~Charlene's Web~
Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!
About Me
- Name: Char
- Location: Ontario, Canada
I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter! Hope everyone had a pleasant Easter weekend. We had eggs and ham for dinner today, that was our big celebration. Well on Good Friday, when I woke up and opened the bedroom door there was a bag off chocolate goodies hanging on the doorknob. That was from Mr. Easter Bunny Man. Sweet. He got one for me and one for Little R too. She also got some cute jammies in her bag. That was a pleasant surprise.
A few nights ago I went for coffee with SW. She picked me up and we went to town for Timmys. Then we just sat in the car and chatted. It was nice to get out of the house. That was the first time I got dressed in about 2 weeks.
I had mentioned to SW that I thought we need to get rid of Eddie. I had come to that conclusion that day. I decided that it was time to find him a new home. I just didn't think I was ever going to clean the house as long as he was here making messes all over the place. So we placed an ad on a site for this type of thing. The very next night SW had a potential home for him. She was spending the weekend at her cousins place and her cousin had asked her if she knew where she could get a Jack Russell! So SW took Eddie with her. From reports throughout the weekend it sounds like he'll be staying there. Meanwhile we got a ton of responses to our ad. We left it up in case it didn't work out. I deleted it last night. Sooo, no more Eddie. I think Bear misses him. He seemed a little confused. But honestly we all seem a little more relaxed. Eddie was kind of hyper. It seems so quiet without him, peaceful. He'll be fine and we'll be fine and I can keep tabs on him. I do miss the litte bugger. But we're all better off I think. Being the only pet in his new home he'll get the attention he needs. I'm glad it's someone we can have contact with to get updates and just find out how he's doing. I'm glad we didn't have to go through the process of picking someone responding to our ad. Ah, it's like a weight off.
That's about all the excitement around here. I see they're calling for more snow next week. That sucks. It has been slowly melting away and now we're going to get more. I hope to have the house cleaned by the time spring rolls around and its time to be outside in the gardens all day. I've been reading a ton of gardening blogs. That's got me itching to get out there. The one time I tried to start seeds indoors it didn't work out at all. I had no clue what I was doing. I'm learning a lot from these blogs. Maybe I'll try the indoor seeds thing again sometime but not this year. I can't wait for spring this year. Is it just me, or does this winter just feel endless?
Oh well I'm off to bed to dream of warm sunshine and crocuses blooming. Have a good night.
Here's a bunny I bought for a buck at a yard sale last summer. He lived in my front garden for the summer. Happy Easter!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Early Morning Chatter
On one of the soaps that I watch, All My Children, one of the characters wrote a book. The book is real. So there I was trying to have a nap after dinner, just wasn't feeling well and went to lay down, while Mr. Man drove Little R to town to hang out at the bowling alley again, when in he comes and flicks on the light and says "Happy Anniversary" and hands me this book. I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, but it has the characters name on it as the author. I wonder who really wrote it. I would imagine buying it supports some charity. I can't wait to start reading it. It's called Charm, by Kendall Hart of All My Children. And now I get to feel like a big old heel because he got me a gift for our anniversary and I got him nothing.
I stayed in bed all evening and that's why I'm up at 3:30 a.m. I suppose I could sneak into the bedroom and grab the book and start reading it. But more likely I'll sit here and browse through blogs and stuff. In town there is this British tuck store. They sell all British things like food and stuff. I don't know I've never gone in. Well they have a blog too. I happened to find it while searching for Ontario blogs. According to this blog, Sir Elton John has a house somewhat near here. Can you imagine? I thought that was rather exciting. It's actually in Caledon which is a 20 minute drive from here. Could you imagine running into Elton John? I imagine he has people who do his shopping and whatnot for him, not like you're going to bump into him at the liquor store. According to this blog he is in town though because he is touring Canada and the U.S and there was security going on at the house. I just thought it was a little exciting and I would have never known if I didn't stop to read that blog.
The snow is melting! I haven't checked the forecast lately so I don't know if there's more coming or what. But yesterday at one point the sun was shining and I looked at the thermometer and it was 20 degrees celsius, which is warmish. Then the clouds came and it dropped to 10. But seeing it at 20 was exciting. That little bit of sun was heavenly. Maybe I really can expect to see my crocuses in 2 weeks. Oh how I'm looking forward to spring, like never before.
I had a little scare with my blog yesterday. It wouldn't load. Some of it was there but the posts were not. This went on for a couple of hours. Just no posts, blank. I thought I was going to have to start a new blog. Then I asked Little R to see if it would load on her computer and sure enough there it was. So I tried it again and magically there it was. That was a relief. I have no idea what the problem was but suspect it was just a problem with Blogger. I was trying to post my Show and Tell and it wasn't showing. But thankfully it worked out in the end. I did not look forward to starting all over again. It was a tense couple of hours.
Well, it's after 4 now, ho hum. I don't like being up at this time, but in some ways I do like it. I like the peace and quiet. But it's a boring time of day to be up. I'm off to search for more new blogs to read. It's not like anyone other than me has posted anything new at 4 in the morning. I'm really enjoying the gardening blogs. I'm learning so much. And they are in Ontario which is a bonus. It sucks reading a garden blog from somehwere else where they already have things blooming. Different zones have totally different gardens. So far I've found 2 that are in Ontario. And they are much more knowledgable than me. I love gardening but I don't know very much about it. I just buy things and plant them and hope for the best. I used to get help from the woman nextdoor but we all know how that went. I never did hear anything back from her after leaving her that card. Hopefully when the summer comes and we're both out there in our gardens we'll talk again. In the past we spent many hours sitting around discussing our gardens. She too knows a lot more about it than I do. Ah well, I have high hopes for this summer. I'm off, have a great day.
