~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

My Photo
Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

It's Winter All Over Again

I woke up yesterday morning to a blanket of white. It had snowed all night and continued to snow all day long. It was even a snow day, no school for the kids. Just the other day I noticed things sprouting in my garden and now it's winter all over again. This morning I woke up to no power. It was off for several hours. The house got damn cold. Of course there is no firewood inside. The power has only been back on for about a half an hour at this point so it's still damn cold in here. But at least I can now have a hot coffee. I'm assuming it was because of downed lines due to the snow and freezing rain. But come on, it's April for crying out loud. Enough already.

We have one of those shade canopies on our back deck. When fall came and it was time to take the canopy off the frame for the winter, Uncle T said he would do it but I said no no let Mr. Man do it because he knows how. It's kind of tricky, you have to take part of the frame apart to get it off. Before Mr. Man got to it the snow came. So we ended up leaving it up all winter. It made it through the winter pretty much unscathed. Then a couple of weeks ago we had terrible wind and it got shredded. It is now literally hanging in shreds. What a waste. Every day I look out the kitchen window at it and am reminded of how foolish and lazy we are and am disappointed.

T is still away working. I spoke to him on the phone once and he told me he misses me too. We actually met up with him briefly this past weekend while he dropped off some material to Mr. Mans shop. He'll be gone for at least a couple more weeks. I hope he does come back eventually. But who knows, he might not.

Nothing new is happening around here. Little R is home with me all the time, she no longer even pretends to go to school. We spend our days playing around on the computers and watching tv. If we end up moving to town she will have to get herself a job. There are no jobs here in paradise.

Mr. Man is grumpy as ever. He works so hard and he feels like he's the only one making any effort. I don't blame him for feeling that way, basically it's the truth. He just keeps taking all his meds and plugging away.

The dog is getting old. The other day he couldn't get up the stairs. He rarely gets out for walks any more. Once the weather turns nice he'll get out more. Meanwhile he spends his days laying around. It's not good for him I know. He must be around 9 years old now. He's starting to show his age. I think he has some arthritis in his hips. Poor guy.

We went to visit my father and sister this past weekend. He amazes me. He is doing so well for his age. I've lost track, I think he is 93. He's still on the ball. When we left, my sister gave me some books. She always gives me books when we visit. I had meant to bring one down to her that I recently read and enjoyed and when I told her about it she said she had already read it and seen the movie lol. I didn't even know it was a movie. I had never heard of the book. I have stacks and stacks of books waiting to be read. I just happened to pick that one a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed it. It's called The Ruins. I forget who the author is. Over the last couple of summers I've bought a ton of books at yard sales and whatnot. I have enough reading material to last me another year. And I read all the time. Mr. Man likes to read too but he hardly has the time for it. Little R also reads but not so much. I really hope she turns into a reader. I can't imagine life without reading books. And I find people who don't read to be strange.

Well I'm off to start my day. Just trying to get warm at this point. I probably won't do much just like every other day. I went tanning with SW 3 times last week. I actually got some colour. I think we're going again this week too. I was hoping it would help me feel better. Just getting out of the house even. But it didn't really do anything for me. But I'm eager to go back. I took advantage of going to town one day and went shopping for Easter treats for Little R and Mr. Man. I'm looking forward to another long weekend. I like having Mr. Man home. I like seeing him get some much needed rest. And on that note, have a great day.