~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

My Photo
Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Here it is Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas! With the exception of a couple of things, I did all my shopping yesterday. Mr. Man will be shopping today. The tree is half decorated. We have boxes and boxes of decorations all over the apartment. The apartment has been drastically cleaned up but there's still more to do. Nothing is wrapped. T has decided not to come spend the holidays with us, he won't even be here for dinner on Boxing Day. We're having some of Mr. Man's family here for turkey dinner on Boxing Day. We're going to the city to see my father and sister tomorrow afternoon. We're so lucky that Mr. Man is off work from noon today until January 4th. He really needs the break. It makes for a very nice, relaxing holiday. We have about a foot of snow on the ground so it will be a white Christmas, yay. I really look forward to seeing some of our relatives. We don't see any of them often enough. But there are so many we won't be seeing. This year will be extremely toned down as far as gifts go. But we're all older now and it just isn't neccesary. I had fun shopping for Mr. Man's niece's kids. I look forward to shopping after Christmas for things like wrapping paper and cards for next year. Usually get great deals on that kind of stuff. I didn't do it last year so I'm paying full price for that stuff, ugh.
The company party a couple of weeks ago was good. We went to The Old Mill. Our limo was an SUV this year instead of the car we usually get and it had a lot more room in it which was great. The restaurant was very nice, there was a band and dancing. The food was fabulous. But then the restaurant closed early so we all piled into the limo and headed off to a bar. We ended up in a crappy little bar in Mississauga. Mr. Man and I got home around 4 a.m. It was a little strange because there's a couple of new guys at Mr. Man's work so there we were partying with 27 year olds lol. One of the guys girlfriends was obnoxious and gave me a headache.
Last weekend we went to visit my friend who lives at Lake Erie. We had a really good visit. I love going there. I wish my friend and I lived closer together so we could see more of each other.
Well I have a lot to do today. I'll probably be posting again soon. Have a wonderful Christmas!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Christmas Is Looming

Finally we're getting some snow. There's a snow squall watch in effect. I guess we're getting a squall right now. Yesterday it was snowing all around us and we hardly got any. Mr. Man was supposed to go to London for his infusion treatment but the doctor called and cancelled because they got so much snow in London.

I've barely started Christmas shopping. I ordered a couple of things online, but actually braving my way through the stores hasn't happened yet. The local Walmart is now open 24 hours. That will come in handy the next couple of weeks. At least I have some idea of what I want to get. The hardest person to buy for is my dad. I have no idea what to get him. He's 95 and doesn't need anything. He's legally blind. I'm open to any suggestions.

This Saturday is the company party. Unfortunately the only family gathering is the same day. We'll have to figure something out to see my family. Every year it's something. I'll have to find something to wear to the company party. I've gained so much weight, nothing fits. Ugh. I refuse to buy bigger clothes. I'm sure I can find something in my collection of velour outfits lol. Thank gawd for stretchy velour.

My eye seems to be pretty much healed. I'm almost out of drops. I have an appointment with an Optician this weekend. Then that's it.

Nothing has been going on. We haven't gone anywhere or done anything. It's just been the grind. Mr. Man just wants to rest on the weekends. So that's it for now. Have a great day.