I stayed in bed all evening and that's why I'm up at 3:30 a.m. I suppose I could sneak into the bedroom and grab the book and start reading it. But more likely I'll sit here and browse through blogs and stuff. In town there is this British tuck store. They sell all British things like food and stuff. I don't know I've never gone in. Well they have a blog too. I happened to find it while searching for Ontario blogs. According to this blog, Sir Elton John has a house somewhat near here. Can you imagine? I thought that was rather exciting. It's actually in Caledon which is a 20 minute drive from here. Could you imagine running into Elton John? I imagine he has people who do his shopping and whatnot for him, not like you're going to bump into him at the liquor store. According to this blog he is in town though because he is touring Canada and the U.S and there was security going on at the house. I just thought it was a little exciting and I would have never known if I didn't stop to read that blog.
The snow is melting! I haven't checked the forecast lately so I don't know if there's more coming or what. But yesterday at one point the sun was shining and I looked at the thermometer and it was 20 degrees celsius, which is warmish. Then the clouds came and it dropped to 10. But seeing it at 20 was exciting. That little bit of sun was heavenly. Maybe I really can expect to see my crocuses in 2 weeks. Oh how I'm looking forward to spring, like never before.
I had a little scare with my blog yesterday. It wouldn't load. Some of it was there but the posts were not. This went on for a couple of hours. Just no posts, blank. I thought I was going to have to start a new blog. Then I asked Little R to see if it would load on her computer and sure enough there it was. So I tried it again and magically there it was. That was a relief. I have no idea what the problem was but suspect it was just a problem with Blogger. I was trying to post my Show and Tell and it wasn't showing. But thankfully it worked out in the end. I did not look forward to starting all over again. It was a tense couple of hours.
Well, it's after 4 now, ho hum. I don't like being up at this time, but in some ways I do like it. I like the peace and quiet. But it's a boring time of day to be up. I'm off to search for more new blogs to read. It's not like anyone other than me has posted anything new at 4 in the morning. I'm really enjoying the gardening blogs. I'm learning so much. And they are in Ontario which is a bonus. It sucks reading a garden blog from somehwere else where they already have things blooming. Different zones have totally different gardens. So far I've found 2 that are in Ontario. And they are much more knowledgable than me. I love gardening but I don't know very much about it. I just buy things and plant them and hope for the best. I used to get help from the woman nextdoor but we all know how that went. I never did hear anything back from her after leaving her that card. Hopefully when the summer comes and we're both out there in our gardens we'll talk again. In the past we spent many hours sitting around discussing our gardens. She too knows a lot more about it than I do. Ah well, I have high hopes for this summer. I'm off, have a great day.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Happy Anniversary
Yesterday was our 10th anniversary. I forgot all about it. It wasn't until Mr. Man said in passing, "Oh by the way, Happy Anniversary" that I thought of it. We did nothing. We didn't celebrate. There were no flowers or cards or special dinners. It was just another day. But I'm ok with that. We don't usually celebrate it. I don't know why that is. I can only think of one time we went out to celebrate it. I'll never forget the year my brother phoned to wish us a Happy Anniversary and we had both forgotten it. We have a great marriage. We love each other tremendously. I don't know why we don't celebrate our anniversary. Basically I think it's just laziness lol.
It was a very gray and grismal (grim and dismal) day. At one point it was sort of snowing, there were these snow pellets falling. It was kind of like hail. And it was cold. Today is cold and foggy.
Poor Mr. Man had to shovel a path to the propane tank again. They actually showed up to deliver the same day he ordered it, which is very unusual. It normally takes them a couple of days to get to our order. So of course they came and couldn't get to the tank. He told them when he went to put in the order that he had to clear the path that night, so they can't turn around and try to charge us the extra $100 for coming out and not having a clear path. They are such asses. We want to change fuel companies but we have to buy the equipment first before we can do that.
I found another gardening blog. I spent a big chunk of yesterday reading it. I didn't get anything done around the house. From some of the garden photos on this blog, it got me wondering how many plants I have pulled thinking they were weeds. There is some cool stuff that was planted by the previous owners, so who knows. I think this year I'm just going to let things grow and then decide if they're weeds or not. I have found some pleasnt surprises in the existing gardens. I was looking through my old photos from a year ago. By the end of this month I should have crocuses blooming. Oh I can't wait for all this snow to melt. There is so much I can't really see it being gone in 2 weeks. Early spring, my foot. There will have to be a drastic change in the weather in the next couple of weeks to have anything blooming. Oh well, things to look forward to. Have a great day.
It was a very gray and grismal (grim and dismal) day. At one point it was sort of snowing, there were these snow pellets falling. It was kind of like hail. And it was cold. Today is cold and foggy.
Poor Mr. Man had to shovel a path to the propane tank again. They actually showed up to deliver the same day he ordered it, which is very unusual. It normally takes them a couple of days to get to our order. So of course they came and couldn't get to the tank. He told them when he went to put in the order that he had to clear the path that night, so they can't turn around and try to charge us the extra $100 for coming out and not having a clear path. They are such asses. We want to change fuel companies but we have to buy the equipment first before we can do that.
I found another gardening blog. I spent a big chunk of yesterday reading it. I didn't get anything done around the house. From some of the garden photos on this blog, it got me wondering how many plants I have pulled thinking they were weeds. There is some cool stuff that was planted by the previous owners, so who knows. I think this year I'm just going to let things grow and then decide if they're weeds or not. I have found some pleasnt surprises in the existing gardens. I was looking through my old photos from a year ago. By the end of this month I should have crocuses blooming. Oh I can't wait for all this snow to melt. There is so much I can't really see it being gone in 2 weeks. Early spring, my foot. There will have to be a drastic change in the weather in the next couple of weeks to have anything blooming. Oh well, things to look forward to. Have a great day.
