Show and Tell Friday #2

It's Show and Tell Friday again, hosted by Kelli at There Is No Place Like Home. Go to Kelli's to join or check out all the participants.
I got todays idea from my friend SW. I have so many sets of dishes, she suggested I show all the different patterns for all my dishes. Great idea. Like everything else I have collected my dishes from various sources. I was talking about it recently because I acquired yet another set from Freecycle and really the last thing I needed was more dishes. Some sets come with serving dishes and platters, some don't. All are full sets. Here we go.
First up are the dishes I got from Freecycle. There are 8 place settings. They are Sango "Pavillion".
Next is the set I bought at a yard sale. I paid $30 which is more than I wanted to but I loved the pattern. There is 8 place settings and it came with a platter and a cookie jar. It is Corelle by Corning, "Ivy" pattern.
The next set was my mother's "good china". They are very old as she had them for as long as I can remember. They were passed down to me after her death. I treasure them and do use them on special occasions. There is place settings for 12 as well as several serving dishes and platters. They are Johnson Bros. "Old Chelsea" pattern.
Next is a set I collected piece by piece. It all started with a platter from an auction. I now have place settings for 4. It is Georgian China "Briar Rose" pattern.
Now we have our everyday dishes. I have place settings for 12. I bought these when I was hosting Thanksgiving dinner and didn't have any appropriate dishes for the occasion (I hadn't yet received my mothers dishes). They are Tienshan Stoneware with no pattern name. They're apples. We use them as our everyday dishes now.
And now my Christmas dishes. My husband bought these for me one year when we were hosting Christmas dinner at our house. I have place settings for 12. I don't particularly like the pattern, it's not what I would have chosen, but they were bought and given with love and have been well used. They are Royal Heritage Collection, no pattern name.
And lastly another set of Christmas dishes. I got these on sale after Christmas a couple of years ago for $8. I loved the pattern. I have place settings for 4. They are Everyday Gibson, no pattern name.
So you can see I have more dishes than I need. I also have other mix matched dishes. These are just my sets. We used to host a lot of dinners, not so much any more. I plan on dividing them up between my two daughters when they move out on their own and need dishes. They all get good use. And thank you for the great idea SW.
Hope you enjoyed my Show and Tell, thank you for checking it out. Have a great day.
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