~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

My Photo
Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

When I woke up this morning, there was a messenger message waiting from Mr. Man. He said "you better call me". I thought oh oh, what's wrong? So I called him and he said "I may be late today". I said "why is that?" He said "I have to go pick up my prize that I won." He actually won on "Stump The Chump" on Q107! That's a Toronto radio station. Stump The Chump is a trivia question contest. Today it was about Halloween. He was on his way to work, called in, and pulled over to do it. He doesn't remember the questions. He won $200+ of 6/49 tickets, tickets to see Yes and tickets to an old timers hockey game! Right on! Mr. Man listens to Q107 all the time. In the summer they do this thing where they set up a coffee drive thru in front of somebody's house in the morning and Mr. Man went to one this year and came home with a bunch of stuff, a t-shirt, a CD, a coffee mug, etc. But this is the first time he's gotten through on the phone to do an on the air contest. I'm so proud of him! How exciting!

And in other news, I just woke up. I just had to share that little bit of news. I don't know what it's like out. I don't know what I'm doing today, other than carving a pumpkin. It's Halloween! Little R will be doing one and I'll be doing one. And that'll be the extent of our decorating this year. Two lonely jack-o-lanterns. I may hang a Happy Halloween sign on the door too. Half our decorations are buried in the garage.

Oh well, that's todays excitement. I'm off to start my day. Have a good one and Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Candy Apples

Even with the heaters it's chilly in here this morning. At least the sun is shining, and it is supposed to warm up a bit. If it doesn't warm up soon I may be forced to make a fire. We still don't have propane for the furnace, sigh. With these heaters we should be able to cut down our propane consumption this winter. It must be really cold out for it to be this chilly inside.

I sold another item on eBay last night. However I only got 1 bid again. It's so much more fun, exciting and interesting when you get multiple bids. I've been fortunate that Mr. Man has been able to provide me with shipping materials. I think I am going to look for a scale this weekend though. It would make quoting shipping costs so much easier. Currently I have to run over to the post office to get quotes, it's a pain.

I made candy apples for the first time ever last night. Too bad I can't even eat them. I used to love candy apples. But with dentures it's just not possible. Well, I don't know if it would be possible if the dentures fit properly. We bought the kits for candy and caramel apples a couple of weeks ago and Little R and Mr. Man decided they had to have them last night. We'll save the caramel for another time. They ate half of them before I thought of taking a picture. They were eating them when they were still gooey. Mr. Man had a glob of red candy hanging on his nose ring, charming.

Too bad, so sad, it sucks to be me.

Mr. Man plays the lottery religiously. We are both convinced that one day he will win. He also thinks we'll find a million dollar painting at a yard sale. One of the things I've been trying to sell off on eBay is a bunch of costume jewelry I inherited from my aunt. Amongst the jewelry was some stamps. Mr. Man was sure they were a gold mine. I looked them up on Google this morning and it turns out they are worth 20 cents each. Sorry Honey, no gold mine there. Not everything I'm listing is selling, but a lot of it is. I'm really having fun doing this. And I'm thrilled to be getting rid of this stuff that has been cluttering up my house and my mind. If I make a few bucks in the process, nothing wrong with that. I am running out of things around the house though. Some of my clutter I will not part with. I'm looking forward to going out searching for little treasures to sell. I'm learning a lot from my friend C. She has really helped me with what to look for. And I couldn't have made it through the maze that is eBay without her help. Speaking of C, it has been fabulous reconnecting with her. We talk via computer every day. I look forward to going to visit her hopefully in the near future. I can't wait to see her "shipping shelf" and all her boxes of treasures lol.

I bought something on eBay. Well I won the auction actually. I bought a Harley Davidson Christmas tree ornament. Mainly I was trying to build feedback so people would buy from me. So I bought something inexpensive and figured it was something I could give to Mr. Man for Christmas. Well last night while he was looking over my shoulder he noticed that I bought something. I got a mini lecture about spending the money as fast as I was getting it. At some point, I figure this morning before I got up, he went in and had a look at what I bought. So once I got up we were talking and the subject came up. I told him what I bought was cheap and I'm making more than I'm spending. He said "yeah, the ornament?" I said "YOU LOOKED???" He said "yeah and that's equivelant to you looking in the bank account last Christmas and seeing that I bought you a laptop. Now we're even." LOL.