Show and Tell Friday #4

It's Show and Tell Friday once again. I so enjoy participating in this event! To see others who have participated or to join in the fun yourself go to Kelli's There Is No Place Like Home.
Since Easter is a week away and there won't be a Show and Tell next week, I'm going to show a couple of my Easter decorations.
First is a wreath I made. Yes I used real jellybeans and candies.
Next is an Easter tree sitting on my mantle.
Last is another Easter tree sitting in my kitchen window.
These pictures were all taken last year. I don't even have my Easter stuff out yet this year. I do have other decorations, I just don't have pictures of them and they are still packed away for this year.
I hope you enjoyed my little Show and Tell. Have a great day.
Labels: Easter, show and tell
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Same Old, Same Old
I found a new way of searching for blogs, via my profile, who knew. I can click on the Ontario link and get a list of other blogs from Ontario. How cool is that? I told you I'm slow but I do catch on eventually. So I found this one blog I am enjoying, it's mainly about gardening. One post however was about what people like or don't like about other peoples blogs. I was a little surprised to learn that most people don't like music on a blog. It makes sense though, if you're at work or something, you don't want tunes blasting. So, I removed the music from this blog. I already knew of one person who didn't like it, but I thought they were just being fussy. But no, it does make sense. I have a lot to learn about this blogging business. There are a couple of things I'd like to change, but I have to learn how to do it.
In other news, I cringed when I let the boys out last night and it was lightly snowing. Please. No more. They were calling for rain later in the week but that has now been changed to rain/snow mix. So in other words, damn messy. Honestly I'm having trouble seeing the beauty in it any more. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of being cold. I'm sick of tripping and slipping through the snow. Bring on the birdies and daffodils and blessed warm sunshine. I think I need to go tanning.
Little R went to the bowling alley last night. That will likely be the highlight of her March break. Poor kid. They didn't even bowl. They have other stuff there like arcade games and mini golf and pool and that's what they did, everything but bowling. I wonder how much of her babysitting money she blew. Oh well, other kids get to go on vacations, at least she had some fun. I'm hoping to enlist her help in cleaning up the house today. Good luck with that. I can hear the arguing already. Oh well, it's my job. Mr. Man let me know this morning in no uncertain terms that he is fed up with the condition of the house. So I figure I'll try to accomplish something today for real. I don't want him to be mad at me about it. Can't say I blame him, it is pretty bad. He busts his ass every day at work, it's the least I can do. He keeps telling me to treat it like a job. I understand the concept, but it's just so hard to do. I've let it go too far. Every day I wake up planning to clean and every day I end up thinking, what difference is one more day going to make? I'm addicted to sitting in front of the computer. But seriously it is time to pull up and at least make an effort.
That's all I've got. Nothing new. Such is the life of a housewife who doesn't do her job. A housewife with no life. You have a great day. Mr. Man set the tone for my day and it won't be great.
In other news, I cringed when I let the boys out last night and it was lightly snowing. Please. No more. They were calling for rain later in the week but that has now been changed to rain/snow mix. So in other words, damn messy. Honestly I'm having trouble seeing the beauty in it any more. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of being cold. I'm sick of tripping and slipping through the snow. Bring on the birdies and daffodils and blessed warm sunshine. I think I need to go tanning.
Little R went to the bowling alley last night. That will likely be the highlight of her March break. Poor kid. They didn't even bowl. They have other stuff there like arcade games and mini golf and pool and that's what they did, everything but bowling. I wonder how much of her babysitting money she blew. Oh well, other kids get to go on vacations, at least she had some fun. I'm hoping to enlist her help in cleaning up the house today. Good luck with that. I can hear the arguing already. Oh well, it's my job. Mr. Man let me know this morning in no uncertain terms that he is fed up with the condition of the house. So I figure I'll try to accomplish something today for real. I don't want him to be mad at me about it. Can't say I blame him, it is pretty bad. He busts his ass every day at work, it's the least I can do. He keeps telling me to treat it like a job. I understand the concept, but it's just so hard to do. I've let it go too far. Every day I wake up planning to clean and every day I end up thinking, what difference is one more day going to make? I'm addicted to sitting in front of the computer. But seriously it is time to pull up and at least make an effort.
That's all I've got. Nothing new. Such is the life of a housewife who doesn't do her job. A housewife with no life. You have a great day. Mr. Man set the tone for my day and it won't be great.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Monday Morning Chatter
When I went out to start shovelling the driveway, while Mr. Man lounged on the couch watching TV might I add, I found that one of the neighbours had used a snow blower to clear away most of the snow in front of the car. There was still a mountain covering one side of the car. I didn't know what to do with that, so I just came back in. I didn't even take any pictures. Mr. Man never did go out to have a look at it, so he doesn't really know what to expect this morning. He is out there now, I assume, shoveling. He had to take all his pain meds and wait for them to kick in before going out to tackle it. We're expecting higher temperatures and rain later in the week. Hopefully that will do away with some of the snow. Unfortunately it will also mean a leaky basement. We should have a very wet basement this spring when all this snow melts.
So we set the clocks ahead this weekend. I didn't notice it staying light later yesterday. The truth is we slept most of the day and woke up around 7 p.m. So we missed the sunset. It should be still light out when Mr. Man comes home from work. Why is everything so early this year? Why is Easter in March? I know someone, somwhere changed the daylight saving time to make it earlier, but why is Easter so early? Easter is always in April, I'm confused.
