~Charlene's Web~
Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!
About Me
- Name: Char
- Location: Ontario, Canada
I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
What an exciting weekend we had! Above are some of the pictures we got of Little R modelling at the Toronto Motorcycle Supershow. The fashion show was for a leather shop, so what she is modelling is leather clothes. She did very well and we are very proud of her. It took a lot of guts to get up there and strut her stuff. The self-confidence she gained is priceless. At the beginning of each show people crowded around the stage. It wasn't easy getting pictures. I also got some video. I was surprised at the crowds. I didn't think that many people would be interested in a fashion show. There was a band playing between shows and for whatever reason they did one show with the band playing in the background. There were 7 models and each girl wore 3 outfits per show. Friday there was three shows, Saturday there was four shows and Sunday there was two shows. We weren't there on Friday. Little R went with D, who set the whole thing up and who was there to dress the girls. We went on Saturday and we brought Little Rs boyfriend, Andrew, with us. I think he was thrilled. We did some drinking but at $9 a beer, not a lot. However some folks had the foresight to bring their own booze, so I did get a buzz going. There was a beer garden near the stage so we didn't travel far and didn't see much of the bike show. It turned out D couldn't be there on Sunday to dress the girls so I was asked if I could do it. Of course I said yes. I had no clue and had visions of totally destroying the show. But it was nothing more than zipping chaps and boots and tying tops, making minor adjustments, stuff like that. It was actually fun. Because it was the last day a bottle of champagne was consumed backstage. Little R has already been asked to be in the spring show. We don't have the details like where it is, but she said yes of course. She had so much fun. It was a great experience. Something many girls only dream of. She got to keep one of the outfits she wore for doing it. So not big bucks but it's something. Leather clothing is expensive. She also got a necklace. We are all looking forward to future shows. On Sunday, once the last show was over, we walked around and checked out some of the bike show. We bought some stuff. Mr. Man got a new leather vest, which he needed badly and we got some t-shirts, stuff like that. There was still a lot of the show we didn't see. Parking was crazy, the lot would fill up first thing in the morning. It was crowded. And food and drinks were very expensive. We got a great deal on event shirts, $5. Then we came home and chilled. We were all worn out. And now it's back to the grind. Mr. Man actually didn't go to work yesterday. I'm not sure what his problem was, but he didn't feel up to going in. The Christmas boxes are still sitting here waiting to go back down to the locker. Mr. Man keeps putting it off. I think I'll put my foot down tonight. On that note, I'm out of here, have a great day.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I'm Awake At 3 a.m
Not much has been going on. I managed to get a computer for T from Freecycle. Now it turns out he may be moving, so who knows how long this computer will sit on my diningroom table. Mr. Man had it all set up to make sure it works, he had it online and everything. If T can't find another place right away, he'll likely end up staying with us again. It wasn't so bad at the house because he had his own room and we could get away from each other. But here, we'll be pretty much trapped together. It'd be nice if he could settle down in one place. His job is such that he travels all over Ontario and he only works when there is a job to do. It's not very stable. For example he hasn't worked since before the holidays. No work = no income. I was worried about getting that computer out of here, now it looks like I may have more than that to worry about.
My Little R is going to be a model! It turns out they do want her at the Super Bike Show. She'll be there Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I wasn't planning on spending the whole weekend there, but it looks like that's what we'll be doing. D is going to take her on Friday, not sure about Saturday and we'll have to take her on Sunday. It'll be a great experience for her. It's something she can add to her resume. And it should be a lot of fun for her. I hope she does well. If so, they will use her in other shows too. I don't think she ever aspired to be a model, this just kind of fell in her lap. What a great experience.
I've gained a ton of weight. I was losing weight for the longest time, then all of a sudden I packed it back on. I think part of it is not going out for those daily walks with the dog. Also I've been using sugar in my coffee instead of sweetener. I get no exercise. So I don't know what I'm going to wear all this weekend. None of my jeans fit me. This should be a challenge.
I've been really counting my blessings lately. I've gotten used to the apartment now that it's unpacked. I hated it at first, but now I'm glad to have it. Things could be so much worse. I read a little article on homelessness and I'd much rather live here than be homeless. It made me appreciate what I do have. And really I have all I need and more. It's starting to feel like home and it's cozy. I have a feeling we'll stay here longer than a year. I really don't feel like moving again just yet. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. Our lease is up in May. I feel comfy cozy here now. That's a good thing.