Well time to start my day. I got a bit of cleaning done yesterday, but of course there is still plenty to do. Have a great day.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

To Pluck Or Not To Pluck

Over the last few days, every morning it has been snowing. One morning it actually stuck to the ground for a while. Today the sky was looking quite menacing, but it only flurried a bit. I'm not ready for winter. Snow in October is not unheard of here, but it always seems too soon.

I experienced my first bidding war on eBay last night! It was so exciting! The item was listed at $9.99 and ended up selling for $56 and change. That was the most bids I've had on an item yet, 12 bids. It was just, great. Very exciting. It was especially sweet after the couple of disappointments of only 1 bid. I won't be listing anything new until I can get new batteries for my camera, it died. My interest in eBay is renewed lol.

I promised Mr. Man I would clean the house today. But thus far I have been unable to pull my ass out of the chair in front of the computer. Why does the time pass so quickly when I'm avoiding doing something? The state of the house didn't bother him for years, now all of a sudden it's this big issue. I'll do it, just to keep the peace. But oh how I'm dreading doing it.

Very excited about seeing T this weekend. It will mean a trip to the city though. I'm wondering if I should pluck my eyebrows for the ocassion. You know I stopped plucking them, and they're kind of bushy. I used to over pluck them and Mr. Man says I looked angry all the time lol. So I decided to let them grow back in and start over. I just haven't started over yet. This is such a big deal. We didn't think we would ever see T again. Mr. Man really missed his little brother, they used to be so close. If I'm as excited as I am, I can only imagine how Mr. Man feels. I think this calls for plucking. There will probably be lots of picture taking. Yes I think I will pluck.

Well, no more putting it off. I have to clean, ugh. So have a great day.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Finally, Some Good News

Once again I was a little disappointed with my auction. I only got 1 bid. I was hoping for more with 5 watchers on that item. Oh well. I listed something else today so I still have 7 auctions on the go. I'm really not sure if I'm going to keep at it once I run out of things around the house to sell. For now I'll keep trying. At least my stuff is selling.

We didn't go to the Halloween party. Sorry, no pictures. Instead we went to town for a bite to eat, mmmm perogies and sour cream with onions and bacon. Then just spent a quiet evening at home.

There is some good news in my life. Mr. Man spoke to his brother after 12 years of no contact. They were very close before they had a falling out. We've been looking for him for years, I even made a website trying to locate him. Well last weekend Mr. Man received a message on Facebook from a total stranger saying his little brother says hi type of thing. He replied giving his phone number. After a couple of days of voice mail phone tag they finally spoke this morning. We are going to his place for dinner next weekend! This is going to be one hell of a reunion. We have really missed having T in our lives and I hope this is a new beginning. I hope he will remain a part of our life from here on. I'm so excited! I guess Mr. Man is pretty excited too. Oh and it turns out, the total stranger is T's girlfriend's son. I guess we'll be meeting them next weekend. Oh I can't wait.

It's pouring rain today, yuck. But I'm toasty warm with my new heaters. We went over to SW's as she was cleaning out her garage and sheds in preperation of moving. I got a big old milk can, which I can use as a planter, and an antique fire extinguisher. Mr. Man wanted the weight bench and weights but I said no. I seriously doubt he would ever use it. It would just end up being something else to get rid of and not so easy to get rid of. I mailed off my auction item today. And that's been my day so far. Just sitting at the computer and taking pictures of more stuff to list on eBay. So have a great day, stay out of the rain.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

