~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

My Photo
Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, November 28, 2008

It's Snowing Again

There's a blizzard going on out there today. It's been snowing heavily all morning. I haven't checked the forecast, so I don't know how much we're supposed to get. We don't usually get this much snow before Christmas, we usually get blasted in January. We've had a couple of green Christmases here, hopefully we'll have a white Christmas this year. After all that looking around at snowblowers, Mr. Man never did buy one. Thankfully T doesn't mind shovelling.

The other day I went to town with D to do a little Christmas shopping. I got a few small things and stocking stuffers. We had a nice time in town. I had planned on buying her lunch as a thank you for driving me to town, but she wasn't hungry. Of course it was snowing that day too and the roads were quite slippery.

We went to court again yesterday and the good news is, it's finally over! It basically got thrown out of court. Mr. Man had to sign a peace bond and he was ordered to continue with family counselling. He is finally allowed to come home! We are all very happy with the outcome, it was almost worth the wait. I am so glad that is finally over with. We celebrated last night. What a long, drawn out ordeal it was. Now we can move ahead with our lives, and get on with it. It was a happy day!

Well I've got a good dent in the Christmas shopping. I usually continue to shop until the last minute. This year is kind of difficult, I just don't know what to get for anyone. I have removed a couple of people from my list. Unfortunately that hasn't really made it any easier. Funny thing is I'm having a tough time with the two people closest to me, Mr. Man and Little R. At least I'm not in a panic about it any more. I have plenty of time now to finish up. It would be a lot easier if I had a car and could just go shopping on my own, as it is I have to count on other people to drive me around. The company Christmas party is on the 13th. We are going to a restaurant/bar with live entertainment in a limo. We are also going to a get together at a friends place in the city on the 20th. Going by last year, we are assuming the company will give Mr. Man a turkey and a ham again. So we plan on having a couple of cozy family dinners at home. I'm in such a good mood thinking about it all, I really look forward to this Christmas. I plan on cleaning the house today to get it ready to start decorating, with the help of T and Little R of course. So I'm off to get started, have a great day.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Lost My Harley Ring

Last night I couldn't find my Harley ring. I have a sick feeling in my stomach. I've had that ring for years. It's a tiny thing and could be anywhere. I'm very sad to have lost something so special to me. I plan on scouring the house tomorrow in the daylight. Though I had a good look around for it last night and it wasn't in any of the usual spots, I may find it somewhere unexpected. My stomach is turning thinking about having lost it forever.

Lazy Sunday

Other than flurries here and there we haven't had any more snow. It's been very cold. The snow has stayed from the storm a week ago. All the trees are still weighted down with it, everything is still covered. It's so pretty.

This week was uneventful. Well except for our car breaking down last weekend. It just died. Mr. Man had it towed to Canadian Tire, only because that was the only place open at the time. They said it would be ready the next day, but of course it wasn't. They got the wrong part. He ended up missing a couple of days of work. Then they told him they wouldn't have the right part until the 25th. So he found a ride into work and got a rental car. Then magically the car was ready on Friday. He picked it up on Saturday and returned the rental car. It was a big expenditure for a month before Christmas, but what can you do? That car has a lot of mileage on it. Hopefully it won't break down again any time soon.

I haven't done any more Christmas shopping. I'm in a panic about it. I want to get it done. I planned on doing some this weekend but that hasn't worked out. Mr. Man isn't feeling well today. Last night he thought he was having a heart attack. And today he isn't feeling too good. I may end up taking him to the hospital before the day is over.

Last night we went over to S & Ds place for dinner and drinks. They are the most awesome hosts, I love going to their place. They had a new house built this year and it is just stunning. It is set in the country on 7 acres. Dinner was great, as usual. After dinner we played pool. We came home a little earlier than I would have liked, then I was up half the night with an upset stomach. That was probably induced by the Big Mac I ate before going over there for dinner. I didn't know we were having dinner, I thought we were just going for drinks. Otherwise I wouldn't have eaten a freaking Big Mac. I won't be eating one again any time soon after that little experience.