My task for today is checking the level on the propane tank. I have to wade through 4 feet of snow to the tank, then uncover the lid and pry it open to see the gauge. Mr. Man insists on keeping the furnace down, it's cold in this house, and yet we are still going through propane like mad. It seems to always work out that we need propane after a big snowfall, so we need to clear a path to the tank. Even though we have a functioning furnace, I'm cold all the time. I guess trying to conserve has helped a bit, but I don't think it's made enough of a difference to be suffering all the time. In previous years I just kept the furnace cranked and we went broke filling the propane tank. And we bought a load of firewood. This is the first year we've tried to conserve and didn't buy a load of firewood. It has been most unpleasant. Mr. Man doesn't seem to feel the cold. We are opposites, he's always warm and I'm always cold. It sucks to be me.
This will be the second Easter that Little R is too old for the whole Easter Egg Hunt thing. Not having little kids around sucks the fun out of it just like Christmas. It's still a long weekend though so that's cool. It's still a time to celebrate. Last year, I don't know what got into Mr. Man, but he bought me a bunch of gifts. It was kind of weird. It was like a mini Christmas. That's when he gave me an electric blanket which was for me to wrap around myself when sitting at the computer, freezing to death. Seems I can't find it now. I think Little R has it on her bed. So we'll still buy Easter stuff for Little R, and have a special dinner I guess. I hope Mr. Man doesn't do the gift thing again, it was just too weird. It's coming up soon, being early and all. I'll have to dig out the little wreath I made to hang on the front door. I have all kinds of little Easter ornaments. Guess it's time to get them out. Jeez, a couple of years ago, we were having a bonfire and sitting outside at Easter. Obviously that won't be happening this year. I can remember Easters as a kid and it was springtime. It was sunny and warm outside. Now we're having it in the dead of winter.
Time to start my day. As usual I still have a ton of cleaning to do. Will today be the day I get off my ass and do something? Or will I let it go one more day? Honestly I don't know where to start. I know, pick a room, and just start.
Have a great day!
So we set the clocks ahead this weekend. I didn't notice it staying light later yesterday. The truth is we slept most of the day and woke up around 7 p.m. So we missed the sunset. It should be still light out when Mr. Man comes home from work. Why is everything so early this year? Why is Easter in March? I know someone, somwhere changed the daylight saving time to make it earlier, but why is Easter so early? Easter is always in April, I'm confused.
My task for today is checking the level on the propane tank. I have to wade through 4 feet of snow to the tank, then uncover the lid and pry it open to see the gauge. Mr. Man insists on keeping the furnace down, it's cold in this house, and yet we are still going through propane like mad. It seems to always work out that we need propane after a big snowfall, so we need to clear a path to the tank. Even though we have a functioning furnace, I'm cold all the time. I guess trying to conserve has helped a bit, but I don't think it's made enough of a difference to be suffering all the time. In previous years I just kept the furnace cranked and we went broke filling the propane tank. And we bought a load of firewood. This is the first year we've tried to conserve and didn't buy a load of firewood. It has been most unpleasant. Mr. Man doesn't seem to feel the cold. We are opposites, he's always warm and I'm always cold. It sucks to be me.
This will be the second Easter that Little R is too old for the whole Easter Egg Hunt thing. Not having little kids around sucks the fun out of it just like Christmas. It's still a long weekend though so that's cool. It's still a time to celebrate. Last year, I don't know what got into Mr. Man, but he bought me a bunch of gifts. It was kind of weird. It was like a mini Christmas. That's when he gave me an electric blanket which was for me to wrap around myself when sitting at the computer, freezing to death. Seems I can't find it now. I think Little R has it on her bed. So we'll still buy Easter stuff for Little R, and have a special dinner I guess. I hope Mr. Man doesn't do the gift thing again, it was just too weird. It's coming up soon, being early and all. I'll have to dig out the little wreath I made to hang on the front door. I have all kinds of little Easter ornaments. Guess it's time to get them out. Jeez, a couple of years ago, we were having a bonfire and sitting outside at Easter. Obviously that won't be happening this year. I can remember Easters as a kid and it was springtime. It was sunny and warm outside. Now we're having it in the dead of winter.
Time to start my day. As usual I still have a ton of cleaning to do. Will today be the day I get off my ass and do something? Or will I let it go one more day? Honestly I don't know where to start. I know, pick a room, and just start.
Have a great day!
Sunday, March 09, 2008
The Snow
Other than the snow, yesterday was uneventful. Man did it snow. At one point I looked out and I couldn't see across the street, it was a whiteout. There is a drift in front of the house that's 5 feet deep. We had to go out and uncover our propane exhaust vents. Little R was nextdoor babysitting, she was there for nine and a half hours. So around 10 p.m we went out to shovel a path for her to get home and we went over and checked on them. It was the nastiest storm we've had yet. Today we'll be out there shovelling the driveway so Mr. Man can go to work tomorrow. Luckily it's the light and fluffy type of snow. I took pictures, but they just don't seem to show the enormity of it. The first picture is the drifts in front of the house and the second picture is part of the path we shovelled.

Doing the driveway will be the worst. Once the plow goes by, the car will be completely buried. We won't be able to get into our garage until spring. I don't remember ever having this much snow here before. Unfortunately I think there is more in our future. We'll get a break for a few days anyway. I'm sure I'll be taking more pictures when we're out there today. We have to shovel out the car, no choice. I don't know where we'll put the snow though. Wish us luck. Amazingly the road wasn't closed. I don't know how that's possible but it's true. And people were out driving in it. My friend SW had to drive in it. Her furnace died so she had to go to town to buy heaters. Talk about terrible timing. Glad she made it safe and sound though. Sorry to hear she was freezing her ass off in the worst storm yet. It's a long story but it actually died a week ago, she's been without a furnace for a week. Good thing she at least has that lovely woodstove.