eBay...It's My New Obsession

Well eBay has become my new obsession. I now have 7 auctions listed. One of them ends in a couple of hours. I have 5 watchers on this item but no bids yet. I sold my first item this week. There was only one bid. I was disappointed that there wasn't a bidding war and the price didn't go up. I felt the item was worth more than it sold for. But oh well. I learned something from that auction too. Don't list things in the middle of the night because then the auction will be ending in the middle of the night. Timing is important. People tend to wait until the last minute to bid and no one is going to stay up half the night to bid on eBay. I'm really enjoying doing this. Soon I will run out of things around the house to sell. This will forever change yard sales for me. I'll now be looking for things to sell. I find I'm looking at everything differently now, like could I sell that on eBay? Mr. Man is being very supportive, he wants me to keep at it, and he has brought me home packing materials, like bubble wrap, boxes, packing tape and shipping labels. All I really need now is a scale. Potential buyers ask for shipping cost quotes. There is a postal website where you can get quotes, but you need to know the weight of the parcel. I've wanted to do this for a long time. In fact I had created an account on eBay in 2007. It was great to finally come across someone who does it and could show me the ropes and help me get started. It's really going to help with decluttering as well. I'm still posting stuff on Freecycle too. I have someone coming this afternoon to pick something up.

That's about all the excitement around here lately. Didn't do much last weekend. Went grocery shopping. Chopped some firewood. Played some darts. Mr. Man beat me 6-1 games. He bought some heaters for around the house. I don't know why we didn't think of this sooner. They work great. He got ones that oscillate. They really take the chill out of the house. I'm no longer freezing all the time. He got 3 of them. It's quite comfortable in here now.

We're invited to an annual Halloween party tonight. I can't believe Halloween is only a week away. We still haven't bought any candy for it. Haven't even thought about doing the decorating. This is very unusual. I usually have the candy weeks in advance. I usually do the decorating the day of Halloween, but I don't feel like doing it this year. We may just have jack-o-lanterns this year. I'm not sure if we're going to the party tonight or not. We went last year but we didn't dress up. If we do go I'd like to dress up for it this time. It's such a long drive. That's the only reason I hem and haw about going. I think Mr. Man wants to go, so we probably will. Last year I bought a few costumes because they were on sale after Halloween. They were really cheap. Now that I look at them I can't see me wearing any of them. They're all pretty flimsy. I may end up wearing my old tried and true witch outfit.

Really I'm just killing time waiting for my auction to end. An hour and a half left to go and still no bids. I'll probably list a couple more things tonight. I still have a lot to learn about it. I'm still a newbie. But I'm having fun, making a little money and decluttering the house. Nothing wrong with that. Wish me luck. Tune in again for pictures from the Halloween party. Have a great day.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm An Ebayer!

I now have my second listing up on Ebay. I'm still a little nervous, just not knowing what to expect. It's been fun tracking my items, no bids yet, but I do have a watcher on one item. It will be a learning experience that's for sure.

The other day when I was opening my birthday presents, Bear was right in there. It was so cute. He thought it was Christmas. He was trying to help me open them. He kept grabbing at the bows. Once one was opened and the box and wrappings were discarded on the floor, he was rooting through it, pulled all the tissue out, looking for a present for him. Little R got a short video of him trying to get one of my presents. Yup the poor guy thought it was Christmas.

Bear is adorable at Christmas. He gets just as much stuff as we do. He opens all his own gifts. Last year we had Eddie too. I don't think he knew what to do with the gifts. We had to help him open his. They each got a bag of Snausages and at some point before Christmas, they opened a bag. It was done so neatly you would never guess it was done by dogs. They ate the whole bag. Well we're not sure who did it and if they shared. Bear actually loves Christmas. We usually get him some treats, a few toys, individually wrapped tennis balls. One year he got a bed, another year he got boots, stuff like that. That reminds me, I need to wash his bed.

I haven't posted anything on Freecycle yet this week. I've been too busy with Ebay. And I'm still reeling from the weekend. It was the best birthday I've had in a few years. And just seeing my old friend really blew me away. I hope to get some more stuff posted today. The decluttering continues. I got rid of so much last week. I'm not sure where to begin this week. Now I have to look at things like they may sell on Ebay. I think I already know what my next listing will be. Freecycle and Cheapcycle are just much more convenient and less complicated. But there's a lot more people viewing your items on Ebay. I don't know, we'll see.
We did our civic duty and voted. I don't get any Canadian television so I'll have to wait to see the results online. After going to vote, Mr. Man went over to help SW move some of her furniture out of the house. Her house finally sold and she has to be out by the end of the month. She is looking to rent a place in town. It was actually her brother and Mr. Man doing the moving. I guess she is storing her stuff at her brothers place until she finds a new place to live. I'm going to miss having her just around the corner.

