Happy Halloween!
I guess I'll be spending a portion of my day today outside hanging lights and decorating the house. I don't think I'm going to dress up this year. I'll probably just wear one of our many Halloween hats. Yes it will be toned down this year. Mostly because of my ongoing depression. I'm just not that into it this year.
We don't get all that many kids here, being in the middle of nowhere. There are plenty of kids in the neighbourhood and there are some who come from the nearby farms, but there seems to be less each year. Last time we were in town Mr. Man bought a bunch more candy, which I thought was unneccesary, but he says he "hates being the guy who runs out of candy". Well I have no doubt we won't run out. We never do, so I don't know where he gets that idea. We always have tons left over. I dislike when it's on a weeknight. That always makes it kind of a crappy night. The kids are out earlier and its over earlier. Little R is staying home to hand out candy this year. Her first year of not going out trick or treating. Even our house decorating will be toned down from previous years. No dry ice this time. I'll be doing minimal decorating. I'm not even looking forward to carving a jackolantern. Thankfully we only got 2 this year. Hopefully Little R will do one or both of them. I don't know where my staple gun is, nor do I know where all our extension cords have gone. I'll probably spend a good part of today hunting that stuff down. Sigh. I should have done the decorating on the weekend. I must say it's more fun with little kids involved. Their excitement is contagious. Now it feels more like a chore. Oh Mr. Man just informed me that we threw our staple gun out because it was trashed. Sure glad I asked him before spending the day going nuts looking for it! But that puts a kink in my decorating plans now.
So yesterday I was sitting here at the computer and decided to look through my archives to see what was going on a year ago. And to see what we did for Halloween last year. Before I knew it three hours had flown by. I just kept reading and reading. I was shocked at how much time flew by. I felt like I had blacked out for part of the day. It was very strange.
Well I'm off to start my day. I have plenty to do today. Happy haunting. Merry trick or treating. And all that jazz.