Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Did anyone watch the Olympics? I've never really watched it before but this time I was hooked. I had to fight with Mr. Man and Little R for the tv a lot of the time, they weren't into it. I was happy to see Canada do well. I was a little sad when it was all over. I particularly enjoyed watching the curling. Never watched it before in my life, not quite sure about how to play and the strategies involved, but it looked like something I'd like to try playing. We just happen to have a curling rink around the corner. Anyways I enjoyed it and look forward to the next one. I watched a bit of the Paralympics last night and it just wasn't quite the same. Apparently not as popular either.
I know I have regular readers. I wish you would leave me comments. Otherwise it's like talking to a void. Surely you must have something to say sometimes? Especially like when I confess to being a prescription drug addict. I know my blog has been really boring, especially the last two years or so, that's because my life has been really boring the last couple of years. I used to get out a lot more and do a lot more. My world has become very small. I like to think of it as intimate lol.
I've realised some things being off those pills. The pills made me do things out of character. They made me be dishonest. I was content to be in my own little world as long as I had my pills. Our life has been going downhill the last couple of years and the pills dulled the pain. Those pills covered up my real feelings. Now that I'm off them, I'm overwhelmed with feelings. Negative feelings. But I am trying my damndest to see the bright side.
Life is not ideal. But it has been and could be worse. I have to believe that things will get better. I have to get off my ass and do my part to help make things better. Sadly my mind wants to obsess over all our losses. Somehow I need to switch gears in my mind to look forward and think about what is to be gained. Sometimes I just feel too old to be hopeful.
Today is St. Patrick's Day. I'm not Irish. I've never done anything to celebrate this day. Unless it happens to fall on a weekend and I happen to be out at a bar lol. One place we used to live (and I kind of wish we never left there) the Super. was Irish and they used to decorate the place up. I'm hoping today for a bit of the luck o' the Irish.
It's another beautiful spring day. I don't know what I'll do today. I'm confused. Anyways, please leave me comments. I would truly appreciate it. I know you're out there. People comment to me in person, so why not do it here?
Have a great day. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I know I have regular readers. I wish you would leave me comments. Otherwise it's like talking to a void. Surely you must have something to say sometimes? Especially like when I confess to being a prescription drug addict. I know my blog has been really boring, especially the last two years or so, that's because my life has been really boring the last couple of years. I used to get out a lot more and do a lot more. My world has become very small. I like to think of it as intimate lol.
I've realised some things being off those pills. The pills made me do things out of character. They made me be dishonest. I was content to be in my own little world as long as I had my pills. Our life has been going downhill the last couple of years and the pills dulled the pain. Those pills covered up my real feelings. Now that I'm off them, I'm overwhelmed with feelings. Negative feelings. But I am trying my damndest to see the bright side.
Life is not ideal. But it has been and could be worse. I have to believe that things will get better. I have to get off my ass and do my part to help make things better. Sadly my mind wants to obsess over all our losses. Somehow I need to switch gears in my mind to look forward and think about what is to be gained. Sometimes I just feel too old to be hopeful.
Today is St. Patrick's Day. I'm not Irish. I've never done anything to celebrate this day. Unless it happens to fall on a weekend and I happen to be out at a bar lol. One place we used to live (and I kind of wish we never left there) the Super. was Irish and they used to decorate the place up. I'm hoping today for a bit of the luck o' the Irish.
It's another beautiful spring day. I don't know what I'll do today. I'm confused. Anyways, please leave me comments. I would truly appreciate it. I know you're out there. People comment to me in person, so why not do it here?
Have a great day. Happy St. Patrick's Day!