Yesterday was a lazy day. It was much chillier than it had been on the weekend. I had a fire blazing all day. We're getting low on firewood again. I went out back and took a couple of pictures. We have one tree that turns a nice colour. And I have a burning bush, which I don't think is really a burning bush, or it's a different species than I had before. I swear I'm not letting my gardens go next year the way I did this year. I didn't do any weeding and the gardens just look horrible. Well it's 7 a.m and it's still dark out, sigh. Winter is just around the corner. I wanted to post some photos from our drive on Monday, but they are huge and would require resizing and that's just too much work. So I'll leave you with a couple of pictures I took yesterday. Have a great day.

Monday, October 13, 2008

When Did Long Weekends Get So Short?

Long weekends just aren't long enough any more. All the fun and excitement is over. I'm alone again, looking over all the pictures and thinking what a freak I look like. First of all, do something with the eyebrows, like start plucking them again. Secondly, the hair. Do something with it. It's growing back after having it hacked off to donate, and it looks terrible. Plus, never cut your own bangs the day you're having your picture taken! Never, just don't do it. And the outfit. It didn't do a thing for me. That was the first time I ever wore it. I received it through Freecycle months ago, never even tried it on. I thought it looked Thanksgiving-y. It was very comfortable. But it really didn't suit me. Little R tried warning me, but I did not heed her fashion wisdom.

I wanted to get out of the house today, it was a fabulous day, just gorgeous out, so we went for a drive. We stopped in at D&Ss new place but they weren't home. So we just drove around, grabbed a coffee and headed back home. I didn't bring my camera, which I meant to, you know, in case we saw some wildlife or some nice fall colours. Then Mr. Man reminded me that his new phone has a camera on it. I took several photos, but they are from such a distance, they aren't very good. We haven't figured out the zoom on it yet.

We came home and I took pictures (with my camera) of the next thing I want to sell on Ebay. I haven't gotten to posting my listing yet. I'm not sure how. Then Mr. Man indulged me in a couple of games of darts, during which I started drinking wine again. Before you know it I had a fire going and the windows wide open. It was too warm for a fire as it was last night, but I just love having a fire. Then I ate a plate of heated leftovers and that made me feel ill. It was great while I was eating it, but after I was done, not so much. I just had to have some more of that green bean casserole and stuffing. And now I'm having cake.

The weekend flew by. Much too fast. As I sit here alone, and Thanksgiving and my birthday are officially over, I am feeling lonely. What I'd give to have one more day of weekend. The house is so quiet now. It's just me and the dog. I had a lovely day, but it didn't feel like my birthday at all. Last year on my birthday we took the dogs to a rabies clinic for their shots. And it felt like my birthday. Go figure. I don't know if it's because we already celebrated it or if it's just old age or what it is. It didn't feel special. Sigh. I so dislike the end of the weekends. Back to the grind. I guess I live for the weekends. Especially long ones. Won't be another until Christmas now. Thankfully Mr. Man gets the whole week off, no going into work between the holidays. Well I now definately know what not to wear to the company party. So that's how I get by, just look forward to the next holiday. The scenery was gorgeous today. Today was fun, today is done, tomorrow is another one. Have a great night.

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday To Me!

Today is my birthday. I'm 47 years old. To be honest, I never expected to live this long lol. I've abused myself over the years. We celebrated yesterday. Mr. Man baked me a cake. We had a turkey dinner because it is Thanksgiving too.

Saturday was spent in town. We expected to only be a couple of hours but ended up spending the whole day in town. We actually made 2 trips. We forgot some stuff and went back. Mr. Man replaced the washroom door because it was trashed. He didn't have the proper tools so had to make do with what he did have, and it took him hours. But he did it and a good job too. I got a couple of pumpkins, but I couldn't find any reasonably priced small ones, so I only got 2 big ones.

