My 600th Post
Wow, it's been a whole month since I last posted. The truth is, not much has happened in the past month. This is also my 600th post! Amazing. It was a lot more fun back in the days when I had a bit of a life to talk about. My life has become rather pathetic. Lately it consists of sitting at the computer, not doing much, watching tv and taking the dog out. To shake things up I do laundry once in a while. There is a book exchange in the laundry room, that reminds me, I do read a lot too. The only time I get out is when I go grocery shopping with Mr. Man. We did go to the local fall fair recently. We went to see the demolition derby but then we couldn't get seats so we didn't really see much of it. Little R got to see her friends and go on rides. We had something to eat and walked around. It was an evening out, together. Wow, exciting.
Little R said she wanted to go back to school this year. We paid the registration fee, we got her a bus pass, got her some supplies, etc. This is the third week into it and she's already given up the charade. She's home. Supposedly she's looking for a job. We also found out she isn't even supposed to go to that school since we moved. She doesn't want to go to the other school. So all we can do is hope she finds a job. A couple of weeks ago, she and 3 friends got caught shoplifting at a store here in town. She basically got off again. She had to return the merchandise and write a letter of apology to the store manager. And they are banned from the store for a year. Sigh. But like the police told me, that's it for her, any more trouble and she will be going to jail. No more getting off. I can only hope there is no more trouble.
I've been getting some good scores from Freecycle lately. A lot of times I will reply to a post saying I want whatever is being offered and I won't get it. But lately I've been getting a lot of stuff. I've also gotten rid of some stuff and it went very fast, the same day I posted it, which is good. I got some clothes for myself and Little R. I got her a lovely dress. Now she just needs somewhere to wear it. I got some crafting supplies including a little wreath. I gave away all my wreaths, fall, Halloween and Christmas, decorations, wreaths, costumes, everything and all my craft supplies. So I want to make up an autumn wreath for the door. Or I may just buy one already made. If I do that, I'll just Freecycle the craft supplies I got. I just knew I wouldn't have anywhere to store all this kind of stuff. And I was right. I got a cute set of cannisters. I got a box of books, all by two of my favourite authors. I got something that is going to be a Christmas gift for a friend, it's perfect. There's a couple of things I've been asking for that I'm having no luck getting. We need dressers and a bookcase. I'll keep trying. But we'll probably end up buying them at some point. I love Freecycle.
The unpacking is still at a standstill. The place is a real mess. But now I've gone and invited people over for my birthday celebration next month. That gives me the motivation to get on with it. Living here feels temporary. I just don't see the point in unpacking everything if we're just going to move again. But I'm sure I'll be happy once it is done. Then it won't feel so temporary. In reality I don't know how long we'll live here. So over the next few weeks I'll be working on that, getting unpacked, making this place home and cleaning it up. I should make Little R help me. She's very good at weasling out of it though.
Well that's about it for now. Mr. Man still hasn't picked up his prizes from winning Stump The Chump. We didn't go to the Summer Bash. It was on a Thursday and nobody wanted to go with us. Hopefully some of the prizes like the tickets to Wild Water Kingdom will still be good for next summer. Summer, such as it was, is over. I hope to have more going on in my life in the near future. I hope for some good times. So maybe for my next post I'll have something good to tell you about. Meanwhile, have a great day.
Little R said she wanted to go back to school this year. We paid the registration fee, we got her a bus pass, got her some supplies, etc. This is the third week into it and she's already given up the charade. She's home. Supposedly she's looking for a job. We also found out she isn't even supposed to go to that school since we moved. She doesn't want to go to the other school. So all we can do is hope she finds a job. A couple of weeks ago, she and 3 friends got caught shoplifting at a store here in town. She basically got off again. She had to return the merchandise and write a letter of apology to the store manager. And they are banned from the store for a year. Sigh. But like the police told me, that's it for her, any more trouble and she will be going to jail. No more getting off. I can only hope there is no more trouble.
I've been getting some good scores from Freecycle lately. A lot of times I will reply to a post saying I want whatever is being offered and I won't get it. But lately I've been getting a lot of stuff. I've also gotten rid of some stuff and it went very fast, the same day I posted it, which is good. I got some clothes for myself and Little R. I got her a lovely dress. Now she just needs somewhere to wear it. I got some crafting supplies including a little wreath. I gave away all my wreaths, fall, Halloween and Christmas, decorations, wreaths, costumes, everything and all my craft supplies. So I want to make up an autumn wreath for the door. Or I may just buy one already made. If I do that, I'll just Freecycle the craft supplies I got. I just knew I wouldn't have anywhere to store all this kind of stuff. And I was right. I got a cute set of cannisters. I got a box of books, all by two of my favourite authors. I got something that is going to be a Christmas gift for a friend, it's perfect. There's a couple of things I've been asking for that I'm having no luck getting. We need dressers and a bookcase. I'll keep trying. But we'll probably end up buying them at some point. I love Freecycle.
The unpacking is still at a standstill. The place is a real mess. But now I've gone and invited people over for my birthday celebration next month. That gives me the motivation to get on with it. Living here feels temporary. I just don't see the point in unpacking everything if we're just going to move again. But I'm sure I'll be happy once it is done. Then it won't feel so temporary. In reality I don't know how long we'll live here. So over the next few weeks I'll be working on that, getting unpacked, making this place home and cleaning it up. I should make Little R help me. She's very good at weasling out of it though.
Well that's about it for now. Mr. Man still hasn't picked up his prizes from winning Stump The Chump. We didn't go to the Summer Bash. It was on a Thursday and nobody wanted to go with us. Hopefully some of the prizes like the tickets to Wild Water Kingdom will still be good for next summer. Summer, such as it was, is over. I hope to have more going on in my life in the near future. I hope for some good times. So maybe for my next post I'll have something good to tell you about. Meanwhile, have a great day.