~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Still Snowed In

I never did go out and shovel yesterday. I just couldn't make myself do it. It was so cold out. It was much nicer inside by the fire. Poor old Mr. Man did the shoveling after dinner. The thing is, it had to be done if we want propane delivered. You have to clear a path for them to get to the tank or they won't deliver. Mr. Man put in the order on Monday so they should come today or tomorrow. Hopefully it won't snow again before they come.

I didn't put the garbage out for the second week in a row. It's buried by the back door and I still can't get out the back door. I may tackle that today. I think it's safe to say we'll be having a white Christmas. Four years ago that would have thrilled me. The thought of being snowed in would have been romantic and cozy. Now, this being our fifth winter here, it's not so romantic or cozy, it's a pain. The novelty has worn off. I feel trapped and isolated. A big part of that is from not having a car too. I agreed to live here as long as I always have a car. Mr. Man is really dragging his feet with getting that truck on the road so I can have my car back. I understand that he can't be out there working on it in a raging blizzard, and there has been some level of snow just about every day. He should have left it in SW's garage until he was finished with it is all I can say. Now he's having problems getting the snowblower going too. That would have come in quite handy this week. He figures he just needs some "quick start", whatever that is, to get it going. He has some, but it was left out in the garage and is frozen. I think he's picking some up today. Just clearing away the snow would go a long way towards making me feel a little better, not so trapped. When you look out the windows and all you see is snow drifts, it's daunting.

I'm so looking forward to going to my brothers on Saturday. I found out my sister and father will also be there. That's who I really wanted to see, so I'm happy about that. It also means I can give them their gifts without making an extra trip down there. I just hope he has a traditional turkey dinner and doesn't try pulling something funky on us like baked fish or something.

That reminds me, I made chicken for dinner last night and I thought it was time I tried eating some meat, so I had some. I was able to eat it without too much discomfort yay. And I can eat potato chips, whew, that's like my favourite food. It is getting a little easier to eat. Guess I'm getting used to it. It's still a little awkward, but getting easier.

Since the back door is blocked by snow and the tethers are buried, I've been letting the dogs out the front door. For the most part they stay in the yard and just do their business and come right back in. But they have taken off a few times. Luckily they haven't been gone long. I think today I will get out there and clear the back door and unbury the tethers. Have a great day.


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