Sunday was spent cleaning up the house. I swept up a TON of dog hair. I found the dogs brush the other day, it was hiding in the spare bedroom, and I took him outside and gave him a good brushing. Hopefully that will help cut down on his shedding all over the house in the future. Mr. Man baked my cake and got the turkey in the oven. Then our guests arrived early in the afternoon. It was so bizarre to see CC after so many years, over 20 years it's been. I was a little freaked out the whole time because she just seemed so different than I remembered her. Even her voice was different. She said the same about me. She was very vibrant and outgoing, and talkative, and that's just not how I remember her. She gave me a birthday gift, a cute card and a bag of her own homegrown. Of course we sampled it right away. I must say I hardly smoke any more, rarely, but I used to be chronic. So that had me feeling a little off too. Then our other guests arrived. CM and her husband. They had been here a couple of months ago, and we went to their picnic in the city this summer, but previous to that I also hadn't seen them in years. CM spoiled me with gifts. She had asked me what I wanted and all I could think of was a new "Ove Glove". My old one wore out and caught fire. I used it all the time for rearranging the logs in the fireplace. Rather than just one, I wanted a pair. Sure enough that was one of things she gave me, a new pair of Ove Gloves! Awesome. She also gave me a beautiful, warm, furry blanket to wrap around myself while sitting at the computer freezing to death. AND she gave me a very pretty towel set. AND she framed a picture she had taken at her picnic of me and Mr. Man. How thoughtful is that? I love this picture and I immediately put it on our mantle. I am so blessed to have such dear old friends, who know me so well, and gave me perfect gifts for my birthday.

CM also brought a fruit bouquet from Edible Arrangements. Not only did it look great but it was yummy too. All kinds of fruit including chocolate covered strawberries. It was sort of a potluck deal, everyone brought something. Including lots of wine. CC brought a green bean casserole which was scrumptious, and squash, which I've never tried before and was good, and some sort of dessert, peanut butter/marshmellow squares that we never actually got around to eating because there was just so much food.

I was just kind of in a daze the whole time. It's all a blur. I wish there wasn't so much going on so we could have just sat and talked. Lots of wine was drank, lots of food was eaten, lots of laughs, a good time was had by all. It ended too early for my likings, but they all had a long drive home. And from reports today, it was a foggy drive.

We prepared to have a nice blazing fire in the fireplace. It's usually freezing in the familyroom, as you well know. What we weren't prepared for was the summer weather. We would have been better off planning a bonfire, but we didn't, and we didn't have any wood cut up for it. So at one point, after dinner, we were all sitting outside on the front deck just getting some air.

CC has been selling on Ebay for 10 years. It was part of the plan for her to teach me while she was here. We eventually got around to it. So I now have my very first listing on Ebay! I'm pretty nervous because I really don't know what I'm doing. There was a lot of horsing around to get my listing posted. You don't really catch on when you have someone telling you where to click and what to do. So, we'll see how this goes. I think I may be better off using Cheapcycle to sell stuff. It certainly is a lot less complicated than Ebay.

So it was a very busy day. I got tipsy and had to stop drinking. I couldn't smile comfortably for any photos, due to my ill fitting dentures. I look like a total dweeb in most of them. I'll post a couple of them here. I just want to say thank you to everyone for making my birthday special and helping me to celebrate getting old.

Here's some pics. First is Mr. Man and Little R.

Next is me and CM.

Me, CM and CC.

The fruit bouquet and the cake. I think Mr. Man was a little rushed with the decorating, but it was done with love.

And here's me blowing out the candles and opening gifts.

I'm a wee bit hungover today, so this post took some effort. Sorry it's so bland and disjointed. I feel like I didn't really get to visit with my friends. There was just too much going on. There were a heck of a lot of pictures taken, but I look so ridiculous in most of them I can't post them. We'll have to do this again sometime, when we can just sit and chat, more relaxed.
Happy Thanksgiving! And Happy Birthday to me! Have a great day.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday Show and Tell # 9

Show and Tell

Already again it's time for Show and Tell Friday. That week went by fast! To join in the fun and check out the other participants go to Kelli's There Is No Place Like Home.