So that's it for now. Check back for more snow pictures later in the day. Have a great day.
Labels: snow
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Saturday Chatter
We seem to be in a lull of the wicked winter storm. The worst of it is supposed to hit us today. We are expecting a lot of snow. We got quite a bit last night already. I don't know what we're supposed to do with it all. Clearing the driveway has become quite the challenge. Little R and I did a little shovelling yesterday. There's a thick layer of ice under all the snow. There's no way we can completely clear the driveway. We have a path between mountains of snow just wide enough for the car to get in and out.
Speaking of Little R, she is now on March Break. They had yesterday off as well, it was a PD Day. Wish me luck keeping her amused. She won't be able to do anything or go anywhere, she'll be stuck here with me. We don't even have TV half the time because the satellite keeps going down. I won't have the car to take her anywhere. I doubt Mr. Man will get the chance to fix the truck this weekend with the impending storm and all. She should be eager to get back to school by the end of it.
When we were at the lawyers office on Thursday we had to show ID which they copied. That is how I found out my drivers license is expired. I must have got a form in the mail to renew it, but I must have forgotten all about it. It's been expired since October! I'll have to get on that a.s.a.p. I will have my car again eventually, like if it ever stops snowing. Even if I had the car it wouldn't be wise for me to be driving Little R anywhere without a license.
Once again I really enjoyed participating in the show and tell Friday thing. Once again thank you all for all the nice comments. I was doing something wrong though. I didn't use my permalink to link to that post. I didn't know how, but I read instructions so now I know. I always wondered what the permalink was for, now I know. So if you came here to see my show and tell but are reading this instead, I do apologize. I think I already know what I'm going to do next week. There have been roughly 70 participants since I've been doing it, that's a lot of blogs to visit. But it's fun and gives me something to look forward to each week.
My doctor asked me to get a blood test when I saw him a couple of weeks ago. Apparently the miracle pills can cause high cholesterol. I seem to have lost the requisition form. I guess I'm not good with forms, first my drivers license, now this. Perhaps if I was better organized this wouldn't happen. Things tend to get lost on the kitchen table, then stuffed into a bag and put in the spare bedroom never to be seen again. Then again it could still be in the car amongst the clutter. Yup, even the car is a cluttered mess.
I was thinking of making a fire, it's quite chilly down here. But I think I'll just put on a sweater instead. I don't want to use up the firewood with this storm coming. If the power goes out we'll need the firewood for heat. This winter just seems never ending. I don't think it's been any worse than usual, maybe more snow than usual, but it just seems like it will never end. I am so looking forward to spring, but I know in my heart of hearts it won't be here for a while yet. It's not unusual to have piles of snow in the shade in April.
Well I'm off to start my day. Have a great day.
Speaking of Little R, she is now on March Break. They had yesterday off as well, it was a PD Day. Wish me luck keeping her amused. She won't be able to do anything or go anywhere, she'll be stuck here with me. We don't even have TV half the time because the satellite keeps going down. I won't have the car to take her anywhere. I doubt Mr. Man will get the chance to fix the truck this weekend with the impending storm and all. She should be eager to get back to school by the end of it.
When we were at the lawyers office on Thursday we had to show ID which they copied. That is how I found out my drivers license is expired. I must have got a form in the mail to renew it, but I must have forgotten all about it. It's been expired since October! I'll have to get on that a.s.a.p. I will have my car again eventually, like if it ever stops snowing. Even if I had the car it wouldn't be wise for me to be driving Little R anywhere without a license.
Once again I really enjoyed participating in the show and tell Friday thing. Once again thank you all for all the nice comments. I was doing something wrong though. I didn't use my permalink to link to that post. I didn't know how, but I read instructions so now I know. I always wondered what the permalink was for, now I know. So if you came here to see my show and tell but are reading this instead, I do apologize. I think I already know what I'm going to do next week. There have been roughly 70 participants since I've been doing it, that's a lot of blogs to visit. But it's fun and gives me something to look forward to each week.
My doctor asked me to get a blood test when I saw him a couple of weeks ago. Apparently the miracle pills can cause high cholesterol. I seem to have lost the requisition form. I guess I'm not good with forms, first my drivers license, now this. Perhaps if I was better organized this wouldn't happen. Things tend to get lost on the kitchen table, then stuffed into a bag and put in the spare bedroom never to be seen again. Then again it could still be in the car amongst the clutter. Yup, even the car is a cluttered mess.
I was thinking of making a fire, it's quite chilly down here. But I think I'll just put on a sweater instead. I don't want to use up the firewood with this storm coming. If the power goes out we'll need the firewood for heat. This winter just seems never ending. I don't think it's been any worse than usual, maybe more snow than usual, but it just seems like it will never end. I am so looking forward to spring, but I know in my heart of hearts it won't be here for a while yet. It's not unusual to have piles of snow in the shade in April.
Well I'm off to start my day. Have a great day.
Labels: Chatter
Friday, March 07, 2008
Show And Tell Friday #3

It's Show and Tell Friday again. Go to Kelli's There Is No Place Like Home to see all the other participants or to participate yourself.
Today I'm going to show you a couple of rings. Mr. Man has given me several rings over the years, but never really an engagement ring. So one day he bought me "the rock". It was a beautiful half carat, marquis cut diamond solitaire. Somehow I managed to lose the diamond. It obviously got hooked on something which pulled the claws open and the diamond fell out. I was very sad when I noticed it.
