~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

My Photo
Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Baby Shower, Bike Show and Upcoming Weddings

It's been a very long time since I've been to a baby shower. Put it this way, the last time I went to a baby shower there was no such thing as diaper cakes yet. My friend D is getting her first grandbaby in May, so I went to the shower last weekend. I had a great time shopping for the gift. There is so much cool stuff out there nowadays. The shower was nice, she got tons of stuff. That's going to be one well dressed baby. I sat with D's Mom and sisters, who in all these years I had never met before. It was great to get out for an afternoon and socialize. This past weekend we went to visit T. Haven't seen him since last Thanksgiving. So I finally got to give him his Christmas present, since we didn't even see him at Christmas. He's going through a rough time right now. He's having trouble with an ex girlfriend and with the law because of her. He's also sick. And he's been out of work for 2 months now. I hope things get better for him soon. As soon as I met his ex girlfriend I knew she was going to be a fatal attraction type of deal and I was right. After visiting T we went to the bike show/swap meet at the CNE. Mr. Man didn't find any of the parts he needs. We were expecting beer to be $9 and were pleasantly surprised to find it was only $7. It was much the same old thing, it wasn't very big either. We saw a few old faces. We met up with S there and hung out with him. So it looks like Mr. Man will just have to order the parts he needs and he'll be doing that in the next couple of weeks. I'll be very happy to see the bike getting put back together. A bird slammed into the window here one day recently. Superstition says that's an omen of bad luck or death. Great, just what I need. We seem to have a couple of pigeons making our balcony their home. So I Googled pigeons to find out what to feed them etc. and all I found was ways to get rid of them. It seems pigeons are a common pest lol. I guess they are making a bit of a mess out there. I think they're building a nest. We'll have to get rid of them before they get too comfortable. I'm going to put out my Hummingbird feeder this year and see if I get any here. I never got around to it last year. I miss living in the country and seeing all the wildlife. Oh I forgot to mention after the bike show we stopped in to visit my Dad. He is amazing. He is looking very good for a 96 year old. He's still on the ball. We had a very nice little visit. That reminds me, one of my nephews is getting married in May and his brother is getting married in the fall. So we have two weddings to look forward to this year. I got my dress the other day. I have nothing that fits so I had to get something new. I already got dresses and shoes for Little R. This will be her first wedding. I'm really looking forward to it. Little R is basically living with her boyfriend. I see her once or twice a week. She's not ready to take the leap and move out completely. It's not the best situation and she still needs our assistance quite regularly. Mr. Man is not happy about it at all, but he never says no to helping her out when she needs it. I hope she gets it together soon. That's about it. Mr. Man is working like a fiend. He went in at 4:30 a.m today. But at least his hard work and dedication is appreciated and rewarded. I'm here just trying to beat this depression, lose weight and get my shit together. That's it, that's all, have a great week.