugh. I'm gonna go read that now. Have a great day.
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