Well not much else to talk about. I guess I'll be back next week with pictures of Little R modelling. It's 3 a.m. I woke up at midnight and was wide awake. I may as well stay up now. Not sure when Mr. Man will be getting up. Could be 4, could be 5. At any rate, I'll be up to make his coffee. I have all day to take a nap and catch up on my sleep. Have a great day.
My Little R is going to be a model! It turns out they do want her at the Super Bike Show. She'll be there Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I wasn't planning on spending the whole weekend there, but it looks like that's what we'll be doing. D is going to take her on Friday, not sure about Saturday and we'll have to take her on Sunday. It'll be a great experience for her. It's something she can add to her resume. And it should be a lot of fun for her. I hope she does well. If so, they will use her in other shows too. I don't think she ever aspired to be a model, this just kind of fell in her lap. What a great experience.
I've gained a ton of weight. I was losing weight for the longest time, then all of a sudden I packed it back on. I think part of it is not going out for those daily walks with the dog. Also I've been using sugar in my coffee instead of sweetener. I get no exercise. So I don't know what I'm going to wear all this weekend. None of my jeans fit me. This should be a challenge.
I've been really counting my blessings lately. I've gotten used to the apartment now that it's unpacked. I hated it at first, but now I'm glad to have it. Things could be so much worse. I read a little article on homelessness and I'd much rather live here than be homeless. It made me appreciate what I do have. And really I have all I need and more. It's starting to feel like home and it's cozy. I have a feeling we'll stay here longer than a year. I really don't feel like moving again just yet. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. Our lease is up in May. I feel comfy cozy here now. That's a good thing.
Well not much else to talk about. I guess I'll be back next week with pictures of Little R modelling. It's 3 a.m. I woke up at midnight and was wide awake. I may as well stay up now. Not sure when Mr. Man will be getting up. Could be 4, could be 5. At any rate, I'll be up to make his coffee. I have all day to take a nap and catch up on my sleep. Have a great day.
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
My Holidays In Pictures

So there you have it, my holiday in pictures. The first one was taken outside the theater in front of the big town tree. I wasn't quite ready as you can tell by the look on my face. D actually has a better copy of that one where I'm smiling. Then there's a few from Christmas Eve at my nephews house. Then a few of Christmas Day. Then New Years Eve.
I've taken everything except the tree down. We'll do the tree on the weekend. This is pretty good for me, I usually leave it all up way too long. Mr. Man has a new helper at work who started today. I can't wait to hear how it went. I'm really hoping it works out. It would be nice to have Mr. Man coming home from work in a good mood.
It's been cold and snowing every day this year. Even though it's snowed all day every day, it's not really accumulating much because it's a fine snow. Cathy told me there still isn't any snow on the ground in the city. She lives in the south end though, there is snow just north of her.
I haven't heard at all from Big R, not even over the holidays. I sent her messages on Facebook but get no reply. She sent us all cards with gift cards, which was nice, but it would have been good to talk to her. I miss her a lot. I know she's busy, but come on.
We might be able to get Little R into modelling at bike shows, we're working on it. She'll get free biker outfits out of it. She has the right look and caught someones eye. I hope that works out for her. And it will get us into the bike shows for free. If we can drag her away from her boyfriend long enough lol. Those two are joined at the hip these days. Ah, young love.
Well, that's it. I am off to do some housework, willingly. Have a great day.
Sunday, January 03, 2010
The Last Day Of The Holidays
I always get a little melancholy after the holidays. I hate taking the tree down. It's always sad to me. Whenever I see a real tree out at the curb on Boxing Day I always wonder how they can do that. I've always kept the tree up until after New Years. Today is Mr. Mans last day of vacation. Tomorrow it's back to the grind. We'll be taking the tree down next weekend.
The whole holiday flew by way too fast. The month of December seemed to fly by. It wasn't the best Christmas we've ever had, but it wasn't the worst either. T was here for a week. Originally he was going to stay until after New Years, but we just couldn't take it. The last couple of days I've been feeling bad for sending him home early. But really, a week is plenty. No need to feel bad. I didn't think about the dog much over the holidays, but the last couple of days he's been on my mind. I've been getting weepy. I hate the end of the holidays.
