A Quick Poem and Happy Halloween!
The day that we met
When you jumped off that truck
I thought, oh man,
Just my luck.
I wasn't expecting
Someone quite so large
I worried you'd move in
and just take charge.
But you were friendly, loving
Playful and smart
From that moment on
You had stolen my heart.
Over 5 years,
Our love just grew,
It was unconditional
pure and true.
You were my constant companion,
Always at my side
You enhanced my life
In you I had pride.
You were such a good boy
Pretty well trained
I hated to ever
see you chained.
We had good times
shared lots of love
I hope you are happy
in fields up above.
The end came too fast
But it was best for you
You were suffering my friend
I had to let you go.
Now you are free
To suffer no more
Losing you hurt me
Right to the core.
I will love you forever
My faithful, furry friend
I will see you again some day
This is not the end.
I just wanted to write a poem to him. I did this quite quickly. It could use some tweaking. The ending could be better. But I tried.
I'm doing better. It's getting easier to deal with. Thank God I have friends who let me talk about it and let me grieve. SW (I guess that's really SL now lol) and D you have been a big help to me in my time of needing you. Thank you.
So I may just leave it as it is. As I say it was done very quickly. Or I may try to do a better one later.
The intense pain is subsiding. I still miss him, but it's getting easier. We did the right thing. It was just his time. He had a good life with us. And we had a good life with him. I know I said I wouldn't post about him any more, oh well, guess I lied. I can't help it. He was a big part of my life.
A poet I am not lol. I received a poem in email, from someone on Freecycle no less! I posted it on Facebook. I just wanted to try my hand at it myself. Well thanks for reading. Comments are always appreciated.
Today is Halloween and I woke up at 3 a.m. Sigh. The lobby is all decorated. I noticed none of the houses on my street are decorated, what's up with that? Maybe they'll do it today. Not carving any pumpkins, not decorating, not dressing up, not dressing the dog up, not handing out candy, I really feel like I'm missing out. We're going to that party, which is a million miles away, and that will be fun. I think we'll pop over to Dollarama and see if they have anything left. We can at least do up our faces and wear hats or something.
So Happy Halloween!! Have a fun and safe time. Have a great day.