~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

My Photo
Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer Update

No I haven't forgotten about this blog. I just read over my last post. "We went, we saw, we had fun, we went home". Uuummmm, not quite. I can only speak for myself, but the night we saw David Wilcox, I got smashed. I don't think I was alone in that. They were selling these vodka coolers and they were POTENT. I was complaining that he didn't play any of his old stuff, only to be told, oh yes, he did! Yeah, it was actually quite the evening. So the following weekend, I was getting dressed to go out, and I don't remember now where we were going, but I was donning my gold, when I noticed my bracelet wasn't in my jewellry box where it should have been. I hunted all over the apartment, it wasn't here. The thing about this bracelet is, it was quite expensive. Mr. Man bought it for me almost 20 years ago and it was costly back then. It's unique, there isn't another one like it. It was made by a jeweller I used to do business with down in the city. Every couple of years, without fail, I lose this bracelet! BUT, I ALWAYS find it again! I'm usually drinking when I lose it. It has the little loops on it to attach a safety chain, which I've done, twice. And twice, the chain broke. For whatever reason, it comes undone and falls off my arm. Now, I have been on the bike, noticed it gone, backtracked, and found it on the road, beside a sewer! I have found it, with a flashlight, in a tiny little hole in the floor of the truck, a week after losing it! I can't remember all the instances, but it's been amazing. So I was heartbroken. I swore I would never drink again. I assumed I had lost it in the bar we went to after the show. Mr. Man said he remembered me fooling around with it, doing it back up, in the bar. He recalled offering to help me do it up and I shooed him off. So, I went to the bar and asked if, against all hope, someone had turned it in. The girl I spoke to said she hadn't heard anything but would talk to the manager and let me know. She basically laughed at me and told me what I already knew, that it was highly unlikely anyone would turn it in even if it was found. I scoured the ground outside the bar. Nothing. I happened to be there a few times in the following days and every time I had a look around, didn't find it. I went to the only pawn shop in town. No one had brought it in and I asked him to keep his eyes out and call me if someone brought it in. I made up a little poster to put up by the elevator in our apartment building. I looked all over the parking lot and in the halls. Anywhere we were that night that it could have fallen off. All to no avail. I was just devestated. I was so disappointed in myself. About a week later, Mr. Man says to me on the phone from work, "what could I tell you that would make you really happy?" I said, "that you won the lottery?" He said, "how about, I have your bracelet in my pocket as we speak, but I have to get back to work now, I'll explain later"! My first thought was that he had spoken to the manager at the bar, who did in fact have the bracelet, because I had asked him to call the manager for me. I had ants in my pants waiting for him to get home, so I could see it with my own eyes, and to hear how he found it. Well, it turned out, he went to get something out of his wallet and noticed a lump in his wallet, opened the little zipper, and there it was! It was in his wallet the whole time! Apparently, when it came undone in the bar, I gave it to him to put in his wallet and neither one of us remembered it!! Jeez, a little embarassing. I'd say, thankfully, losing that bracelet was just not meant to be! From now on, I plan on not wearing it out when I know I'll be drinking lol. What a freaking drama, but I was due, I hadn't lost it in several years at this point.

The bike is still sitting in S & D's shop, torn apart, waiting for new parts. We haven't even been to their place in weeks. But Mr. Man still insists we will ride before riding season is over. I have faith. Meanwhile, we've been having fun otherwise every weekend. I don't remember all that we've done. A few weeks ago was the Founders Fair here in town. On Friday we wandered back and forth a couple of times looking for the beer garden, which didn't exist until Saturday. So we just went bar hopping until we met up with Silke and her new man, who we met for the first time that night and really liked, and then we all went to TJs bar for the rest of the night and had a hoot.

A couple of times we got up early on Saturday, grabbed Timmy's coffee and went yard saleing. At one sale, at the most unlikely house, I got a tub of Red Rose Tea figurines, there was about 30 of them, for $3. I just opened the tub and thought, hmm, these things are collectable. Then I came home and went on Ebay to check it out, and yes, they are very collectable. In fact, it sparked my interest in Ebay all over again. I also discovered I had an almost complete set of the Nursery Rhymes collection. In an effort to complete my set I asked for them on Freecycle and one woman gave me about 50 of them! Then my sister gave me another 20. Now I am one short of the complete set, as well as a few of each of other sets. So that is my new mission, completing my set and selling it on Ebay, and continuing to collect these things. A couple of weeks ago I compiled a list of yard sales to hit, from the paper and the internet, and we spent the better part of a Saturday going to them all. A couple of them were on farms which are absolutely the best ones. A lot of yard sales consist of kid stuff, clothes, strollers and toys. If I had grandbabies I'd have a heyday. Every once in a while you hit a good one. Because our big tv died, and it has a built in DVD player, we didn't have a DVD player, got one for $5. We had a couple of cheap phones that just never worked well. We got 2 retro Bell phones, one with a rotary dial even, for $1 and .50 cents. I know, who wants a phone with a rotary dial? Well, we did, lol. It's kind of useless if you have to press 1 for English etc., but that's ok, the other phone is a push button job. We got a watercolour painting for $15. We can't make out the signature, so we don't know who the artist is to look it up. But that's ok because it fits right in with our collection of snow art. Mr. Man bought a wonderful, huge, carved wood elephant for $1. It's folkart and probably worth something. We got all kinds of mentionable deals, the backseat of the car was loaded with goodies, and we spent about $40. We have no plans for this long weekend so I'm hoping to do it again, it's so much fun. I know, a lot of people just don't see the facination in buying other people's junk, but those who are into it do understand. I'm a collector and I love a good deal. And then there's the whole Ebay thing, though much of what I buy will not find it's way onto Ebay.

Last weekend we went to visit my friend who lives right on Lake Erie. I've known her since I was 4. Didn't see her for 25 years then hooked up on Facebook. She is my Ebay guide, as she has been doing it for 10 years or more. We went on Saturday, it was cloudy, the water was really rough and it was threatening rain. We had a barbecue, played Trivial Pursuit, got drunk and forgot to have a bonfire lol. We spent the night, and Sunday was fabulous. It was sunny and hot and there was no wind, which is unusual there. I saw a dog on a jet-ski! We didn't plan on it but we ended up spending the whole day just sitting on her patio, watching the lake, it was awesome. Her brother popped in, he's a skydiver, been doing it since we were kids. There's a drop zone just down the road from her house. He's up around his 10,000th jump! I wish we didn't live so far apart. When we were kids she lived right across the street from me, then they moved around the corner, until early adulthood. One thing we have in common is a love of old things and collecting. Seeing her only once or twice a year just isn't enough.

My visit with Big R in June was very nice. It was so good to see her, I'm so proud of her. We hung out here, then drove Little R back to her current residence in the country, then went for a late lunch. Big R wanted to go to a pub, so I took her to the Mad Hatter because I like their perogies. This was the first time ever I had a drink with her. We had one drink with our lunch. Not because of the drink, but I think it was the best visit we've ever had. And once again, I forgot to give her the bag of her stuff that I've been lugging around and storing for years. She's coming back in the fall and I can't wait.

I'm sure we've done plenty of other stuff, my memory just isn't what it used to be.

That brings us to this weekend. Other than a drive to Scarborough to pick up some lights, we have no plans. There is a big biker bash, but we aren't going this year. As I said, I hope to hit some yard sales this weekend. Otherwise we'll be taking it easy at home. Probably watch some movies, eat junk food and sleep lol. So until next time, peace.