This week I am going to show my autumn decorations. This weekend is the Canadian Thanksgiving. We're having company for dinner so I thought I should break out my few decorations. I was also inspired by all the other blogs I read.

This is the wreath on my front door.

These are the things adorning my washroom counter. A waterjug full of fall leaves and a candle surrounded by a shiny, fall leaf garland.

In my familyroom, a turkey candle holder, given to me by my sister, sits on the coffee table and fall leaf candle holders sit on the mantle.

In my diningroom, a basket of autumn ornaments sits on a shelf, and a bouquet on the table.

Lastly, in the entry hall a small swag of fall leaves hangs over the mirror. I see the mirror could use a cleaning lol.

Sometime next week I'll post photos of outside. I haven't got my pumpkins yet. Hope you enjoyed my Show and Tell. Have a great day and a wonderful weekend. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Freecycling Fool

Well I finally got around to going through some of the toys we have hanging around here. Some of this stuff hasn't been seen in years. I posted a bunch of it on Freecycle. Some of it is being picked up today. I had hoped to get rid of all of it though. I had a box of stuff in the basement that I was saving for grandchildren. When I looked through that box I found that the box had gotten wet and the bottom was all moldy. Half the stuff I thought was in that box wasn't there, and there were things in there that I didn't know were in there. Fortunately nothing was ruined. So far this week I have managed to empty 2 boxes, one in the basement and one in the spare bedroom. Whatever I can't get rid of on Freecycle I'll just drop off at the Thrift Store. Freecycle is so convenient because people come right to your door to pick stuff up.

Little R is not doing well with school. The other day one of her teachers phoned to tell me she has never met Little R. She has never gone to that class once. She hasn't been to school yet this week. I am going to set up a meeting with the school to try to figure out a solution to this problem. Maybe she needs to change schools. All I know is I don't want her to drop out like I did. But that seems to be the path we are headed down. I'm at a loss. I don't know what we can say to her to change things. I figure the school are the professionals and they must see this kind of thing all the time, so they should know how to deal with it.

It poured rain all day yesterday. Today it's supposed to clear up and it's supposed to warm up too. We got a few bags of firewood yesterday. That will last a couple of days. It doesn't seem too bad in here this morning, I'm not freezing to death. So I won't bother with a fire today if I don't need to.

I snagged some pictures off of my brothers Facebook. Here we are at the restaurant for my birthday dinner. The first one is me and Mr. Man.

The next one is my sister and my father.

Next is my sister, my father and my brother.

And last is me and Little R.

Missing is my brothers wife. I guess she was taking pictures. It's not very often that we get together. I asked my brother if he was planning to do the Christmas dinner thing again and he wasn't sure, he said they would decide closer to Christmas. As you can see my hair is finally growing back after having it cut off to donate. I need it cut again but am too afraid. I'll probably just trim my bangs myself and leave it at that. I've also stopped plucking my eyebrows which gives me a totally different look. Mr. Man says I don't look angry all the time this way lol. And the dentures, well they just completely change my face. I still don't like them and they still don't fit properly, even after having them relined. These are not the most flattering photos, but oh well.

I went to the doctor the other day. They had called me in after getting the results of my blood tests. I have high cholesterol. He explained everything to me, my risk % etc. and gave me the choice of going on medication or not. I chose not yet. I need to quit smoking. That will lower my risk. For me to quit smoking Mr. Man would have to quit too and he's not ready just yet. He's under too much stress. Some day we will quit together.

I never did get dressed yesterday. It was too rainy and yucky. Today I plan on getting dressed. How crazy that getting dressed is like a major goal for the day. I've been up for 2 hours and am still in my jammies. But since I have someone from Freecycle coming to pick up some toys I will have to get dressed for that. Have a great day.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Birthday Dinner

The place I bought my mums was this farmer dude with a set up in the parking lot of a Canadian Tire store. He also sells lilies. So I took my friend there, she drove down to pick me up then all the way to Fergus, only to discover he was no longer there. I don't know if he's gone for good or if he's only there on weekends. It was pretty disappointing. So we drove around a bit and then I remembered there was a garden center just outside of town. We found it and it was open and my friend bought some mums and stuff. They weren't as nice as the ones the farmer dude had. The prices were about the same. We had a nice little chat and it was oh so good to get out of the house for a couple of hours.

