~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

My Photo
Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, February 27, 2009

T, I Miss You Already

Greetings. Wow, it's been 2 weeks. I've just been spending all my computer time playing euchre. I'm obsessed with it all over again.

We got some more snow last week. This morning it's raining. I'll be glad to see spring.

Uncle T left us this morning. He has been working at his old job this week. Now he's got some side job for the weekends. So he's going to stay in the city. It's supposed to be temporary, he says he's coming back, but we'll see. I miss him already lol. He asked me to play darts with him last night and even though I really didn't feel like it, I figured it's my last chance before he goes so I should and I did. It took getting used to having him here, but I did get used to it and now I'm going to miss him.

Valentines Day was sweet. Little R and I got up and went to town in the morning. We got gifts for Mr. Man and Uncle T. Later in the day they went to town and got gifts for us. Mr. Man gave me chocolates and roses, the standard stuff and a sweet card and a set of Little House On The Prairie books! I was thrilled. T gave me a Shamwow! We all just wanted to see if they really work as good as they do on tv lol. We then had the long weekend ahead to just hang around and enjoy.

Little R has been skipping school the whole time again. We have a meeting at the school on Monday. I think she's going to end up dropping out. Nothing we say to her matters to her. We just can't seem to get through to her. I don't know what else to say about her. She's headed down the wrong path.

Well I'm off to start my day and to play some online euchre. Have a great day.

Friday, February 13, 2009


The weather has been mildish. It was sunny for a couple of days, then it got rainy and foggy. The snow is all melting. It snowed a bit yesterday, but it didn't amount to much. I'm sure we'll get another blast, this can't be the beginning of spring already. It's been so mild I haven't had a fire going for a few days.

Since we can't possibly afford any kind of tropical vacation, I think I should start using up my tanning time. I've had it for 2 years and only gone once. Mr. Man bought me 100 minutes for our anniversary or something. I'm thinking I'm going to go this weekend. This is a long weekend too thankfully. Gotta love Family Day.

Well Little R is back in school and Uncle T has been working with Mr. Man all week. So I've been home alone all week. What do I do to occupy myself? I play euchre online of course lol. I used to be obsessed with online euchre. Then I didn't play at all for the longest time. Now I'm back into it. It's been a couple of weeks that I've been playing again and it is getting old again already.

Here it is 4 in the morning. I've been up since 2 a.m. I don't know if I'm having hot flashes or night sweats or what it is, but I just get so hot I have to get up. Yes I am entering menopause. So I did a little work on my personal site, updating with pictures of T. The whole point of that site was to find him. And it worked! Someone who knows him found my site and told him about it, and that's when he contacted us via Facebook. So it was worth all the effort.

Mr. Man is still talking about moving. In some ways I'd like to move to town. I miss the conveniences of city living. But the one thing I can't wrap my brain around is no more bonfires. Previous to living here we had a cottage at Wasaga Beach. We could go there on weekends and have bonfires. We have since sold the cottage. We have awesome bonfires here. I can't imagine life without bonfires. I'll miss my fireplace too. It isn't set in stone. We will try to stay here. But financially it's just getting to be too much. And the commute for Mr. Man is too much. I imagined growing old here. That's why we picked a place with not a lot of stairs. I didn't imagine giving this place up until I was really too old for it. The thought of leaving breaks my heart. We'll see what happens in the next few months. We may have no choice.

It was Mr. Mans birthday last week. I was going to have people over and stuff. But then some of the people went to Cuba, so that killed that idea. Instead I just baked him a nice cake and actually made dinner. His boss gave him a card with a $100 restaurant card in it, that was mighty generous and a nice surprise. His brother gave him a card with lottery tickets in it. It's hard for me to get to town with no car to actually shop for gifts for him. And now we have Valentines Day tomorrow. Sigh. I could sneak off to town in the morning and get him something. Yeah that's what I think I'll do. It's a Saturday so the car will be here and he can sleep in. Because I really do love him a whole lot. I don't show it as much as I should.

I hope the weather stays mild and we really do get an early spring. One can always hope. I never did hear what the groundhogs had to say. We're running low on firewood, but that 2 bush cords will do us the whole winter. Who am I kidding? I know we'll get blasted again before it's all over. But it's ok, it's almost over. I've kept busy trying not to think about wanting spring. And it's working. I don't feel like I did last year where I just couldn't wait for it.

TGIF. Have a great day.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Changes Are Coming

Well after my last long rambling entry about nothing, I did end up going to bed and sleeping for 4 hours.

Not much has been happening. We got a ton of snow. It snowed steadily for like 4 days straight. A nieghbour gave us his old snowblower this weekend. I guess he got a new one. We haven't used it yet.

Mr. Man decided we were going to have a little Superbowl party. We never watch football but T does. So we humoured him and watched it with him. We were eating and drinking. I don't even remember going to bed, but I did go to bed early, before the game was over. Then of course I was up at 3 this morning.

Little R is going back to school today. We also have family counselling today. I guess she's going to miss it. It's going to be strange without her here. She was home for months.

My niece passed away. I never did get up the courage to go see her. There was no funeral, just a little service at her house and it was for the immediate family only, so we couldn't go.

Other than that and all the snow, not much has been happening. Been playing a lot of darts. Kept a fire going pretty steady. We aren't using the furnace. We've got these electric heaters. So a tank of propane is lasting for months. The hydro bill is through the roof though. The difference is that Hydro will let you make payments where the propane company wants it all up front. And I haven't been freezing all winter like I used to be. It's been comfortable in the house. Only 2 more months of winter.

Mr. Man managed to get a ticket for the light over the license plate being out. I never even noticed those lights. Since he got the ticket I've noticed them, every car has them. What a silly thing to get a $110 ticket for. He was not a happy camper about that.

Well that's about it. Have a great day.