No Squirrels
I do believe there's a chance of thunderstorms in the forecast for today. So Bear is acting funny, all clingy and nervous. It's times like these that I wish he could understand English, so I could just explain to him that thunder can't hurt him and there's nothing to worry about.
I'm glad I got the mowing AND raking done before any rain fell. It couldn't be avoided, I HAD to rake up the clippings this time. My back was aching last night boy.
Yesterday was a mixed bag. It was a beautiful, hot, summer day. There was a perfect breeze blowing. I live for days like that. The day started out good. I kept busy outside all morning. Then I had to get out of the heat and sun. I turned on the TV to watch my soaps and the satellite was down. Suddenly it was too quiet. I started to feel isolated and lonely. The next thing I know I'm bawling. Then I couldn't stop, it kept coming over me in waves. I started thinking about all kinds of sad things, maybe trying to justify my tears, and it just kept getting worse. It finally let up when Little R came home from school. Then I made potato salad.
Apparently I became quite accustomed to having Mr. Man here 24/7. When he's not here, I miss him, a lot. It's a completely different atmosphere when you're alone in this house.
What a life! Nothing to do but watch my gardens grow. The occasional appearance of a hummingbird for a little excitement. You know something that's kind of weird? We have NO squirrels here. Isn't that strange? In 4 years I've seen ONE chipmunk and ZERO squirrels. And I don't mean just in my yard, I mean on the whole street. There doesn't seem to be much of anything else either, like rabbits, racoons, skunks or foxes. We can even put our garbage out on Sunday night, if we're so inclined, which we all know I am not, and it won't get ripped open by wildlife. It must have something to do with the fact that we are like an island. It's one street, lined with homes, 10 - 15 down each side, not a lot of trees, and surrounded by farm fields. There's nowhere for wildlife to dwell.
And that's it, I'm off, going to photograph some more flowers.