The 4-H Dinner
I'm excited about tomorrow. I think I've figured out what I'll wear. I returned the dress to the store today so that isn't even an option any more. With this weather I think I'd rather wear pants anyways. Basically its a matter of picking a blouse to go with my dress pants. I'm looking forward to the long limo ride and the comedy show more than the dinner. I'm sure we'll have a blast. I'm hoping it will lift my Christmas spirit some too. The following weekend we plan to get our real tree. We are also going out to a bar for some drinks and pool with a couple of friends. Something has to raise my Christmas spirit.
Tonight is not fit for man nor beast out there and yet Bear took off on me when I let him out to pee. I didn't get a chance to hook him up to the tether before he was gone.
I noticed those horses down the road were out in it too. Man that pisses me off. I hope someone calls the Humane Society again. It just isn't right. Those horses should be in a barn not standing out in the elements. Poor things. We went through this last winter and the Humane Society was called and did go out to talk to them. They tore their barn down and haven't built another one for the horses. They just leave them outside in all kinds of weather. Grrrrrrr.
Well, I'm off to find Bear or call him home and then I'm getting snuggly warm in bed. Have a great night.