So it's Sunday again, another lazy day. I had hoped to go to town today but that isn't going to happen. Just hanging out at home with a fire blazing. I think I'll start decorating for the holidays this week. Hopefully that will give me a little Christmas spirit. I know it's a little early, but not really, it's sneaking up pretty fast. I noticed a lot of houses with lights on last night. We won't be putting up the coloured lights this year but we have the roofline done in clear lights that stay up all year. For one thing the lights are buried in the garage and I'm not sure where they are and for another thing there's too much snow out there to be putting up lights. I really hope to feel the Christmas spirit this year. It's been a few years since I felt it. I am really hoping this year will be different. I wish I knew what is missing, it sure seems like something is missing. I'm sure I said this last year too, but I have hope this year. Christmas spirit is such a wonderful feeling. I have a few weeks to get it flowing. I keep having little fleeting glimpses of it so I have hope this year.

Well I should get going, I want to get the garbage out before it gets dark. First I have to get out of my jammies lol. Yup it's a real lazy day. Have a good one.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The First Snow Storm

I went and got my hair cut on Friday. The girl was so afraid to take any length off it, it doesn't even look like I got it cut. She didn't do quite what I wanted but she tried. Sigh. I never have a good experience with hair cuts, never.

Saturday was a rainy, miserable day. We went to visit SW at her new apartment in town. The Santa Claus parade practically went by her door, so we went out to watch it in the pouring rain. All the floats were just drenched. I didn't have my camera with me so no pictures this year. By Saturday night the rain turned to freezing rain then snow. Our power flickered off several times throughout the evening. Thankfully it didn't stay off. After a nice dinner of lasagne and garlic bread I got drunk with my brother-in-law. I drank a lot more than I thought I did.

Sunday it was a winter wonderland outside. The tree beside my front door was bent right over from the weight of the snow. The whole front side of the house was caked in snow. Everything was just covered. It must have been quite the little storm we had. I didn't get up until 2 in the afternoon and I was really hungover. As the day progressed so did my hangover. By last night I felt just terrible. No more drinking for me for a while. Unfortunately we have plans and parties to attend every weekend leading up to Christmas. I'll just have to take it easy with the drinking because I really do not want to feel like that again. The worst part of a hangover is not the headache and aches and pains but the feelings of guilt and depression. I'm just pulling out of my depression, I don't need to feel that way. I always feel depressed the day after getting drunk. It's not worth it. Little R and T made a snowman in the front yard. It was a very lazy day. This weekend went by way too fast. We really got dumped on with the snow. And now its back to the grind. I really miss Mr. Man when he goes back to work on Mondays. I hope these feelings of depression aren't going to stick around. I hope I feel better today. I so don't want to get depressed again. I was just pulling out of it. I really need a car. Being stuck here without one is brutal.

One day last week T cleaned up our basement. It was an amazing transformation. He just moved stuff around and now theres room down there. The house is kind of a mess again after the weekend. We need to clean out the spare bedroom so T can have his own room. I think I'll start on that today. I've been promising to do it for 2 weeks. He's been sharing the couch with the dog. I just wasn't sure how long he's staying, but it looks like he's staying indefinately. So it would be nice for him to have his own room.

Gawd I still feel terrible. No more drinking for me. I'm going to start my day now. I need to put the garbage out, didn't do it yesterday. I'll leave you with pictures of Little R and T and their snowman. Have a great day.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Snow Is On The Way

Well today is a crappy, cold, rainy day. They are calling for snow next week. This Saturday is the Santa Claus parade in Orangeville. It's supposed to rain. We plan on going to see it anyways.

I recently ordered a couple of things online. I've never done that before. One thing from eBay and one thing from Amazon. I was amazed how fast I got the thing from Amazon, I ordered it Sunday and it arrived on Wednesday. So I have now officially started Christmas shopping. I think this year is going to be gift cards for a lot of people. I just don't feel creative in the gift buying department.

We got our wood delivered and thanks to T it all got stacked and tarped in a few hours. This is what 2 bush cords looks like all stacked...

It doesn't look like a lot to me. I should have got a before picture of it just dumped in the front yard. Part of it got dumped on my garden ugh. Luckily my little Lilac bush was spared. That should last us all winter, but it just doesn't look like it will.

I'm really bored today. I have plenty to do, I'm just not doing anything. It's hard to just lay around with T here who is always puttering. He can't sit still. I got him set up with an email account yesterday. Next will be a Facebook account. He has no experience with computers at all. We'll get him into it slowly.

Well I should go and at least get dressed. I'm still sitting here in my jammies. But it's one of those days, rainy and cold, who wants to change out of the warm flannel? Sigh. Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We Have Snow!