One day last summer we were browsing around in The Hock Shop. We saw a ring. We both thought it would be a perfect replacement for the one I had lost. It is also a half carat, round cut, solitaire and came with an appraisal certificate. It is worth a lot more than he paid for it. (It was not easy to get a decent photo of it). I am a lot more careful with this ring. You can't really see very well in the picture but it has a gold heart on either side of the diamond. I love this ring!
I am so lucky that my husband thinks it's important for me to have a rock. I will be a lot more careful with this ring. I would not want to go through the heartache of losing it again.
Thank you for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed my Show and Tell. Have a great day!
Labels: show and tell
Thursday, March 06, 2008
A Day In The City
We had to go down to the city yesterday. But before we could go anywhere, we had to shovel out from the dumping of snow we got. Man there's a lot of snow out there. And now they're calling for more tomorrow and Saturday. It's hard to see spring at the end of the tunnel at this point.
So it was still snowing as we were shovelling out. We had to go down to renew our mortgage. We left early and got down there early, so we popped in at my sisters and had a little visit with her and my dad. They were happy to see us. We had a nice visit. My sister gave me a bag of books.
Then it was off to the lawyers office. We got there early too. We spent most of the day sitting in the lawyers office and running between the lawyer and the mortgage broker. It was a long day. Just glad it's all taken care of now. The problem was we had to find a new lender. Our old lender didn't want to renew with us. After signing our lives away, I feel a big change in lifestyle coming on. No more frivolous spending for me. We're really going to have to tighten our belts.
By the time we were heading back home, the sun was shining and the snow was melting. They had a lot in the city too, but nothing compared to what we've got at home. It was a snow day so Little R was home alone all day, she didn't want to come with us. We bought coffee on the way down and coffee on the way back home. Out of the 4 "roll up the rim to win" cups we won 1 lousy donut.
It was a lot of driving for Mr. Man and a lot of stress. When we got home we just kind of flopped for the evening. In our travels I got to see where Mr. Mans new job is. I had no idea. He seems to think that when I have my car back I'm going to go down there to take him out for lunch or something. Driving in the city is intense. I don't know if I could do it now, it's been so long. We saw lots of cars in the ditch on the way down. The roads were pretty bad in the morning. But coming home the roads were all cleared. The sunshine was fabulous.
The meeting with the Vice Principal the other day went well. I am hoping Little R will get back on track now. She used to love school. I think she still likes it, she just has all this new freedom and the peer pressure to skip. She's going to do what her friends are doing. Hopefully the meeting was helpful. If we can get her to finish high school, we'll have done our job as parents. I'd like to see her go on to college, but I'm not holding my breath for that.
I'm off to start my day. It was another day that Mr. Man got up and went to work without waking me up. It feels strange to get up at 7 a.m and to not see him in the morning. I wish he wouldn't do that. I guess I was pretty tuckered from yesterday. And I took my sleep aids kind of late. Oh well, have a great day.
So it was still snowing as we were shovelling out. We had to go down to renew our mortgage. We left early and got down there early, so we popped in at my sisters and had a little visit with her and my dad. They were happy to see us. We had a nice visit. My sister gave me a bag of books.
Then it was off to the lawyers office. We got there early too. We spent most of the day sitting in the lawyers office and running between the lawyer and the mortgage broker. It was a long day. Just glad it's all taken care of now. The problem was we had to find a new lender. Our old lender didn't want to renew with us. After signing our lives away, I feel a big change in lifestyle coming on. No more frivolous spending for me. We're really going to have to tighten our belts.
By the time we were heading back home, the sun was shining and the snow was melting. They had a lot in the city too, but nothing compared to what we've got at home. It was a snow day so Little R was home alone all day, she didn't want to come with us. We bought coffee on the way down and coffee on the way back home. Out of the 4 "roll up the rim to win" cups we won 1 lousy donut.
It was a lot of driving for Mr. Man and a lot of stress. When we got home we just kind of flopped for the evening. In our travels I got to see where Mr. Mans new job is. I had no idea. He seems to think that when I have my car back I'm going to go down there to take him out for lunch or something. Driving in the city is intense. I don't know if I could do it now, it's been so long. We saw lots of cars in the ditch on the way down. The roads were pretty bad in the morning. But coming home the roads were all cleared. The sunshine was fabulous.
The meeting with the Vice Principal the other day went well. I am hoping Little R will get back on track now. She used to love school. I think she still likes it, she just has all this new freedom and the peer pressure to skip. She's going to do what her friends are doing. Hopefully the meeting was helpful. If we can get her to finish high school, we'll have done our job as parents. I'd like to see her go on to college, but I'm not holding my breath for that.
I'm off to start my day. It was another day that Mr. Man got up and went to work without waking me up. It feels strange to get up at 7 a.m and to not see him in the morning. I wish he wouldn't do that. I guess I was pretty tuckered from yesterday. And I took my sleep aids kind of late. Oh well, have a great day.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
What's In My Closet?
I've been tagged by MomofK9s. I'm supposed to list 8 things I have hidden away in a back closet and then tag three more people. Tagging people is going to be a challenge since no one who reads my blog has a blog of their own.
Here we go...8 things you have stuffed away in a back closet and tag three people.
It doesn't say hall coat closet, or linen closet or bedroom closet, it says back closet. So I'm talking about the closet in the spare bedroom, which I call the back bedroom.
1. Jigsaw puzzles. Lots and lots of jigsaw puzzles.
2. Paint. Theres a couple of cans of paint that we bought almost 5 years ago and have yet to use.
3. Halloween costumes.
4. A fan. One of those big square fans that sits on the floor.
5. Empty boxes.
6. A box of photographs. This serves as my photo album.
7. Old coats. All the coats we'll never wear and I haven't got around to donating yet.
8. A box of doodads. Just little things I've bought for the house that haven't been used yet.
So there you have it. I don't know who to tag. This is the first time I've ever been tagged. I could only come up with 2 people.
