~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

My Photo
Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Fathers Day

Well it sure has been a while. Nothing has changed. Life is still hell, just getting more used to it now. I'm still extremely depressed. The house is still a shambles. On top of all that's going on there's something wrong with the septic, the effulent pump isn't working. So I have pools of sewage in my back yard. I haven't done anything with my gardens. They are looking terrible. I didn't even prune my roses. All I've managed to get done is cut the grass in the front yard. The back is ridiculous. It'll take me days to get it done. If it would ever stop raining. We've had a lot of rain accompanied by thunderstorms. Today we even got some hail with it. Yes the weather has been very unsettled, every day. We've had some super hot days too but they are soon followed by thunderstorms.

On Saturday Mr. Man and I went shopping for him for Fathers Day. He got a bunch of much needed new summer clothes. With me not having a car I couldn't go out shopping for him, so we went together.

Yesterday was Fathers Day. So we trekked down to the city to see my father and bring him a card. I can't even phone him now. I guess we're behind on our phone bill and Bell Canada out of the blue rigged it so we can't call long distance. I didn't know they could do that. Learn something new every day. So we went and had a nice little visit with my dad. He told us that the house I grew up in was being torn down. Apparently he and my sister went there to check it out and they went inside the house and took pictures. We decided to go check it out as well, but we didn't go inside the house. We did go into the backyard and I was a little shocked. I have wonderful, vivid memories of that backyard and of my mothers gardens. There was no sign of any of it. Mr. Man spotted a wild rose and broke a piece off for me to try to regrow. I thought that was so sweet of him. But I have no idea how to make it grow so it probably won't. For now it's in a vase of water. The whole yard was just completely overgrown. It was sad. I now wish I had gone inside the house, even though there was "no trespassing" signs. They already tore down two other houses beside it and have already built the new monstrosities. One of them was sold even. I was born in that house. I grew up in that house. That house has always been there. I'm sad to see it go.

From there we drove to the cemetery. We went to visit my mom. Again I was saddened to see no flowers or anything at her grave. When I lived close to it I used to plant annuals and I had a little angel sitting there. There was nothing. I once planted tulips there but they got mowed down and never came back. We didn't stay long. I want to go back and plant some flowers.

Then we went to a flea market that we haven't been to in many many years. Mr. Man got a new wedding band. We pawned his quite a while ago and never went back for it. He's hard to find rings for because his fingers are so big. We lucked out and found one at the flea market. It was a relief to see. He has a permanent wedding band, a tattoo, but I like to see the gold. He also got a new cell phone holder. We've been looking for just the right one for him. So all in all he scored pretty darn good this Fathers Day. He deserves it, and more.

On the way back home we stopped at a Taco Bell/KFC for something to eat. Then the weather turned bad again and we got home in time for a torrential downpour. We settled in and watched movies.

I am really hoping the end of this nightmare will come this week. But I'm not holding my breath. I wish I could talk about it here.

Well, I'm off to mope around my wreck of a house. Have a great day.