Last night my father took us out for dinner for my birthday. My sister was with him as she had to do the driving, and my brother and his wife met us at the restaurant. It was good to see the family. My sister and father came to our house to pick up me and Little R as Mr. Man was meeting us at the restaurant also. It was perfect timing, we all showed up at the same time. At dinner Little R was a little grossed out since old people tend to talk about their health and ailments. My father is 93. He still drives, just not long distances. He has some health issues these days. I always get a little upset after I see him, because I don't see him very often, and every time I do, I can see him getting older and more frail. His hearing is gone now. He's deaf in one ear and has a hearing aid in the other. So we were often repeating ourselves, or just seemingly being ignored. Oh well, it was just nice to have my family together and that they remembered my birthday. I'm glad they didn't center me out with cake and singing and all that jazz.

My brother took some pictures which I will snag off of Facebook if he ever posts them. Mr. Man took some pictures with his phone but he hasn't loaded them onto the computer yet. My brother just joined Facebook. He has posted tons of photos. He has pictures of my dad when he was a little kid and of his parents and grandparents. We're talking OLD pictures here. Unfortunately he doesn't have them labeled as "these are my great-grandparents" and such, he just has the names and dates of birth and death, so I don't really know who's who. Ever notice people just didn't look happy back in those days?

All week I've been burning that wood from the driveway. It should be seasoned. It's not burning well at all, almost like it's wet. I can't wait to get a load of burnable wood. I've also burned a couple of pieces from the tree we cut down. They too burn really slow. It's funny because it burned fine on the bonfire. I was talking to my nephews wife on messenger this morning and they were getting snow down there in Newfoundland! Thank heavens it hasn't started snowing here yet. I'm not ready for it.

Well that's about it. My counsellor tells me I have to start getting dressed every morning. Apparently I need routine and structure to my days. This is supposed to alleviate my depression. I will admit I do get more done on the days I get dressed. It has just become such a nasty little habit to lounge around in my jammies all day. I just don't see the point of getting dressed if I'm not going anywhere. But I will make my best effort to take the counsellors advice. It can't hurt and it may help. So I'm off to get dressed. Have a great day.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Wanted - Space To Store Firewood

Even though it is freezing in this house, it was a lovely fall weekend. On Saturday we didn't do much. We went to town and got our turkey for next weekend. We got the only pre-stuffed, cook from frozen one that was there. It's pretty small. There's only going to be 6 people at dinner so it should be fine. That kind does go fast, some stores don't even sell them, so I was just happy to find one at all. They are much easier to cook than the ones you have to thaw and stuff.

On Sunday we drove to the Reserve for smokes. It was a beautiful day for a drive. On the way back we stopped to buy some mums to put on the front deck. We found a place with excellent prices, but still Mr. Man would only let me get small ones. Then we saw a pile of free stuff at the side of the road, had to stop and check it out. I got 3 clear vases out of it. Most of my vases are coloured and I was looking for a clear one, so it was perfect.

We still haven't chopped up that tree we cut down. We were going to do it Saturday, but other things came up. We had a few logs in the driveway that Mr. Man had picked up somewhere about a year ago. So they were seasoned, so we cut them up. One of them turned out to be rotten so it'll go to the bonfire pit. I tried burning some of it in the fireplace and it just didn't burn well at all. We are planning on ordering a load of firewood, the only problem is we have nowhere dry to store it. Next summer we have to clean out the garage. It's just ridiculous. I wish we had done it this summer, but this summer was a write off. You can't even walk through it any more, it's just that packed full of crap. It's a total waste of good space and a waste of all the things in there that we can't get at to use. And it would be great for storing firewood, if we could fit it in.

Well I'm actually getting out of the house today. I told my friend about the great deal I got on the mums and she wants to go buy some and asked me to come along for the drive. So I must go now and have a shower and actually get dressed. Most days I sit around in my jammies all day, with nowhere to go and nothing to do. So have a great day.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Show And Tell # 8

Show and Tell

Well it's Friday, that means it's Show and Tell Friday. Click on the link above to go to Kelli's There Is No Place Like Home to participate and enjoy all the other Show and Tells.