The weather has definately turned. It snowed all day yesterday and we now have snow on the ground. Mr. Man told me it's going to warm up again during the week, we'll see. We're getting 2 bush cords of firewood delivered today, so I hope the weather is nice for hauling it all around back. It's been a couple of years since we had wood delivered. We used to keep it in the garage, but that is now impossible with the mess in there. So we're going to have to stack it along the back of the house and throw a tarp over it. It should be at least a couple of days of work.

The weekend was good. We spent all day Saturday driving around. We went down to Brampton. Then we came back up to Orangeville and drove from store to store looking at snowblowers. We had a nice lunch in town. Then we came home and watched movies all evening. While we were driving around we were listening to the radio. We happened to hear them mention the Legends hockey game the next day. Well, that's the game Mr. Man won tickets for. He thought the game was on the 15th. We came home and checked the tickets and sure enough the game was the next day. We are so lucky we just happened to be listening to the radio, or else we would have missed it and gone all the way to downtown Toronto and been totally embarassed on the 15th.

So Sunday, we went to the Legends hockey game. It was all old players who are in the Hockey Hall of Fame. There was a lot of little ceremonies and stuff. It was a special event. And Kim Mitchell played between periods and after the game. It was fun, we had a blast. The game started at 2 in the afternoon, so it was a nice day out. He won 4 tickets, so we took Little R and T with us.

While we were in all the stores looking at snowblowers I noticed all the Christmas stuff out and it just freaked me out. It's almost Christmastime! I feel this urgency to start shopping. It's only something like 44 days away. I usually start long before this. I'm almost in a panic about it. This year I'm having trouble figuring out what to get for everyone too. I'm usually quite creative. This year I'm clueless. I even considered not buying for a lot of the people I usually buy for. I had the feeling of Christmas spirit about a week ago, but it was fleeting. I hope I feel it again. It's been a few years now since I truly had the Christmas spirit. I really think a big part of the problem is having no little kids around. That takes away the whole Santa thing. We had so much fun playing Santa. Well, I am going to try to have fun with it this year. I long to feel that magical Christmas spirit again.

Well I'm off to start my day. I have to go over to the post office to get some stuff weighed for eBay. Have a great day.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

That Family Feeling

The weather has been just fantastic the last couple of days. Sunny and mild. It should end this weekend, getting colder and rain. I've actually been turning the heaters off.

The Yes concert was last night. I'm not a big fan. It was a night out. If you are a fan it would have been a great show. Our seats were excellent. I love the Massey Hall. It was my first time there. It's a beautiful old building. I would love to go there to see a band I really like. I only recognized a couple of the songs they played. The songs seemed to go on too long. They are a very instrumental type band. It was ok, I wouldn't have paid to go see them. We had fun. Mr. Man took some pictures but he hasn't loaded them onto the computer yet. On our way home we saw 2 big deers at the side of the road. Mr. Man almost stopped the car and they ran back into the bush. If he had just kept going I think they would have ran out in front of us.

Q107 has a contest going to win tickets to see AC/DC. You enter online giving them your phone number. If they call you just have to answer your phone SINGING "Q shook me all night long". I made Mr. Man and his brother both sign up lol. We saw AC/DC back in 2000, I'd love to see them again any time. The Toronto shows sold right out. Big R is going to see them in Boston, lucky duck.

I have a day trip planned with a friend for next week to get started on Christmas shopping. We got a flyer in the mail today for a Christmas concert at the Town Hall. We might go to that. It was pretty good the one year that we did go. Christmas has a way of sneaking up on me. I know it's time to get started if I hope to get all my shopping done. The last couple of years I really didn't have the spirit. I'm feeling it starting this year already. I'm really feeling my depression lifting. I think part of it is the reunion with T. We have that sense of family back again. And hopefully he will still be staying with us at Christmas. It's been great having him around. Mr. Man is thrilled to have his brother back. I think the feeling is mutual. Having a house guest is helping with my little issues of not getting dressed all day, now I have to get dressed. Yes I think this reunion was a good thing all around. It didn't play out the way it was supposed to with us going to his place for dinner, instead he moved in with us, but that's ok. It'll work out. I'm sure it's only temporary. Well I guess I should get started on cleaning out that spare bedroom. That will be a chore and a half. I have a ton of laundry to do too. Have a great day.

