~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

My Photo
Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/charswavs12/.wma" LOOP=INFINITE=TRUE>

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Unpacking Continues

So far all I've seen is old people in this building. Feel like I'm living in a seniors building. The super is super chatty. Every time you see her she yaps your ear off. Mr. Man took yesterday off work. We didn't get very much done even with him here. He took a stack of empty boxes with him this morning. He made shelves for the pantry at work on Tuesday only to discover the walls aren't straight and the shelves didn't fit. He's going to try again today. Without those shelves I have nowhere to put food. As we open boxes I keep coming across stuff I forgot I had. I've been freecycling constantly. For the most part it goes smoothly, but the other day I carted a pile of crap down to the lobby only to be stood up by two people. Sometimes it doesn't go smoothly. The boxes were packed at the last minute and are so mixed up its hard to unpack a whole box at once. It'll be a lot better once Big R comes on Monday and we can get rid of all her crap. We have several boxes of her stuff that we were storing for her. She's going to go through them and keep what she wants and the rest we can get rid of. Little R and I walked over to Canadian Tire yesterday and got me some keys cut. I'm really going to have to build up my strength slowly. It's been a very long time since I did any walking. It's good to have a set of keys of my own. Little R went out the other day and took the keys, I couldn't take the dog out or anything while she was gone. We face east so we get the sunrise. Its nice to get the morning sun. But we do need to invest in some window coverings soon. The windows are huge. We have a small window in the washroom which is very nice in an apartment. There's no exhaust fan though. And there's no hood fan in the kitchen either. There is some sort of exhaust fan in the kitchen above the stove. It's not hooked up to a switch and just goes constantly. It makes all kinds of noise. And I'm only assuming it's an exhaust fan, don't know what else it would be. We're in a corner unit and on the top floor so we only have one nieghbour beside us and one below. Now that I think of it there must be somone on the other side of us too. It's a weird shaped building. Regardless, it's very, very quiet. I hope we don't make too much noise. There's lots of stores and shopping within walking distance. That's a big change from paradise. It took us all weekend to move. It was a long weekend. It was only Mr. Man and his brother. It wore Mr. Man out. It's going to take him a while to recover. I hardly did anything and I'm worn out too. I'm so glad I was ruthless with getting rid of stuff. I can't imagine having all that stuff in here. I ordered cable tv the other day so we should have that next week. It's been years since I've seen Canadian tv. Mr. Man still wants to hook up the satellite out on the balcony somehow. Good luck with that. I can't wait to get my high speed internet. Don't know why we had to wait for it. This has been a traumatic experience. I miss my house. I miss paradise. Unpacking is the biggest job I've faced in a long time. But we will make this our home. And I'll grow to like living in town and all the conveniences. I'm gonna go start my day. Have a great day.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

We're All Moved In

Well we're all moved in. Now the fun begins trying to find homes for all our stuff. Obviously we don't have nearly as much space and storage as we had before. I've got boxes piled to the ceiling. I can't get at anything. I have a pantry in the kitchen with no shelves in it. Mr. Man is supposed to make shelves at work today. I just hope he remembers. I've been freecycling my little heart out. Keep coming across stuff we can do without and post it immediately. Our phone isn't hooked up to the buzzer yet so I have to meet these people downstairs. One person came and when I wasn't there waiting for her she buzzed the superintenant! Jeez. It was only yesterday that the super found out we have a dog. She informed us that dogs are not allowed. As long as we take him out the side door and basically hide him and no one complains its ok. We also found out we do get a locker. Thank heavens! Somewhere to store all our Christmas crap. Unpacking is going to be quite the challenge. Of course I have started, but have a long way to go yet. We even have several boxes of Big R's stuff. She is coming up next week for a wedding or something so she's going to come here on Monday and go through her boxes so we can finally get rid of them. Meanwile they are blocking me from getting at my own stuff to unpack. It's crazy and I don't think I'm going to get much done today. I need Mr.Man here to move stuff around. I need him to hook up the computers too. I've been using the laptop at the kitchen counter all weekend. I got rid of a good portion of my coloured glass collection. I got rid of a pile of Christmas stuff. Got rid of clothes. I've really had to improvise with putting stuff away. I'm overwhelmed. I have 3 poeple coming from freecycle today so far. And I have to meet them all downstairs at differnet times. The dog barks every time he hears another dog bark outside. I'm still terrified to walk him. Little R is going out today so I don't know what I'm going to do while she's gone. Hopefully the dog won't need out. Well I'm getting back at it. Wish me luck. It beats being homeless I guess. There's a lot to get used to. Ugh. Have a good day.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Move

