Bored To Tears
It's finally light outside. I looked out, and I used to love the view, now it just looks lonely and desolate. It looks like it might snow today. I haven't checked the forecast, so I don't know if they're calling for snow or not, it just looks like it might. I haven't even seen any snowmobilers this year. There are groomed trails all around our place and usually I see them all the time, but this year I haven't seen one. Mind you I haven't spent much time at the kitchen sink gazing out the window either.
I don't even walk the dog any more because of the trauma of him ripping the leash out of my hand and attacking another dog. I just can't do it. Thankfully T takes him out for walks once in a while.
I don't even walk over to the mailbox any more. Maybe once every two weeks I'll go check the mail. And I don't even get dressed to do it, I throw my coat and boots on over my jammies.
I still pretty much live in my jammies. I don't get dressed unless I know I have to go somewhere. Like yesterday, going to the doctor. I was trying to have that appointment rescheduled, I didn't want to go. I didn't feel like showering and getting dressed. But Mr. Man talked me into it. Better to get it over with and find out what's going on with my cervix. So I'm glad I went, it was good news. And rather than have Mr. Man drive T down to work, then drive all the way back up here to take me to the doctor, then drive all the way back down to the city for work, and then drive home again, my good friend SW offered to take me to the doctor. Saved Mr. Man a ton of driving. Thank you SW.
I'm planning a little something for Mr. Mans birthday but because he reads this I can't go into detail. I only hope that when the time comes, he will just cooperate. It gives me something to think about and to look forward to. And I need a little of that.
I'm now on my 5th coffee. It's daylight. Little R is still in bed. I've let the dog out back. I've emptied all the trash cans around the house. I've exchanged a couple of emails with Mr. Man. But the tv still doesn't work. I still don't know what to do with myself. I have no energy. I have no inspiration. I was getting a little upset. I was crying, I do a lot of that. So I took a couple of my pills that calm me down. Now I'm feeling a little sleepy. All I can imagine is going up to bed. But that's really the last thing I want to do. I suppose I could fold and put away laundry. There's always a ton of that to do. But as I've mentioned, my drawers are full. On my way upstairs to make my 5th coffee I noticed there were coats hanging on just about every chair in the diningroom and kitchen. We have a coat closet. But you know what? It's packed full too. We have far too many coats. But we do use them all. But I'm the only one who actually hangs a coat in the closet. There's also tons of shoes and boots cluttered by the front door. From the looks of it you would think eight people live here, not four. I just don't know what to do with them all. So it's just a cluttered mess that drives me crazy. Again with the boots and shoes, we do use them all.
I know it's nearing the end of January and Christmas is long past, but I am still so upset and disappointed. I just can't help feeling like I missed the whole thing. There are no signs of Christmas left in the house. Well maybe a couple of little things here and there, but the majority of it is all packed away until next year. I feel ripped off. I don't think we spent our nice long holiday the way we normally would have. I think having T here with his negative attitude played a big part. I thought having him here would make it more fun, boy was I wrong about that. Things just weren't the same. I'm really hoping to do it right this year.
So these are my thoughts on this desolate Wednesday morning in January. I'm determined not to go to bed today. I want to accomplish something, anything. I want to find something to occupy my brain. I may even cook dinner, out of pure boredom. The laundry is calling to me now. I'm off to start my day, though it really started at 4 a.m. Have a great day and may you not be bored to tears.