Monday, November 03, 2008

The Reunion

Well the weekend was a whirlwind. As soon as we got back from the Reserve on Saturday, Mr. Mans brother called. He was fighting with his girlfriend. Mr. Man drove down to the city to pick him up. Little R and I quickly cleaned up the house. Finally they arrived and there was big hugs passed around. It was 12 years since we saw him. He hasn't changed very much. So Saturday night was spent partying. SW and a friend of hers came over for a while. Sunday was spent just puttering around the house. We went out to eat. Went grocery shopping. Then we settled in to watch home movies. I ended up keeping T up until 1 in the morning. This morning he has gone with Mr. Man and I don't know if he's coming back or what, but I think so. I think he may be here to stay. I don't know how I feel about that. It's awkward. Going from no contact for 12 years to living together, over night. Well, we'll see what happens. Mr. Man is thrilled to have his brother back in his life. One thing that was really freaky is that they both had the same song as their ringtones on their phones!

Mr. Man checked his 6/49 tickets yesterday. All he won was 5 free tickets. We thought for sure he would win something with that many tickets. Oh well.

I sold another item on eBay, yay me. I haven't listed anything for days so next week I won't have any auctions ending. I took a little break from it there. I was starting to get a little confused with so many auctions going.

I'll post a couple of pictures from the weekend. We were drinking Saturday night and I still feel a little off from it. We just don't drink much any more, so when we do it really hits me. Hopefully by the end of the day I'll feel back to normal. Ok so here's the reunion photos...

So there they are, brothers again. I'm so happy for Mr. Man. This is something he's wanted for a long time. Once again the weekend just flew by. I can't believe it's November 3 already. Christmas is going to be on top of us before I know it. I haven't even started shopping or anything. It was pretty cold out all weekend. Its foggy this morning. The snow will be flying soon too. I feel very unprepared. I better start my day. Have a good one.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Let The Christmas Games Begin

First of all, let me show you pictures of our jack-o-lanterns. The first one Litte R did and the second one I did. Little R did a fantastic job on hers. Ok here they are...

And here's Little R dressed in a maid costume, but not knowing how to pose for a picture...

We seemed to hardly get any trick or treaters. It seems like we get less every year. We have candy left over and we didn't buy that much this year. I expected more kids with it being on a Friday. It was not to be. SW popped in, she was out with her son and a couple of friends. It was pretty lame and I'm kind of glad we didn't go all out with the decorating. We would have been disappointed.

Speaking of disappointed, I had an auction end last night. I guess it was bad planning to list something to end on Halloween. I had 3 watchers but got no bids. My item didn't sell. I don't have any ending today and a couple ending tomorrow. I haven't listed anything for a couple of days, so there will be a couple of days with no auctions ending.

Well Mr. Man went to pick up his prize at lunch time so he wasn't late getting home. He got 20 x $11 quick picks so that's $220 worth of 6/49 tickets. He has to win something with that many tickets. He got 2 tickets to see Yes at Massey Hall. And he got 4 tickets to see the Legends play hockey. Of course we can't agree on who to invite to the hockey game lol. It turns out this isn't the first time he has won on Q107. I knew he had won where they played his super set and said his name on the radio, but I didn't realize he also got a plaque and $50 worth of Quiznos coupons. He kept that stuff at work. He no longer works there. So he left his plaque behind.

Speaking of work, I can't wait to find out what they're doing for the company Christmas party this year. Hopefully it will involve limos again. Apparently, before Mr. Man started working there they always did a fancy dinner thing. Last year which was our first year, they decided to try something different. It wasn't that impressive so they'll be doing something else this year. I wouldn't mind if they went back to the fancy dinner thing. I like to get dressed up. We should know sometime soon what they decide.

It looks like the reunion dinner with Mr. Mans brother may not happen. I won't go into detail, suffice it to say, his brother had a scrap with his girlfriend. So we're waiting for a call from him today to let us know if the dinner is on or off. It just figures. It was a long week waiting for this. What a drag. Mr. Man told him we can always have a reunion dinner at our house. So, we'll see what happens, who knows.

Today we plan on going to the Reserve for smokes, yet again. And we may be helping SW to move. She got an apartment in town. I'm going to miss having her right around the corner. I know I've said that before too. Halloween is over for another year. Let the Christmas games begin in earnest now. We'll have to get out there putting up lights before the weather turns too nasty. But it won't be this weekend. Hopefully we will get to see Mr. Mans brother. We've been waiting all week for it, I would hate to see it get put off. That's it. Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.