On New Years Eve we went to S & Ds place. Little R and her boyfriend came too. We partied in their shop. S had been busy all day getting it set up, he hung the dart board out there and moved the light and set up the tunes and had the woodstove going all day getting it nice and warm in there. It's a shop/garage/clubhouse. It's huge and S has built it all himself. It isn't finished yet, but when it is, it will be awesome. As usual we drank too much, and D brought out some food. We had a great time. Took lots of pictures, and there were some doozies! We went snowmobiling too. It was a good night with great people. It was the first time I ever tried chocolate martinis, had a couple of those. D's older son was there with his 2 dogs, one of them really reminded me of Bear. We rang in the new year and got home around 4 a.m. Mr. Man obviously stopped drinking at some point in order to sober up for the drive home. We danced, we played darts, we snowmobiled, we laughed, S even brought out his guitar, but that was short lived. I couldn't think of anywhere or with anyone I would have rather been.
Friday, New Years Day, we were a little hungover and just laid around watching a movie marathon. Saturday was much the same. Little Rs boyfriend brought me a big bottle of my favourite wine. I thought that was so sweet. It's still chilling, Mr. Man and I are going to consume it today and play some darts, if he ever gets up. He's been sleeping as much as possible, he needs the rest. It pretty much hasn't stopped snowing since New Years Eve. It's been really cold too. So now it's just the long, cold winter ahead. I'm going to try my damnest to not fall into a depression. Mr. Mans birthday is in February and there's a long weekend in February too. Things to look forward to. We can always go up to S & Ds place for some snowmobiling and cozy fires. It's that time of year when I tend to break out a jigsaw puzzle or two. It'll be fine. Sure the holidays are over, but the love and friendship is still there. Last year I found it a lot easier to get through the winter by not dwelling on waiting for spring.
Well, I'm off to enjoy the last day of vacation. I'll do a seperate post of holiday photos. Have a great day.
The whole holiday flew by way too fast. The month of December seemed to fly by. It wasn't the best Christmas we've ever had, but it wasn't the worst either. T was here for a week. Originally he was going to stay until after New Years, but we just couldn't take it. The last couple of days I've been feeling bad for sending him home early. But really, a week is plenty. No need to feel bad. I didn't think about the dog much over the holidays, but the last couple of days he's been on my mind. I've been getting weepy. I hate the end of the holidays.
On New Years Eve we went to S & Ds place. Little R and her boyfriend came too. We partied in their shop. S had been busy all day getting it set up, he hung the dart board out there and moved the light and set up the tunes and had the woodstove going all day getting it nice and warm in there. It's a shop/garage/clubhouse. It's huge and S has built it all himself. It isn't finished yet, but when it is, it will be awesome. As usual we drank too much, and D brought out some food. We had a great time. Took lots of pictures, and there were some doozies! We went snowmobiling too. It was a good night with great people. It was the first time I ever tried chocolate martinis, had a couple of those. D's older son was there with his 2 dogs, one of them really reminded me of Bear. We rang in the new year and got home around 4 a.m. Mr. Man obviously stopped drinking at some point in order to sober up for the drive home. We danced, we played darts, we snowmobiled, we laughed, S even brought out his guitar, but that was short lived. I couldn't think of anywhere or with anyone I would have rather been.
Friday, New Years Day, we were a little hungover and just laid around watching a movie marathon. Saturday was much the same. Little Rs boyfriend brought me a big bottle of my favourite wine. I thought that was so sweet. It's still chilling, Mr. Man and I are going to consume it today and play some darts, if he ever gets up. He's been sleeping as much as possible, he needs the rest. It pretty much hasn't stopped snowing since New Years Eve. It's been really cold too. So now it's just the long, cold winter ahead. I'm going to try my damnest to not fall into a depression. Mr. Mans birthday is in February and there's a long weekend in February too. Things to look forward to. We can always go up to S & Ds place for some snowmobiling and cozy fires. It's that time of year when I tend to break out a jigsaw puzzle or two. It'll be fine. Sure the holidays are over, but the love and friendship is still there. Last year I found it a lot easier to get through the winter by not dwelling on waiting for spring.
Well, I'm off to enjoy the last day of vacation. I'll do a seperate post of holiday photos. Have a great day.