Awittykitty at Art, Angst and the Occasional Mention of Nudity
Kelli at There Is No Place Like Home
It'll be interesting to see if they actually participate. Thanks for reading, do come again.
Here we go...8 things you have stuffed away in a back closet and tag three people.
It doesn't say hall coat closet, or linen closet or bedroom closet, it says back closet. So I'm talking about the closet in the spare bedroom, which I call the back bedroom.
1. Jigsaw puzzles. Lots and lots of jigsaw puzzles.
2. Paint. Theres a couple of cans of paint that we bought almost 5 years ago and have yet to use.
3. Halloween costumes.
4. A fan. One of those big square fans that sits on the floor.
5. Empty boxes.
6. A box of photographs. This serves as my photo album.
7. Old coats. All the coats we'll never wear and I haven't got around to donating yet.
8. A box of doodads. Just little things I've bought for the house that haven't been used yet.
So there you have it. I don't know who to tag. This is the first time I've ever been tagged. I could only come up with 2 people.
Awittykitty at Art, Angst and the Occasional Mention of Nudity
Kelli at There Is No Place Like Home
It'll be interesting to see if they actually participate. Thanks for reading, do come again.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Well here it is 3:45 a.m and I'm up. I couldn't sleep at all. I guess this will be another all-nighter. I didn't sleep much yesterday. Mainly I read and laid there awake, thinking. Not much sleep at all. So now I'm having insomnia, yay.
You know what I was thinking about yesterday? The bad years. Back in the days when Little R was a baby. Mr. Man and I did not see eye to eye. We fought a lot and actually ended up splitting up for a year and a half. But once we reconciled everything has been great ever since. There was some really bad times back then. I don't know why I was thinking about it yesterday. Now I just can't get comfortable. His snoring is bothering me. I'm just wide awake.
I still have nothing to say. Jeff Healey died. That sucks. He was a great musician. I never did see him. It was one of those things, yeah yeah, we'll go next time. Now there won't be a next time. So that's a drag.
My mind won't shut off. There's just all kinds of stuff racing around in there. Nothing important. Just thoughts and memories. I took my sleep aids. They usually work. Reading didn't help either. Maybe I did just get too much rest yesterday.
Mr. Man has run out of patience with the condition of the house. He has started making comments about it every day. He's actually bitching at me about it! This is new. I know he's just trying to motivate me. It's not really working. I'll get to it. So much for my baby steps. That never happened. We simply have too much stuff. We have to get rid of the stuff. Man I wish I could have one of those teams of people who just come in and clean it all out for you. And then they organize what's left. The worst of it is, we need to learn how to house train Eddie. He has his favourite spots where he likes to go, but really he does it all over the house. It's impossible to keep up with him. I rarely catch him doing it. He gets let outside plenty. I just don't know how to train him. Then there's the laundry. We all just have too much clothes. Even though I've weeded out all our clothes and donated them, we still have too much. It's crazy. I'm just overwhelmed. I don't know where to start. Do you think that's what's keeping me awake at night? I think that's part of it.
And what's with Eddie. He's a little pyro. He sits on the hearth right in front of the fire and stares at it. If it pops or shifts he barks his head off at it, which then gets Bear barking too. If there's no fire going he stays away from it, but if there's a fire he won't leave it alone. He also eats wood chips and has been known to take a cold ember out of the firebox to chew on. Here he is staring at the fire...

At first we thought he just liked the heat on the hearth, but that's not it. He's facinated by the fire. But then if there's a spark or a log falls over, he freaks out. Well I don't know how a dog thinks. So who knows.
Our tenth anniversary is coming up in a couple of weeks. We've been together for 18 years, married for 10. We don't usually really celebrate it. We'll see. It's on the 13th. We got married on a Friday the 13th. It was a very, very small wedding. Very spur of the moment too. We'd like to have a real big wedding on one of our milestone anniversaries. But I know it's not gonna happen for the tenth. So I don't know, maybe the 13th.
Well, I think I'm going to try to lay down for an hour before I have to get up and start my day. We have that meeting with the Vice Principal this morning. I'd like to be alert and showered for that. Have a great day.
You know what I was thinking about yesterday? The bad years. Back in the days when Little R was a baby. Mr. Man and I did not see eye to eye. We fought a lot and actually ended up splitting up for a year and a half. But once we reconciled everything has been great ever since. There was some really bad times back then. I don't know why I was thinking about it yesterday. Now I just can't get comfortable. His snoring is bothering me. I'm just wide awake.
I still have nothing to say. Jeff Healey died. That sucks. He was a great musician. I never did see him. It was one of those things, yeah yeah, we'll go next time. Now there won't be a next time. So that's a drag.
My mind won't shut off. There's just all kinds of stuff racing around in there. Nothing important. Just thoughts and memories. I took my sleep aids. They usually work. Reading didn't help either. Maybe I did just get too much rest yesterday.
Mr. Man has run out of patience with the condition of the house. He has started making comments about it every day. He's actually bitching at me about it! This is new. I know he's just trying to motivate me. It's not really working. I'll get to it. So much for my baby steps. That never happened. We simply have too much stuff. We have to get rid of the stuff. Man I wish I could have one of those teams of people who just come in and clean it all out for you. And then they organize what's left. The worst of it is, we need to learn how to house train Eddie. He has his favourite spots where he likes to go, but really he does it all over the house. It's impossible to keep up with him. I rarely catch him doing it. He gets let outside plenty. I just don't know how to train him. Then there's the laundry. We all just have too much clothes. Even though I've weeded out all our clothes and donated them, we still have too much. It's crazy. I'm just overwhelmed. I don't know where to start. Do you think that's what's keeping me awake at night? I think that's part of it.