It's 2 a.m and I'm sitting in my new apartment wired for sound while everyone else is sound asleep. We were going to use a trailer but then it rained, so Mr. Man rented a truck. We got a late start as there was still a lot of packing to do and Mr. Man had to go pick up his brother. We had another friend who was going to help but Mr. Man cancelled him, not sure why he did that. So we get the truck all loaded up and it got stuck because Mr. Man pulled it right up to the house on the lawn. The rain made it mucky and soft. I have never seen such ruts from the tires spinning in my life! Half my garden got dug up. It was unbelievable. After an hour or more of frigging around and digging the ruts deeper, I said "call a tow truck" so he did. The tow truck came and had no luck pulling it out! He had to go back and get a different truck that was capable of actually lifting the loaded rental truck. They finally succeeded in getting it out and what a bloody mess the front yard is! But the good news is it only cost $100. By now Mr. Man was pretty exhausted and burnt out and we still had to unload. We only brought maybe half our stuff and not all of it got unloaded before everyone was just too burnt out to do any more. So we'll be going back to the house first thing tomorrow and hopefully having a more productive day. We'll be parking the truck in the driveway too! Hell I still have a pile of laundry to do. Man there's a lot of work to do tomorrow. After we were done unloading for the night Mr. Man drove back to the house and picked up the dog. Poor guy just doesn't know what the heck is going on. One good thing about the apartment is the heat. I won't be freezing my butt off in this place, it's smoking hot in here. Have had to have the balcony door open the whole time we've been here. I've got a lot of stuff to Freecycle. Still haven't made it to the thrift store. I'm not bringing the stuff here, so it'll have to be picked up at the house tomorrow. One Freecycler picking up bird feeders offered to buy our trailer. Waiting to hear back from him about that. My computer crapped out on me Saturday morning. I had shut it down Friday night and it just wouldn't turn on again. So I'm on my laptop now. Thank heavens I have a laptop! Well I should go and try to get some sleep, got a big day ahead of me tomorrow. Tons to be done. It's amazing, even though we got rid of tons of crap at the yard sale and through Freecycle and even a nieghbour taking piles of stuff, we still have tons of crap. This place is going to be crammed. I even gave up a whole lot of my coloured glass collection! That killed me. But it had to be done. Ok I'm off. Enjoy the long weekend!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day

I had people here every day all week from Freecycle picking up the leftovers. I got rid of almost everything, I still have a few things left. I've started on the stuff in the house now and furniture. One thing I gave away today was my stereo. I've had that thing for many years. But we just won't have room for it, We have a newer, smaller one. I think we'll be making a trip to the thrift store tomorrow to drop stuff off. I'm going to have to get rid of my kitchen table and chairs which I love.

We're moving next weekend and i haven't even started packing. We are very short on boxes. Most of it will be dishes and my coloured glass collection, books, movies and CDs. There's the dishes we use and the dishes I display in my china cabinet and the spare dishes. Even though I gave a set away and got rid of all the odd stuff to freecycle, I still have too many dishes.

I'm not excited about this move. I love my home and thought we would live here forever. I'm going to miss my fireplace and having bonfires. And now I realize I won't even have a dishwasher at the new place. It's an apartment. In an apartment building. We'll be on the 6th floor. I'll have to haul my laundry down to the first floor one load at a time. And it will cost me $3 a load. We'll have to walk to dog several times a day. It's going to be a lot of changes to get used to. Mr. Man says it's only temporary. I certainly hope so. On the up side we'll be in town closer to everything and people. We'll have high speed internet and cable tv.

I'm really trying to not get too upset and just go with the flow. As long as I know it's not forever I can deal with it. Its been tough getting rid of all my possessions. And with Uncle T helping I think some things got thrown out without my approval. T sold 2 of Mr. Mans drills that weren't even for sale. That was not a good day.

So I probably won't be online for a couple of days while we get situated at the new place. We're going to have to buy all new blinds or curtains for all the windows. The balcony is pretty small. There was no mention of no dogs so we didn't mention that we have a dog. It will be a surprise when we move in. Hopefully there's no problem with it.
Well I should head to bed. Got a lot of packing to do tomorrow. Happy Mothers Day. I actually got a card from Big R this year. Have a great day.

Monday, May 04, 2009

The Yard Sale Was A Success

I finally had my yard sale. We did it Saturday and Sunday. It was a success, though we still had tons of stuff left over, we got rid of a ton of stuff. Saturday went as expected, people came early and it was over early. All the big and expensive items went right away. We made a few hundred dollars. Then Sunday started out really slow. We only had one guy all morning. Then in the afternoon we had more people, they came in drifts. We made a couple more hundred dollars. Around 4 p.m Sunday I posted on Freecycle to come get the leftovers. I still had people here at 10 p.m going through everything. Like I said, it was a success. We had fun doing it, we made lots of money, and we got rid of a ton of stuff. Now we won't have to move all that stuff. One thing that surprised me was that my books didn't sell well. I had 9 boxes of books. With the people from Freecycle they are slowly disappearing. One guy took a whole box. Come 4:00 Sunday I was giving stuff away. I have people coming back today to get more stuff.

We haven't had much luck finding a new place to live. All we can do is keep looking. A lot of places say no pets and no smoking. I'm not too worried yet, I'm sure we'll find something.

T came up for the weekend. He's still here. He was a big help with the yard sale and helping Mr. Man haul garbage out to the bin. Now moving doesn't seem so overwhelming. The bin is halfway full and we haven't even put any furniture in it yet.

Well I had a great weekend. I guess we should get out there and take down the signs. I'm going to take it easy today. Have a great day.