I am not a tea drinker, I prefer coffee, but my mother was. She collected tea cups. I have inherited her collection and added to it. Today I'm going to show you my two favourite tea cups out of the collection.

The first one is the pattern "Broadway" by Foley.

The second one has no pattern name and is by Royal Albert.

I have a china cabinet full of tea cups and saucers, but they are so crammed in there you can't really see any of them. I'd love to find a different way of displaying them. I'll never use them, they are just for show. I don't think my mother used these ones, they were just for show.

Hope you enjoyed my little show and tell. I've missed doing it these past couple of months. Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

It's October, Big Deal

We spent 3 hours at court for a 2 minute hearing, ugh. The nightmare continues. It got put off again until the middle of November. But it sounds like that will be the end of it and it will be thrown out of court. That is why Mr. Man hired the high priced attorney, this is the outcome we've been working towards. Meanwhile we are continuing with family counselling. This is what the court wants. Who knows, it may actually help us. It started with me going to counselling to deal with my depression. Then when this business happened with Mr. Man and Little R, the court suggested family counselling, so I asked my counsellor to take us on as a family and she agreed. I think we've made some progress.

On the Freecycle front, I was a little surprised when a woman showed up to pick up the shingles, without a man. So, I had to help her load them into her van. Man are those things ever heavy. But they're gone, yay. I also got rid of 2 big bags of Little Rs clothes. I really should go through my own clothes too. But I really do wear all my stuff. I can just go months without doing my laundry lol.

I read a lot of blogs. I have a lot of time on my hands for reading. Almost all the blogs I read have been mentioning how fall is their favourite time of year. I wouldn't say it's my favourite. I used to love it, but now, not so much. Like so many other things in my life, I'm finding it depressing. It's the end of the warmth of summer. Old man winter is lurking just around the corner. I'm dreading fighting with the propane company to deliver fuel. I'm dreading having to shovel a path for them to get to the tank. I'm just dreading being cold. I'm already cold all the time and it's only the first of October. The propane tank is empty. We still owe them money from last winter. We've just been putting off paying them, but it's time now. I'm debating making a fire today. There isn't much point if I'm only going to end up going to sleep later. I've been getting up at 4:30 every day and ending up needing a nap. I don't understand all the hoopla about fall. I guess if you're into baking apple pies and whatnot. Which I'm not. You know, I've never made a pie in my life. Sure I'd love to, but I don't think it's something you can just do, you need to know how. Who's going to teach me how to make pie? I wouldn't know where to begin. And I'm not very good at following recipes. Even when I do, it doesn't turn out right. So, when we eat pie, it's of the store bought variety. And all the decorating that goes on. I don't have that much autumn decorations and I didn't see anything in the dollar store yesterday worth buying. There's only so much you can do with pumpkins. Then you have to tear it all down in a month to decorate for Christmas. Just not into it. But I used to be. Speaking of Christmas, I forget which store it was, but I did see Christmas decorations out already. Jeez. Oh I know, it was Zellers. Yeah, we were there only because we heard about a 75% off sale. I don't like Zellers. And the sale was pretty lame, it was only a few things that were 75% off, nothing we wanted. We did get a memory foam mattress top for 25% off. It does make our lumpy bed more comfortable. I think these bloggers who are all excited it's fall don't live in my neck of the woods.

I don't know what I'm going to do today. I'm not feeling too good. Little R seemed to be getting sick yesterday, maybe I caught something from her. And I'm just damn cold. See, this all makes the bed so inviting. Curling up in bed with a good book, it's what I do. Though the book I'm currently reading sucks, I have to finish it. I can't read half a book, even when it sucks. Not feeling very motivated today. Oh yeah, SW sold her house. That means she'll be moving away, depressing, and also we have to move our trailer out of her driveway. I'm not looking forward to having that hulk back in our driveway. It'll be even more lonely here in paradise with her gone. Sigh. Well that's enough babbling for one day. Have a great day.