And what's with Eddie. He's a little pyro. He sits on the hearth right in front of the fire and stares at it. If it pops or shifts he barks his head off at it, which then gets Bear barking too. If there's no fire going he stays away from it, but if there's a fire he won't leave it alone. He also eats wood chips and has been known to take a cold ember out of the firebox to chew on. Here he is staring at the fire...
At first we thought he just liked the heat on the hearth, but that's not it. He's facinated by the fire. But then if there's a spark or a log falls over, he freaks out. Well I don't know how a dog thinks. So who knows.
Our tenth anniversary is coming up in a couple of weeks. We've been together for 18 years, married for 10. We don't usually really celebrate it. We'll see. It's on the 13th. We got married on a Friday the 13th. It was a very, very small wedding. Very spur of the moment too. We'd like to have a real big wedding on one of our milestone anniversaries. But I know it's not gonna happen for the tenth. So I don't know, maybe the 13th.
Well, I think I'm going to try to lay down for an hour before I have to get up and start my day. We have that meeting with the Vice Principal this morning. I'd like to be alert and showered for that. Have a great day.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Rainy Monday
Life has been uneventful around here. I really have nothing to say. I'd like to say thank you for all the nice comments. They are truly appreciated. To answer the question of where I keep all those dishes, I have 3 china cabinets.
I would have to say March came in like a lion. It snowed half the day, thankfully it finally stopped, and it was bitter cold. The wind was so sharp it could cut you in half. The roads were pure ice. Now, two days later, it's raining. I think we had freezing rain last night. When I let the dogs out this morning they were slipping around on the ice. I cannot wait to see the end of this winter.
I woke up at 5:30 on Saturday. It was still snowing. I wanted to go to town, I was in the mood for browsing. I waited patiently all day for Mr. Man to get up so we could go. I think it was around 3 p.m when we finally headed into town. We browsed through the thrift store, didn't buy anything, and once again forgot to bring a load of stuff to drop off. We went to the drug store for his prescriptions and I bought 2 new books. It's been so long since I've bought new books that I was a little shocked at the price of them. We also went to the dollar store where we bought a few things, the grocery store where Mr. Man got the ingredients for Chicken Paprikash which he made for dinner, and the liquor store where we bought a bottle of Buttershots which we drank most of that night while playing darts. We came home on the icy roads and lit a lovely little fire. Mr. Man cooked dinner and after dinner we played darts. Once again he got bored with winning.
Here it is Monday again and it's raining. I don't like Mondays. I don't like being home alone after the weekend. It's depressing. I used to appreciate the peace and quiet. I think I get too much peace and quiet these days. All the school buses, except for Little R's, were cancelled this morning. I'm just hoping she goes to all her classes and comes straight home from school. I miss my family on Mondays.
Even though it's raining today, they are calling for snow the rest of the week. I can't take it any more. It's making me feel claustrophobic. Due to the foul weather all weekend Mr. Man didn't get the chance to fix the fan belt on the truck again. So it's another week without my car. You'd think I'd be used to this. But I start every weekend with the hope that this time he'll get to fix the truck. One more reason I don't like Mondays, I'm trapped at home.
Ah well. I think I'll go read. I've already read all the blogs and whatnot that I read on the computer. Time to go read my book and probably fall asleep. Sounds like a plan on a rainy Monday. Have a good day.
I would have to say March came in like a lion. It snowed half the day, thankfully it finally stopped, and it was bitter cold. The wind was so sharp it could cut you in half. The roads were pure ice. Now, two days later, it's raining. I think we had freezing rain last night. When I let the dogs out this morning they were slipping around on the ice. I cannot wait to see the end of this winter.
I woke up at 5:30 on Saturday. It was still snowing. I wanted to go to town, I was in the mood for browsing. I waited patiently all day for Mr. Man to get up so we could go. I think it was around 3 p.m when we finally headed into town. We browsed through the thrift store, didn't buy anything, and once again forgot to bring a load of stuff to drop off. We went to the drug store for his prescriptions and I bought 2 new books. It's been so long since I've bought new books that I was a little shocked at the price of them. We also went to the dollar store where we bought a few things, the grocery store where Mr. Man got the ingredients for Chicken Paprikash which he made for dinner, and the liquor store where we bought a bottle of Buttershots which we drank most of that night while playing darts. We came home on the icy roads and lit a lovely little fire. Mr. Man cooked dinner and after dinner we played darts. Once again he got bored with winning.
Here it is Monday again and it's raining. I don't like Mondays. I don't like being home alone after the weekend. It's depressing. I used to appreciate the peace and quiet. I think I get too much peace and quiet these days. All the school buses, except for Little R's, were cancelled this morning. I'm just hoping she goes to all her classes and comes straight home from school. I miss my family on Mondays.
Even though it's raining today, they are calling for snow the rest of the week. I can't take it any more. It's making me feel claustrophobic. Due to the foul weather all weekend Mr. Man didn't get the chance to fix the fan belt on the truck again. So it's another week without my car. You'd think I'd be used to this. But I start every weekend with the hope that this time he'll get to fix the truck. One more reason I don't like Mondays, I'm trapped at home.
Ah well. I think I'll go read. I've already read all the blogs and whatnot that I read on the computer. Time to go read my book and probably fall asleep. Sounds like a plan on a rainy Monday. Have a good day.